Conversation Starters: Think Commitments Through

Posted by Karah

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We live in a culture of instant gratification. We don’t like to wait, and we want things now. Credit cards and loans can make it easy to get something now, even if we can’t afford it yet. Although a debt may seem manageable now, circumstances can quickly change and work against us. The Bible offers dire warning and shows us the consequences of foolishly going into debt or taking on financial obligations irresponsibly.

Concept: Think Commitments Through


Matthew 5:1-2; 6:25-34

LIFE POINT: Jesus was the best teacher. He could tell people about God’s love so they could understand. One day He was with a group of people on the side of a mountain. He sat down with them. Jesus began, “Don’t be afraid that you will not have enough food to eat or enough water to drink. Also, don’t be afraid that you will not have clothes to wear. God knows what you need, and He will give you what you need.” Jesus used stories about His creation to help the people understand. He reminded them how God feeds birds. God also makes flowers beautiful, and they don’t have to worry about how they look. Jesus told the people that just like God takes care of all of His creation, He will take care of people.
Jesus wants people to remember that God knows what we need. God loves us. He wants us to be happy with what He gives.

LIVE IT OUT: Ask your child to name his favorite toy or book. Then ask him to name a favorite friend or family member. Talk about favorite foods your child likes to eat. Comment that God gives all good things. Pray, thanking God for what He gives.


Luke 12:13-21

LIFE POINT: A man asked Jesus to make his brother share his wealth and property with him. Jesus told the crowd, “Don’t be greedy. Your life is more than what you own.” Then Jesus told this story: A rich man’s land grew a big crop of grain. The man thought, “What should I do? I don’t have any place to store my grain. I know! I will tear down my barns. I will build bigger barns. I can store my grain in them. Then I will tell myself, ‘You have enough to last many years. Take life easy!’ ” Then God spoke to the rich man. “You are foolish. You will die tonight. Then who will own the grain? That’s what happens when men think more about their wealth than they do about God!”

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child memorize Hebrews 13:5. As you read the verse together, assist your child in understanding that God should be the most important part of his life.


Proverbs 6:1-5; 22:7

THE POINT: Evaluate commitments now, so you aren’t over committed later. Why are so many people willing to over commit their time? How do we navigate the tension between avoiding entanglements and wanting to help those in need? How can obeying the principles in these passages free us to serve and honor God in our daily lives? Discuss the following quote:

“All these toys were never intended to possess my heart. My true good is in another world, and my only real treasure is Christ.”1 —C.S. Lewis

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do the both Live It Out activity. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete the Daily Reading:
• Take time to discuss your student’s scripture readings from this week.

1. C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain (New York: HarperCollins, 1940).

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Conversation Starters: Only God Brings Lasting Satisfaction

Posted by Karah

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: In our current economy, no one is guaranteed a “sure” thing. The economy can falter. A secure job this year may not be so secure next year. All these reason can motivate us to earn and build as large of a financial nest egg as possible. Nothing we try to do, though, offers us complete security. The Bible directs us to have the right perspective on our money and look to God for the security we need.

Concept: Only God Brings Lasting Satisfaction


Mark 10:17-27

LIFE POINT: A man hurried up to Jesus one day with a big question. The man asked, “What can I do to learn how God wants me to live?” Jesus answered the man by telling him that he needed to follow God’s laws. The man told Jesus he always did so. Jesus knew the man had a lot of money and possessions. Jesus told him to go home, sell everything he had, and give the money to the poor. He then told the man to come back and follow Him. This answer made the man very sad. He loved his money and things more than he wanted to become a follower of Jesus. He left Jesus and went home unhappy. Jesus turned to His disciples and reminded them that money and things can get in the way of loving and following God. He told them they could make right choices about loving Jesus and understanding what Jesus would do for them.

LIVE IT OUT: In the center of a sheet of paper, write the name Jesus. Give your preschooler stickers
and crayons to decorate the page. Talk about how much Jesus loves her. Tell her God wants people to
love Jesus.


