Conversation Starters: Live Humbly

Posted by Karah

IMG_7052THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: The adage “Don’t let success go to your head” reminds us that success
has a way of changing a person. We are aware of celebrities and public figures who lost their
humility when they experienced success. The Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar focused on his
own glory and paid a price. From the story of Daniel, we discover the importance God places on
living humbly before Him, but our ultimate example of humility comes from the life and death of
Jesus Christ.

Concept: Live Humbly


2 Kings 4:1-7

LIFE POINT: A woman said to Elisha, “My husband has died. The person I owe money to is coming to take my sons.” Elisha asked her how he could help and what she had in her house. The woman replied, “All I have is a jar of oil.” Elisha told her to borrow all the empty jars. She was to start pouring oil into the empty jars. The woman and her sons did as Elisha said. As the jars filled, her sons placed them to the side and brought her more. Finally, all the jars were filled, and the oil stopped. The woman went to Elisha and told him that the jars were full. Elisha told her to sell the oil and pay what she owed.
He knew the woman and her sons could live on the money from the sale of the oil.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child list some things your family has. These could be needs or wants. Tell your
child that these things come from God. Say a prayer of thanks for the things God gives you.


Daniel 4

LIFE POINT: King Nebuchadezzar had a scary dream. Once before, He had a scary dream and Daniel told him what it meant. He called for Daniel again. The king told Daniel his dream. God helped Daniel know what the dream meant. Daniel said, “God helped you get a large kingdom. You think you did it by yourself. In a while, you will be driven away to live as a wild animal. When you know that God is powerful, you will have your kingdom back.” A year later, the king thought to himself, “I made this
wonderful city!” The king heard a message from heaven. Then he was driven away and lived like a wild animal. After some time, the king knew that God was in charge. He praised God. He stopped being like a wild animal. He got his kingdom back.

LIVE IT OUT: Assist your child in listing some of his accomplishments. Pray together, thanking God for
giving him the abilities to achieve.


Daniel 4:28-35

THE POINT: Pride leads to downfall, but God honors humility. When have you been humbled
by someone or something? How can we encourage one another in greater submission to God?
Discuss the following quote:

“Humility means reveling in His grace, not our goodness.”1 —John Piper

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Reconciliation:
• Share with them how you’ve seen God glorified through your reconciliation with other people.

If he or she plans to complete Picture of Humility:
• Your student may find it difficult or awkward to humble themselves before others. Pray for them that they may have the humility and courage to be humble.

1. John Piper, “Let the Nations Be Glad! Quotes,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 16 March 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Pray Fervently

Posted by Karah

IMG_3581THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: It’s common for all of us—even non-Christians—to pray and ask God for help when a problem arises. That’s OK, because God invites us to pray and talk with Him. But we should ask ourselves: am I seeking God or am I just seeking an answer from Him? Daniel and his friends needed God’s help. They prayed, God answered, and Daniel kept the focus on God—not just on the answer He gave. God had a plan for Daniel, and He has a plan for us. He is trustworthy, and we can count on Him to lead us.

Concept: Pray Fervently


1 Kings 17:1-16

LIFE POINT: Elijah told King Ahab that God said there would be no rain until God sent
it. God told Elijah to go and hide near the small stream. God sent Elijah food. God told Elijah to go to the town of Zarephath. God said to find a widow lady who would help. Elijah found the woman and asked for water and bread. Elijah told the woman to make him a loaf first and then a loaf for her son and her. Elijah said that God would give
flour and oil until it rained again. The woman did what Elijah told her to do. She and her
son had enough food to eat each day. She did not run out of flour or oil, just as God promised.

LIVE IT OUT: Assist your child in making a book. Fold two sheets of paper together to make a book shape. Provide markers and stickers. Draw pictures with your child of things God gives us.


Daniel 2

LIFE POINT: The king was worried. He had a bad dream. He asked his wise men to
tell him what the dream meant. He even asked them to tell what he had dreamed!
The wise men could not tell the king what he dreamed. Daniel asked his friends to pray with him. They prayed that Daniel would know the dream. That very night God told Daniel the dream and helped him understand what the dream meant. Daniel said, “O King, God has shown me your dream.” Daniel told what the dream was and what it meant. The king praised Daniel’s God!

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child understand that God communicates with people through their prayers. Work with your child to compose a special prayer to God.


