Conversation Starters: I Am Wonderfully Made
Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: The Bible helps people know the value of life.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Culture gives lip service to the value of life, but we deem some people more important because of what they contribute to society. Even on a personal level, we may feel more or less valued based on our appearance or what we do in our church, workplace, or community. And society sends this skewed message about the unborn, disabled, and elderly. Psalm 139 points us to an all-knowing, all-loving God who values each one of us.
Concept: I Am Wonderfully Made
Daniel 6
LIFE POINT: Daniel was a man who followed God. King Darius planned to put Daniel in charge of all the land. The other leaders did not like this. The men went to the king and told him to make a law that no one could worship or pray to God. If anyone broke this law, he would be put in the lions’ den. Daniel heard the law. But Daniel knew he should worship and pray to God. The other leaders told the king about Daniel. The king knew that Daniel had to go into the lions’ den. “May your God protect you,” the king said to Daniel. Daniel was put into the lions’ den. The next morning, Darius rushed to the den. He called out to Daniel. Daniel said, “God protected me from the lions.” Darius was happy that Daniel was safe! Darius wrote a law for all people to obey God.
LIVE IT OUT: Ask your child to name some things the Bible tells us to do, such as love God, love others, be kind, and love Jesus. Review the Bible story of Daniel in the lions’ den. Comment that Daniel knew the right thing to do.
Daniel 6
LIFE POINT: The king wanted to put Daniel in charge of all the land. The other workers were jealous. They formed a plan. They went to the king. “We think that no one should pray to anyone but you for 30 days!” they said. “If someone does, throw him into the lions’ den!” The king signed a law that could not be changed. Daniel heard the law, but chose to obey God. He continued to pray to God. The other workers told the king. The king was upset because he didn’t want to throw Daniel into the lions’ den. Men put Daniel in with the lions and rolled a stone over the door. The king sealed the opening. He was upset could not sleep. The next morning, the king hurried to the lions’ den. He called out to Daniel and Daniel answered. God had saved Daniel. The king was happy! He praised Daniel’s God as the living God.
LIVE IT OUT: How can you help your child be an example to others? Discuss ways he can let others see his integrity and obedience to God in his everyday life. This can provide an opportunity to talk to others about how the Bible guides a Christian’s life.
Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18
THE POINT: Every life counts—including mine.
• What is something you’ve made with your own hands?
• How does it make you feel to know that God is aware of every aspect of your life?
• Where in our culture do we see life being devalued or disrespected?
• How does knowing we are fearfully and wonderfully made impact the way you see yourself and others? Discuss the following quote:
“Without a purpose, life is motion without meaning, activity without direction, and events without reason.” (1)—Rick Warren
LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Discuss with your student the idea that long before they were loved by you, he or she was loved by God and was created by God for His purposes.
• COMMUNITY: Help your student to memorize Psalm 139:13-14 this week. Practice each night before bed and pray that the words would settle in your hearts and help you to better see the world around you.
• CULTURE: Consider ways you and your student can help people in your community to feel loved. Follow through on your ideas and spread love to those that feel unlovable.
(1) Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2012) 40
Posted in Just For Parents | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Conversation Starters, Ridgecrest Summer Camps