Mark 10:17-27

LIFE POINT: One day, a rich young man came to Jesus. “What must I do to have eternal life?” he asked.
Jesus reminded the man of God’s laws: “Don’t murder. Keep your marriage promises. Don’t steal. Don’t lie. Don’t trick others. Honor your parents.” “I have done all these things,” the man said. Jesus loved the man. He said, “Do this. Sell everything you have and give the money to the poor. Then, follow Me.” The rich man was very sad. He walked away from Jesus. Then Jesus told His followers, “A person can only enter the kingdom of God with God’s help. God can do all things.” Peter said, “We have given up everything to follow You.” “Those who give up things for Me will gain even more,” answered Jesus.

LIVE IT OUT: Does your child have too much “stuff”? Suggest that your child give away some items as a way of remembering we should love Jesus more than our possessions.


Proverbs 23:4-5; 30:5-9

THE POINT: Contentment and security rest in God, not in our accomplishments. How would you summarize our culture’s view of possessions and being content? If God’s Word is reliable, why do we
often struggle to follow its truth? How would you describe a lifestyle of godly contentment in today’s
culture? Discuss the following quote:

“You say, ‘If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied.’ You make a mistake. If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were
doubled.”1 — Charles Spurgeon

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do the Live It Out activity. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete the Daily Reading:
• Take time to discuss your student’s scripture readings from this week.


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Conversation Starters: Transformed in My Choices

Posted by Karah

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Our culture overwhelms us with choices. Even soft drink vending machines in restaurants are now offering up to 127 choices. Choices may encourage our individuality, but choices—especially too many choices—can be stressful. The biggest choice we must make, however, does not need to be hard. Life boils down to one choice with two options: take the road that leads to life in Christ or take the road that leads to destruction.

Concept: Transformed in My Choices


Ezra 2:1, 68-70; 3:1-13

LIFE POINT: God’s people had disobeyed God and had been taken away from Jerusalem. They were sad and wanted to go back home. God made a way for all of these people to go back home. They were so glad to go back where they had once lived, but they were sad when they saw how God’s temple had been torn down. They began to make plans to rebuild the temple. They started working with people who knew how to build with stone and wood. They worked hard to get a new floor in place for the temple. Once the work was done, the church helpers led the people to sing songs. They let God know how much they loved Him and how glad they were that He keeps His promises. They made music with trumpets and cymbals. They sang loudly. They thanked God for taking care of them.

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your child to sing songs of praise to God. Play music in the car while driving or at home while working. Let your child hear you sing songs of praise, and he will sing along.


Ezra 2:1, 68-70; 3:1-13

LIFE POINT: Some people sang. Some people shouted. They were all happy. The temple was being built again! The people who came back to Jerusalem had been sad. The temple had been torn down. Some of the men rebuilt the altar. Now people could bring special offerings to God. They began celebrating the special days God had given them. They brought offerings. They started rebuilding the temple. As soon as the foundation was made, the people sang for joy. The temple helpers played trumpets. Some played cymbals. Everyone gave thanks to God. They praised God for loving them. The people gave a great shout of praise that could be heard far away!

LIVE IT OUT: We can worship God by singing to Him. Remind your child that the Book of Psalms is a book of songs. Help your child memorize Psalm 9:2 and set the words of the verse to music. Sing this song together to worship God.


Matthew 7:13-27

THE POINT: Choose to follow Jesus. What have you found difficult about the road that leads to life? What does God’s Word say our role is in producing fruit? What are some difficult “foundation”
choices you are facing right now? Discuss the following quote:

“God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.”1 —C.S. Lewis

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do the Live It Out activity. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete the Daily Reading:
• Take time to discuss your student’s scripture readings from this week.

1. C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (New York: HarperCollins, 1952) 50

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Conversation Starters: Transformed in My Actions

Posted by Karah

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Tolerance is a word that gets tossed around a lot by both Christians and non-Christians, even though both sides have differing definitions for tolerance. In spite of the high value placed on tolerance, we still tend to judge people and criticize their opinions or behavior. Jesus calls us to a far higher standard. Even if our viewpoint is the correct one, Jesus calls us to treat people as we desire to be treated.