Daniel 2:13-21,26-28A

THE POINT: Our prayers connect us with God’s plan. When have you encountered the
power of prayer? How can we more fully incorporate prayer into your life? Discuss the following quote:

“I realized that the deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way… but by His making us wait …until we are able to honestly pray what He taught His disciples to pray: Thy will be done.”1 —Elisabeth Elliot

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are
some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Prayer Partner:
• Be intentional about asking your student what he or she needs prayer for.
• Offer to join in on your student’s prayer time. Designate a time each week for you and your student to commune with God and lift up others in prayer.

If he or she plans to complete The Lord’s Prayer:
• Model the importance of prayer to your student by making prayer a priority in your life.

1. Elisabeth Elliot, “Elisabeth Elliot > Quotes,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 16 March 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Higher Standard

Posted by Karah

IMG_1471THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We have all assimilated to some degree to the culture we live in. Our understanding, customs, and traditions all grow out of our culture. That’s not necessarily bad, but it becomes an issue when those customs and practices conflict with the biblical standards to which God calls us. The Book of Daniel shows us a man who had convictions and lived out those convictions in a culture that called for a different standard. Likewise, Christ calls us to live to a different standard in our daily lives.

Concept: Higher Standard


Daniel 1:1-20

LIFE POINT: Daniel, his three friends, and other men lived in the palace with King Nebuchadnezzar. The men were learning to be the king’s helpers. The king wanted all of the men to eat the same kind of food that he ate. Daniel knew the
kinds of food God wanted him to eat. Daniel wanted to obey God and eat the right kinds of food instead of the king’s food. Daniel asked the king’s helper if he and his friends could eat only vegetables and drink only water. After 10 days, Daniel and his friends were healthier than the other men. The king was pleased that they were so healthy. Daniel and his friends became the king’s best helpers. God helped Daniel and his friends learn many things.

LIVE IT OUT: Obedience is hard for some children to learn. Remember that your child is a work in progress. Pray for guidance as you teach your child. By learning to obey parents, children learn to obey God.


Daniel 1:1-20

LIFE POINT: Daniel and his three friends were taken from their homes to a strange
land. They were given new names and a new language. The king’s servant brought food from the king for Daniel and his friends. Daniel knew the food had not been prepared as God had commanded His people to prepare food. Daniel challenged the king’s helper to a test. Daniel and his friends would drink only water for 10 days. They would eat only vegetables for 10 days. Then the helper could decide if they
looked healthy. After 10 days, Daniel and his friends looked better than all
the others! The helper kept bringing them the food they asked for.

LIVE IT OUT: Talk to your child about ways to honor God. Emphasize that one way to honor God is to obey Him. Pray with your child that she will honor God in many ways.


Daniel 1:3-5, 8-13, 17-19

THE POINT: Live your life with uncompromising conviction. When have you felt like you were going against the flow? How might others benefit when you stand your ground?
Discuss the following quote:

“Having convictions can be defined as being so thoroughly convinced that Christ and His Word are both objectively true … that you act on your
beliefs regardless of the consequences.”1 —Josh McDowell

LIVE IT OUT: Your student has been encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Character of Christ:
• Encourage your student to memorize Romans 12:2 as a reminder to pursue Christ, not the things of this world.

If he or she plans to complete Stand on Truth:
• Point out that Scripture can be especially helpful in reminding us of God’s love and faithfulness when we are going through trials. Consider sharing a personal story
that demonstrates this truth.

1. Josh McDowell, “Quotes About Conviction,” Christian Quotes [onine], [accessed 16 March 2015]. Available from the Internet: topic/quotes-aboutconviction/# ixzz3QayxxEIo

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Conversation Starters: God’s Promise of a New Home

Posted by Karah

_MG_0844THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: None of us have an idyllic life. We’re pulled down by failures,
disappointing relationships, and problems in a world full of sin and insecurity. Thankfully, this world is not all there is. The closing chapters of the Book of Revelation show us that God provides a permanent home where He will dwell with those in His family. It is a home with no health issues, insecurities, or sin. In Christ, we are promised the perfect home with Him.

