Conversation Starters: Promise of Faithfulness

Posted by Karah

IMG_7649THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We live in a society in which commitments and vows are regularly broken. Circumstances and life situations change, and people walk away from a commitment or agreement. Sometimes we “break faith” in a relationship simply because we’ve changed our minds or our feelings. Fortunately, God is not like us. God keeps His word to us and Psalm 89 gives us cause to celebrate God’s faithfulness.

Concept: God’s Promise of Faithfulness


1 Samuel 9; 10; 11:12-15; 13:1-15; 15

LIFE POINT: A man named Saul went to look for lost donkeys for his father. While looking, he spoke to Samuel, the church helper (priest). Saul hoped Samuel could help him find the donkeys. Instead, Samuel told him the donkeys were safe and invited
him to a special feast (dinner). God promised the Israelites a king. Samuel poured oil
over Saul’s head and Saul became the king. Saul chose not to follow Samuel’s instructions from God. Because he chose to not obey, Saul’s children could not
become the next kings.

LIVE IT OUT: Make a promise to your child about something you will do later. When you do what you promised, comment that God always keeps His promises.


1 Samuel 9; 10; 11:12-15; 13:1-15; 15

LIFE POINT: One day, Samuel poured oil on Saul’s head. “God has chosen you to be king.” Later, Saul did become king. Saul prepared to lead the army in a mighty battle. Samuel told Saul to wait for him. Samuel would make offerings to God for the army. Saul got tired of waiting. He made the offerings himself. Samuel was angry. “Why didn’t you trust God? God will punish you.” God told Saul not to take anything from a battle. King Saul chose to take the best things from the enemy. God was not pleased. God decided to make someone else the king.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child remember God’s faithfulness. Challenge her to memorize Psalm 89:1. Encourage her to print it on a poster board and decorate the sign to remind her of God’s faithfulness and love.


Psalm 89:1-2, 5-8, 15-18

THE POINT: God is faithful in every circumstance. How has God kept His promises
to you? What are some things we can do to increase our trust in God? Discuss the following quote:

“… What modern believers can learn from the patience of biblical saints like Abraham, Joseph, David, and Paul is that waiting upon the Lord has eternal rewards.”1 —Charles Stanley

LIVE IT OUT: Your student has been encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete He Is Faithful:
• Share with your student how God has faithfully kept His promises in your life.

If he or she plans to complete List of Gratefulness:
• Work with your student to list a few things they can be grateful for today.
• Discuss with your student why a heart of gratitude is honoring to the Lord.

1. Charles Stanley, “Promises Quotes,” Brainy Quote, [accessed 13 March 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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