Concept: Transformed in My Actions


2 Chronicles 24:1-14

LIFE POINT: On the day that Joash was seven years old, there was great excitement. The priest called the people together in the temple court, and before them all Prince Joash was crowned King of Judah. The trumpeters blew on their silver trumpets, the musicians played on harps and cymbals, and the people sang. When he was older, King Joash wanted to repair the temple. He had a wooden box made with a hole in the top. His helpers placed the box by the temple doors. The people could place money in the box to help make the temple beautiful and clean. Then Joash sent for stone workers to make the walls strong and firm. Carpenters made new doors and tables. Metal workers mended the broken ironwork. Soon the temple was strong and clean and beautiful again.

LIVE IT OUT: Include your child as you work at church. Give her jobs to do that are appropriate for her
age. Emphasize that it is people’s responsibility to take care of the church building.


2 Chronicles 23:11-13; 24:1-14

LIFE POINT: Joash became king when he was only 7 years old! The Bible says that Joash did what was right. When he was older, King Joash saw that the temple needed to be fixed. He put a special box near the temple gate. The people brought their money. They were happy to put their money into the special box. When the leaders opened the box, it was full! They set the box out again. The people kept bringing their money. Each day the box was emptied. Finally, enough money had been given to fix the temple.
The king and the head priest gave the money to the workers. The workers fixed the temple. King Joash used the rest of the money to make items needed inside the temple. The people now had a better place to worship.

LIVE IT OUT: Does your child give money to church? Think together with your child about a special
event at church that requires extra money. Help him develop a plan to donate to that cause. Remind him
that giving is a form of worship.


Matthew 7:1-12

THE POINT: How we treat others reflects our belief of how God treats us.

-What’s the difference between judging others and talking honestly about sin?
-When have you benefited from being persistent in your prayer?
-Why do we struggle to treat others the way we want to be treated?
Discuss the following quote:

“By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are.”1 — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Relationship Report:
• Talk with your student this week about the people he or she sees every day and how to pray for them.

If he or she plans to complete the Daily Reading:
• Take time to discuss your student’s scripture readings from this week.


1. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship (New York: Touchstone, 1995) 185.


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Conversation Starters: Transformed in My Plans

Posted by Karah

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Worry is never healthy, yet so many of us engage in it. Worry affects our appetites, relationships, sleep, and our ability to work. Regardless of the level worry plays in our lives, a pat response like “Don’t worry; be happy” just doesn’t cut it. Jesus gives us the solution to worry, and it’s a call to trust fully God’s care and provision.

Concept: Transformed in My Plans


2 Kings 4:8-37

LIFE POINT: Elisha was one of God’s special helpers. He walked from town to town telling people about God. Elisha often went to a town called Shunem. There he met a woman. She knew that Elisha told people about God. She invited Elisha to eat with her and her husband. Every time Elisha went to Shunem, he ate at the woman’s house. One day the woman said to her husband, “Let’s build a room for Elisha. He can stay here when he comes to town.” The woman and her husband built the room on the roof of their house. Inside the room they placed a bed, table, lamp, and chair. When Elisha returned to Shunem, the woman and her husband showed Elisha the new room they had built for him. Now Elisha
had a special place to rest when he came to town. Elisha knew the woman and her husband were his friends.

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your child to help around the house. Assign duties that correspond to his age.
Thank him often for helping. Say: “When you help, you are doing what the Bible says.”


2 Kings 4:8-37

LIFE POINT: A woman said to her husband, “I know Elisha is a man of God. Let’s make him a room. We can put a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp in it. When he comes to town, he can stay in the room.” The couple built the room on the roof of their house. One day when Elisha came to stay he asked the woman, “What can I do for you? You have done so much for me!” The woman did not ask for anything. Elisha’s servant reminded Elisha that she had no son. So Elisha promised the woman a son. The woman had a baby boy. He grew and went into the fields with his father. One day, the boy felt sick. The father sent him
home. When the boy got home, he grew worse and died. The woman brought Elisha to her home. Elisha prayed over the boy. Suddenly, the boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes! “Here is your son!” Elisha told the woman.

LIVE IT OUT: Choose a person in your church or neighborhood who needs help. Lead your child in
planning a way to help this person, whether it is by taking them a meal, doing yard work, or other loving
action. Remind your child that another way to worship God is by helping others.