Concept: God’s Promise of a New Home


2 Samuel 5-8

LIFE POINT: David became king over all of Israel. David took over Jerusalem and lived there. When some people (Philistines) heard David was king of Israel, they decided to fight against him. David asked God if he should fight them. God told him “Yes.” God led the Israelites to win the fight. David led the people to worship God. David and all of the
Israelite people were happy when the box with God’s rules (ark of the covenant) was carried into Jerusalem. The people played musical instruments while David danced. David gave things to God in love and thankfulness and said good words about the people to God.

LIVE IT OUT: Tape a photo of your child onto a piece of construction paper. Let her decorate around the picture using markers. Print I am special to God at the top of the page. Display the picture where your child can see it.


2 Samuel 5-8

LIFE POINT: After Saul died, the leaders came to David. “God said that you should be our king,” they said. They crowned David as their king. David led the army in many battles. He was brave and smart. He trusted God to help him. He took care of his people. David led his people to bring the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem. David helped the people worship God. He praised God. He gave offerings. He gathered things for the building of a place to worship God.

LIVE IT OUT: Did you know that God has a plan for your child’s life? Help your child know that God’s plan is for everyone to know Jesus and accept God’s forgiveness. Help your child think about other plans God may have for his life.


Revelation 21:1-8

THE POINT: A life in Christ means a life with Christ forever. What tough experiences have you had that make you look forward to heaven? How can the truths we read
about heaven influence our lives now? Discuss the following quote:

“My home is in Heaven. I’m just traveling through this world.”1 —Billy Graham

LIVE IT OUT: Your student has been encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Eternal Perspective:
• Share a prayer of thankfulness with your student.

If he or she plans to complete Eternity-Focused:
• Adopt an eternity-focused perspective in your family by serving together.

1. Billy Graham, “Billy Graham > Quotes,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 16 March 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: God’s Promise of Victory

Posted by Karah

IMG_2618THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: All of us would love a life where everything turns out just as we desire. Unfortunately, reality paints a different picture. Sometimes what we encounter is a minor inconvenience, and sometimes it is a life-changing catastrophe. Regardless of our circumstances, we can still experience good things from God. In fact, God can use those very difficulties to work His goodness into our lives.

Concept: God’s Promise of Victory


1 Samuel 24

LIFE POINT: King Saul went to look for David. Saul entered a cave. Saul did not know
David and his men were hiding in the back of the cave. David quietly cut off part of Saul’s robe without Saul knowing it. David called out to Saul and said, “The people said that I want to hurt you. I will not hurt you because God chose you to be king. Look, part of your robe is missing because I cut it off. Saul, know I have done nothing to you.”
Saul called out to David and then cried. Saul told David that David did a kind thing by not hurting him. Saul told David that he would be the next king. Saul asked David
not to hurt his family. David promised to never hurt Saul’s family, and then Saul returned home.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child make a list of people who are special to him. After writing the list, read aloud each name saying, “God loves [name of person].”


1 Samuel 24

LIFE POINT: King Saul wanted to kill David. Saul took his army to find David in the desert. King Saul went into a cave alone. He did not know that David and his men were hiding in the back of the cave. David quietly sneaked up to Saul and cut off part of Saul’s robe. When Saul left the cave, David called to him. “I did no harm to you, but I could have done so.” David showed the cloth he had cut. “You have done good to me. May God reward you. I know you will be king one day. Promise that you will care for my
family,” Saul said. David promised to do what Saul asked.

LIVE IT OUT: Have you ever had to make a decision that was hard? Discuss one with your child. Help her to see that God will guide her through her decisions, even when
they are hard.


Romans 8:28-39

THE POINT: God’s goodness and love overcome life’s difficulties. When has something seemed too good to be true in your life? What are some things you have thought could separate you from God’s love? Discuss the following quote:

“There is One who remains faithful even when we doubt. One who is a firm foundation when our steps falter. One who holds on even when we let go. Keep your eyes on Him … ”1 —J.D. Greear

LIVE IT OUT: Your student has been encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Overcome:
• Make your note cards for your student and place them in their cars, lunches, or backpacks as an encouraging reminder that God’s goodness will overcome.

If he or she plans to complete Loving Reminders:
• As a family, make “loving reminder” note cards and choose a person (or people) to whom you will give these out.
• Discuss with your student the importance of loving others as Christ loves us.