Matthew 6:25-34

THE POINT: Faith in God to provide all I need opposes worry. What are your biggest worries? How do we know when we’ve crossed the line from reasonable concern to harmful worry? How do you feel when you think about how well God knows you? Discuss the following quote:

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”1 —Corrie ten Boom

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Stress Reliever:
• Help your student this week to go beyond reading scripture, and instead engage with God’s Word and
wisdom for us.

If he or she plans to complete the Daily Reading:
• Take time to discuss your student’s scripture readings from this week.

1. Corrie ten Boom, Clippings from My Notebook (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982).


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Conversation Starters: Transformed in My Priorities

Posted by Karah

archeryTHE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We are physical beings, and we live in a physical world. It’s natural, then, that we fill our lives with physical objects. We seek to possess things, but those things have a way of possessing us. Jesus calls us to seek a different type of treasure: treasures that last beyond this physical life. When we focus on God and follow Him, we find and invest in far greater treasures.

Concept: Transformed in My Priorities


1 Kings 17:8-24

LIFE POINT: Elijah was one of God’s helpers. God took care of Elijah. God sent him to live by a stream where he could drink water. God gave Elijah food to eat. No rain had fallen for a long time. One day the stream dried up. God told Elijah to go to a town. A woman would help him. When Elijah got to the town, a woman was gathering sticks to build a fire. “Would you bring me some water?” Elijah asked. “And
please bring me some bread.” The woman said, “I only have a little bit of flour and oil to make bread for my son and myself.” Elijah said, “Go home and make some bread for me. Then make some bread for you and your son. You will have enough flour and oil until God sends rain.” The flour and oil were not used up, just as God promised

LIVE IT OUT: Fold two pieces of paper in half to make a book. Print on the front the words God Loves
People. Print on other pages the names of people your child knows. Include your child’s name on one
page. Find pictures of each person and help her glue each picture by the name.


1 Kings 17:8-24

LIFE POINT: God told Elijah to go to a certain town. God had told a widow there to care for him. Elijah trusted God. He went to the town. He saw a widow getting wood for a fire. He asked, “Will you bring me a drink of water and some bread?” The widow replied, “I don’t have any bread. I have only a little flour and a little oil. After I feed my son one time, we will die.” Elijah said. “Bake your bread. Bring me a small loaf. God told me that your flour jar and oil jug will not empty. ” The widow made the bread. She gave some to Elijah. She and her son also ate. Day after day, there was enough. Later, the son became ill and died. Elijah took the boy to his room. He prayed and prayed. God made the boy live again. Elijah handed the son back to the widow. He said, “Your son is alive!”

LIVE IT OUT: With your child make a list of all the good things you have as a family. Include more than just material things. Remind your child that God provides things we need and we can trust Him to always care for us.


Matthew 6:19-24

THE POINT: Your relationship with God is the only thing that will last. What are your most valuable
possessions? What sign do we see in our lives when we lose our spiritual focus? When have you felt the tension of trying to serve two masters? Discuss the following quote:

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”1 —Jim Elliot

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete You’re Number One:
• Dicuss with your student ways they can make Christ a priority in every aspect of his or her life.
• Pray over these activities with your student and eliminate any that do not place Christ in the center of
his or her life.

If he or she plans to complete the Daily Reading:
• Take time to discuss your student’s scripture readings from this week.


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Protecting Children’s Privacy Online

Posted by Karah

img_6136Back in 2009 when Ridgecrest Summer Camps first began our Parent Blog, we posted about several ways you can create a cybersafe home. “This generation of parents is the first to face the challenge of helping our children make the most of their virtual space while keeping them safe in it.” (1) This rings more truly today than it did 8 years ago.

The world has rapidly changed since then, and the dangers of online activity apply to more than just what your child searches on the internet. Online bullying, predators, and in-app advertisements are one click away from accessing information about internet users, especially children. Comparitech is an online blog that has recently posted steps you can take to block unwanted contact and advertisements from the websites and apps your child might use. Since we at Ridgecrest Summer Camps want to continue partnering with you the parent as you invest in your child, we are pointing you to some professionals regarding these touchy issues.

This link will take you to a very informative blog posted by Comparitech in 2016. This guide is slightly different because it tackles the issue of online privacy which can span not only protecting children from online predators but also things like preventing identity theft (the FTC estimates that close to 3.5m children have had their SS number stolen for example) and ways to minimize the risks of the household computer becoming compromised. Take the time to read this blog and hear what the professionals have to say.

“Protecting Children’s Privacy Online- A Guide for Parents, Carers, and Educators”


Feel free to refresh your memory on other ways to create a cybersafe home that can still be applicable today. To access the blog posted by Ridgecrest Summer Camps in 2009, click the link here!



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Conversation Starters: Transformed in My Prayer

Posted by Karah

img_6510THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Perhaps the most well-known prayer is the one commonly called The Lord’s Prayer. Even people with nominal faith will recite this prayer in times of distress or as an act of piety. As “common” as this prayer is, it may also be the most misunderstood prayer. People typically go to God simply because they need something, but the model prayer Jesus gave us does not begin with us and our needs; it begins with a focus on God and His glory.

Concept: Transformed in My Prayer


1 Kings 8

LIFE POINT: The temple in Jerusalem was finished. King Solomon, who was in charge of having the temple built, planned a time of celebration and invited all of Israel. People came from far and wide to see this new building where the Israelite people could worship God. The celebration lasted for seven days. To begin this happy time, all of the church helpers carried the ark into a very special place in the temple. The ark was a large box that held the Ten Commandments. Everyone was excited. King Solomon prayed to God and thanked Him for keeping His promises. He asked God to help them obey God and keep God’s
rules. King Solomon told God that they were sorry for the times when they made wrong choices. After 14 days of celebration, all of the Israelites went home.

LIVE IT OUT: Ask your child to name things he does at church. Give him paper and crayons, and guide him to draw a picture of his favorite things to do at church. Pray and thank God for your church.


1 Kings 8

LIFE POINT: King Solomon gathered the people. The priests carried the ark and the other worship articles to the new temple. When the priests came out, a cloud filled the temple. King Solomon said, “I built this temple for You, God.” Then the king turned to the people. He told them that his father David
wanted to build the temple. God’s plan instead was for David’s son, Solomon, to build it. Now King Solomon had built temple. The king prayed. “There is no God like You anywhere. Please hear my prayer. Please hear the prayers of Your people.” The king praised God for keeping His promises. He told God that he wanted to keep God’s commands and wanted the people to keep them, too. The people gave offerings to God. Solomon and all the people held a festival for 14 days. Then they went home full of joy.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child plan a family worship time. Discuss songs you might sing and Bible verses you might read. If your church allows children to participate in leading worship or has a children’s choir, encourage your child to take part.


Matthew 6:9-15

THE POINT: Prayer is grounded in a desire to honor God. What do you find most difficult about praying? How would you explain Jesus’ prayer to someone who has never heard it? Discuss the following quote:

“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” 1 —Oswald Chambers

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Prayer in the Real World:
• Talk with your student about how to pray this week. Begin each prayer session with a thankful heart that desires to complete God’s work.

If he or she plans to complete the Daily Reading:
• Take time to discuss your student’s scripture readings from this week.


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Conversation Starters: Transformed in My Worship

Posted by Karah

img_9639THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Some people say religion is a private matter, and they keep any hint of faith from public view. Some people make a very public display of their religiosity, especially if it benefits them politically or in their business dealings. Some people may derive a sense of good standing or self-righteousness from publicly practicing their religion, but they miss the point of doing the acts—the spiritual disciplines—presented in scripture. Jesus shows us a better way to worship.

Concept: Transformed in My Worship


Judges 4-5

LIFE POINT: The Israelite people did not obey God, so God let the Canaanites rule over the Israelites. The Canaanites’ ruler, or leader, was not kind to the Israelites. The Israelite people prayed to God
for help. Deborah was a judge in Israel. She sat under a palm tree and helped people solve their problems. A man named Barak came to Deborah. God had told Deborah that Barak should fight against the Canaanite army. God would help them win. Barak gathered an army of 10,000 men. He asked Deborah to go with him to the battle. Barak led the fight. God helped Barak’s army win the battle. After the battle Deborah and Barak sang a song. They thanked God that they were able to win the battle, even against soldiers who rode in chariots.

LIVE IT OUT: Talk with your child about the word obey and help her understand what it means. Remind
your child when she obeys her parents she is obeying God.