1. J.D. Greear, “J.D. Greear > Quotes,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 16 March 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Promise of Answered Prayer

Posted by Karah

_MG_5461THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: The majority of Americans claim to pray. We seek God’s assistance or intervention for everything imaginable, but not every prayer is answered as desired. God is not reluctant to hear us or answer us, but He knows our hearts and what we truly need. Jesus taught us to pray with persistence and trust that our heavenly Father will answer.

Concept: God’s Promise of Answered Prayer


1 Samuel 17:12-50

LIFE POINT: Three of David’s brothers were soldiers in King Saul’s army. David’s father, Jesse, told David to take food to his brothers. David found his brothers and gave them food. While there, David heard the Philistine giant, Goliath, talk
mean to the Israelites. The men backed away from the giant. David learned about the things the king promised to anyone who took down Goliath. David told the king he would fight Goliath. David picked up five smooth stones. David put a stone
in his sling and swung it. He let the stone go. The stone hit Goliath in the forehead. Goliath fell to the ground. David brought down Goliath and saved the Israelite people.

LIVE IT OUT: Print the word HELP in the center of a sheet of paper. Read the word to your child. Say, “God helps you.” Let your child decorate the word with crayons and stickers.


1 Samuel 17:1-50

LIFE POINT: David took food to his brothers in the army. He heard the giant Goliath talking to the army. “Send someone out to fight me. If they win, we will serve you. If I win, you will serve us.” No one wanted to fight Goliath. He was over 9 feet tall!
David decided to fight the giant. He couldn’t wear the king’s armor because it was too big. Instead, he picked up five small stones and carried his sling. David slung a stone. It hit Goliath’s forehead. The giant fell to the ground. David killed Goliath and won the fight.

LIVE IT OUT: Share with your child times when you have felt God’s presence during trouble. List some times that your child feels are hard for him. Help him to pray and ask for God’s guidance and presence during those times.


Luke 11:5-13

THE POINT: God always answers persistent prayer. When have you found it pays to
be persistent? How can we be patient, yet persistent in our relationship with God?
Discuss the following quote:

“Storms can bring fear, cloud judgment, and create confusion. Yet God promises that as you seek Him through prayer, He will give you wisdom to know how to proceed …”1 —Paul Chappell

LIVE IT OUT: Your student is encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Communing with God:
• Discuss with your student different distractions that keep us from communing with God.

If he or she plans to complete Fervent prayer:
• Encourage your student to evaluate whether he or she is truly making prayer a priority.
• Pray with your student on a regular basis, and point out to him or her when you see God’s faithfulness through an answered prayer

1. Paul Chappell, “Quotes About Prayer,” Christian Quotes [onine], [accessed 16 March 2015]. Available from the Internet: w

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Conversation Starters: Promise of Provision

Posted by Karah

IMG_9128THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We don’t always make wise or correct decisions. When we discover our error or sin, how should we respond? Psalm 34 shows us that God responds to us when we turn to Him for help and deliverance. Life under God’s care is good because He provides all we truly need. In His love and faithfulness to us, God provides.

Concept: Promise of Provision


1 Samuel 16; Psalm 23

LIFE POINT: Saul was sad because God was no longer pleased with him as king. Saul’s helpers said, “Let us look for someone to play the lyre for you. The music will make you feel better.” One of Saul’s helpers told him about David who played the lyre. David came to live with Saul and became one of his helpers. Whenever Saul was sad, David played the lyre for the king. Saul felt better when David played music.
David often used music to sing prayers to God. Psalm 23 is one of David’s prayers:
The Lord is my shepherd. I have everything I need. God is with me every day. I never have to be afraid. God will love me all the days of my life. I will worship God forever.

LIVE IT OUT: Use a cardboard tube to whisper into your child’s ear. Say something like “God loves you” or “God helps you.” Ask if she could hear what you said. Comment that God always hears our prayers.


1 Samuel 16; Psalm 23

LIFE POINT: David was the youngest son of Jesse. David’s job was to take care of the sheep. He took the sheep to green grass and clear water. He kept the sheep safe from wild animals. When David was still a boy, God chose him to be the next king of Israel. David had to wait until he was older to be the king. King Saul’s servants knew David played a harp. They brought David to play the harp for the king. David wrote Psalm 23 praising God for taking care of him as a shepherd cares for his sheep.

LIVE IT OUT: Talk with your child about some requests she might make to God in prayer. Discuss with her how best to pray for each of the requests. Help her understand that God always answers prayer but not always in the way we want.