Judges 4-5

LIFE POINT: Deborah was a judge. God’s people came to her and she listened to them. She made decisions. She helped the people know what to do. One day, Deborah called for Barak. “God wants you to take your army and fight the enemy,” she said. “God will help you win the battle.” Barak was afraid. The enemy had a huge army with 900 chariots! “You must go with me or I won’t go,” said Barak. “I will go,” said Deborah. “God will win this battle for us.” “It is time for battle,” Deborah cried to Barak. “This is the day God has given to you!” God confused the enemy army. He helped the Israelites win the battle!

LIVE IT OUT: How well does your child obey? Help your child list some ways he obeys God. Talk about ways your child could improve. Emphasize that obeying God is one way to worship Him.


Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18

THE POINT: Worship is a daily practice of giving, praying, and fasting. How do the priorities we give our
lives to reflect what we worship? Since God already knows ours needs before we ask, what is the point of
practicing consistent, private prayer? Discuss the following quote:

“Worship is the believer’s response of all that they are – mind, emotions, will, body – to what God is and says and does.” 1 —Oswald Chambers

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Fast With Focus:
• Help your student determine if God is calling them to give up something for a time, to learn what it means to fast. Continue to help your student develop a plan to seek God’s wisdom through fasting.

If he or she plans to complete the Daily Reading:
• Take time to discuss your student’s scripture readings this week from Matthew 6.

1. Warren W. Wiersbe, Real Worship: Playground, Battleground, or Holy Ground? Second Edition (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2000), 26.

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Conversation Starters: Our Need for Purpose

Posted by Karah

dsc_4821THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: God gives gifts, and He knows exactly what you need. You may not know it at the time, but the gifts He gives—spiritual gifts—are perfect for you. You might wonder at first how you’ll use it, but God has a plan for you and your gift. And He expects you to use it. Our God given gifts serve as a good reminder that we were lovingly created us for a purpose.

Concept: Our Need for Purpose


John 21:1-14

LIFE POINT: Peter, John, and some other disciples went fishing on the Sea of Galilee. They fished all night but caught nothing. A man on shore called to them, “Have you caught any fish?” “No,” the helpers answered. “Throw your net on the right side of the boat,” the man said. The fishermen threw their net, but when they tried to pull up the net, it was so full of fish they could not lift it into the boat! John
said, “That man is Jesus!” Peter jumped into the water and swam to shore. The other men brought in the boat and the fish. The men saw a fire, cooking fish and bread. Jesus said, “Bring some of the fish you have caught. The net was full of 153 large fish! “Come and eat breakfast,” Jesus said. He gave bread and fish to His friends.

LIVE IT OUT: Put some plastic fish in a tub of water. Give your child an aquarium net to catch the fish. Comment that Jesus helped His friends catch some fish.


Acts 1:4-11

LIFE POINT: Jesus told the believers to stay in Jerusalem. He wanted them to wait for the Holy Spirit that God had promised to send. The men asked Jesus, “Will You restore Your kingdom now?” Jesus said to the believers, “It is not for you to know the times God has set. You will receive power from the Holy Spirit. Go to all parts of the worlds and tell others about me.” Then Jesus was taken up into heaven while the people watched. A cloud covered Him, but the people kept watching. Suddenly, two men in white clothes stood by the people. They told the people, “Why are you looking into heaven? Jesus has been taken into heaven. But He will come back in the same way you have seen Him leave.” Jesus is coming back!

LIVE IT OUT: Jesus went back to heaven and promised He would return. Talk about how it is important to remember that Jesus will return one day. Remind your child that it is important for Christians to tell others about Jesus so they also will know that Jesus will return one day.


John 15:1-8

THE POINT: Jesus empowers us to live productive lives for God. When was a time that you realized you were too busy? How did you realize it? What steps will you take this week to remain in Jesus? Discuss the following quote:

“The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.”1 —Martin Luther

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Who vs. What:
• Read Colossians 3:17 with your student and talk about how we can reflect Christ through our work.
• Pray that God would be clearly seen as the motivation and strength for each task your student undertakes this week.

If he or she plans to complete Daily Reading:
• Take time to discuss the daily Scripture readings in John 15.

1. “Martin Luther > Quotes > Quotable Quote,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 16 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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