Psalm 34:1-14

THE POINT: God provides for those who choose to live under His care. When and how has God responded to your needs? What does it mean to taste God’s goodness?
Discuss the following quote:

“…He longs to relieve our worries and has promised to supply our most fundamental needs.”1 —Charles R. Swindoll

LIVE IT OUT: Your student has been encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Prayer Partner:
• Share with him or her how you’ve seen God’s faithfulness in your life.

If he or she plans to complete Encouragement Jar:
• Have your student write down way God has been faithful to them on slips of paper, then put them in an Encouragement Jar. Parents participate in this as well.
• After a few weeks, gather together and pull out your slips of paper. As a family, take some time to thank God for His faithfulness in your lives.

1. Charles R. Swindoll, “Quotes About Provision,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 16 March 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Promise of Eternal Life

Posted by Karah

IMG_2572THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Accomplishments, relationships, and possessions can make us feel happy for a while, but those things can’t ultimately satisfy us. However, the life Jesus offers us goes beyond a transient good feeling; the life He offers promises—and delivers—an abundant life that never ends.

Concept: God’s Promise of Eternal Life


1 Samuel 14:49; 18:1-4; 20

LIFE POINT: David went to speak with King Saul. Saul had David stay and live at the palace instead of returning home. David and Jonathan became best friends. The men promised to always be friends. Later, King Saul became angry with David and wanted
to hurt him. David told Jonathan about his father. Jonathan promised to help David.
Jonathan knew that David would have to leave to be safe. Jonathan went to the field and talked with David. The friends said good-bye to each other. Both men remembered
their promise to help one another.

LIVE IT OUT: Name some friends your child has. These could be children he knows or adult friends like teachers at church. Comment that these friends love your child and they love Jesus. King Saul had several children. One of his sons was named Jonathan.


1 Samuel 14:49; 18:1-4; 20

LIFE POINT: Jonathan and David were best friends. One day Jonathan gave his friend a robe, a sword, a bow, a belt, and a tunic. Jonathan’s father, King Saul, became jealous and wanted to kill David. Jonathan promised to find out what King Saul planned to do. David would hide in a field. Jonathan would signal with arrows. Jonathan shot an arrow. He called to his servant, “The arrow is beyond you!” That was the signal that David was not safe. The two men promised to stay friends. They promised to care for each other and for each other’s families.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child make a list of friends. Include friends from school, church, and the neighborhood. Explain that the best way to love a person is to tell him about Jesus. Challenge him to share that message with those friends.


1 John 5:6-13

THE POINT: You were created for eternal life in Christ. Why is it sometimes hard for
people to believe that faith in Jesus is enough for salvation? What does 1 John 5:6-13 teach us about Jesus? Discuss the following quote:

“God destines us for an end beyond the grasp of reason.”1 —Thomas Aquinas

LIVE IT OUT: Your student has been encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Eternal Perspective:
• Create your own lists of the things heaven will offer and be free from.
• Share those lists with your student.

If he or she plans to complete Romans Road:
• Challenge your student to memorize the “Romans Road.”
• Place note cards with each verse on it throughout your house as a study help.

1. Thomas Aquinas, “Quotes About Heaven,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 16 March 2015]. Available from the Internet: topic/quotes-aboutheaven/# ixzz3Qarw4gyK

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Conversation Starters: Promise of Faithfulness

Posted by Karah

IMG_7649THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We live in a society in which commitments and vows are regularly broken. Circumstances and life situations change, and people walk away from a commitment or agreement. Sometimes we “break faith” in a relationship simply because we’ve changed our minds or our feelings. Fortunately, God is not like us. God keeps His word to us and Psalm 89 gives us cause to celebrate God’s faithfulness.

Concept: God’s Promise of Faithfulness


1 Samuel 9; 10; 11:12-15; 13:1-15; 15

LIFE POINT: A man named Saul went to look for lost donkeys for his father. While looking, he spoke to Samuel, the church helper (priest). Saul hoped Samuel could help him find the donkeys. Instead, Samuel told him the donkeys were safe and invited
him to a special feast (dinner). God promised the Israelites a king. Samuel poured oil
over Saul’s head and Saul became the king. Saul chose not to follow Samuel’s instructions from God. Because he chose to not obey, Saul’s children could not
become the next kings.

LIVE IT OUT: Make a promise to your child about something you will do later. When you do what you promised, comment that God always keeps His promises.


1 Samuel 9; 10; 11:12-15; 13:1-15; 15

LIFE POINT: One day, Samuel poured oil on Saul’s head. “God has chosen you to be king.” Later, Saul did become king. Saul prepared to lead the army in a mighty battle. Samuel told Saul to wait for him. Samuel would make offerings to God for the army. Saul got tired of waiting. He made the offerings himself. Samuel was angry. “Why didn’t you trust God? God will punish you.” God told Saul not to take anything from a battle. King Saul chose to take the best things from the enemy. God was not pleased. God decided to make someone else the king.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child remember God’s faithfulness. Challenge her to memorize Psalm 89:1. Encourage her to print it on a poster board and decorate the sign to remind her of God’s faithfulness and love.


Psalm 89:1-2, 5-8, 15-18

THE POINT: God is faithful in every circumstance. How has God kept His promises
to you? What are some things we can do to increase our trust in God? Discuss the following quote:

“… What modern believers can learn from the patience of biblical saints like Abraham, Joseph, David, and Paul is that waiting upon the Lord has eternal rewards.”1 —Charles Stanley

LIVE IT OUT: Your student has been encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete He Is Faithful:
• Share with your student how God has faithfully kept His promises in your life.

If he or she plans to complete List of Gratefulness:
• Work with your student to list a few things they can be grateful for today.
• Discuss with your student why a heart of gratitude is honoring to the Lord.

1. Charles Stanley, “Promises Quotes,” Brainy Quote, [accessed 13 March 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Hospitality

Posted by Karah

IMG_6605THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: The best parties have little to do with food or activities. They’re about the people. Think back to your favorite celebration and you’ll likely be flooded with memories of friends and family. Maybe you received an awesome gift, but the memories have more to do with people than the stuff you received. Life is meant to be shared. Hospitality. Friendship. Fellowship. All these experiences point us to God’s kingdom. Jesus, who was constantly interacting with people over dinners and parties, teaches us we can use these moments to extend the kingdom of God to others.

Concept: Hospitality


Acts 16:11-15

LIFE POINT: Paul was a missionary (someone who goes and tells about Jesus). He and his friends traveled by boat to a big city. They wanted to tell people in the city about Jesus. Paul and his friends left the city and walked down to the river. A group of women were seated by the river. They had gathered to pray. Paul and his friends sat with the women and told them about Jesus. One of the women, named Lydia, sold purple cloth as her job. Lydia listened to what Paul said. She believed what Paul said about Jesus.
Lydia asked Paul and his friends to come to her house, and they did.

LIVE IT OUT: If your child is old enough, tell him to invite a friend to church. The friends can have a good time learning about Jesus together.


Acts 16:11-15

LIFE POINT: Paul and his friends traveled to Philippi. On the Sabbath, they looked for a place to pray with others. They went outside the city to the river. They found a group of women praying beside the river. Paul and the men with him sat down. Paul began to tell the women about Jesus. Lydia was a believer in God, but she needed to know about Jesus. Because Lydia and her family trusted Jesus as Savior, they were baptized.
Lydia said to Paul, “If you believe I have trusted Jesus, come and stay at my house.”
Paul and his friends went to her house to stay.

LIVE IT OUT: Challenge your child to memorize Deuteronomy 5:32. Tell him that knowing this verse and calling it to mind will help him follow Jesus’ example on how to


Luke 14:12-24

THE POINT: Hospitality is an easy way to show people Jesus. What do you enjoy most about having friends over? Talk about ways to make entertaining friends both memorable and meaningful. Discuss this quote:

“Hospitality . . . means primarily the creation of a free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend. . . . Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place..”1 — Henri Nouwen

LIVE IT OUT: Your student is encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Invite the Outcast:
• Talk with your student about the people who are considered outcasts in their circles—school, church, sports.
• Pray together, asking the Lord to give your student strength and courage to reach out to someone on the fringe.

If he or she plans to complete Switch It Up:
• List some practical ways that you as a family can be hospitable to those around you. After you’ve written out your ideas, make plans to carry them out.

1. Henri J.M. Nouwen, Reaching Out (New York: Doubleday, 2013), 71.

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