Conversation Starters: Our Need for Peace

Posted by Karah

img_3928THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: God gifts His followers in a way that is far different—and far greater— than any giftedness typically celebrated in modern culture. The Holy Spirit works through believers with a diversity of spiritual gifts, and He places us in different ministries to use those gifts. Your gift is not for your personal benefit. God has given us these gifts so that we might build up, strengthen, and encourage the church; reveal Christ; and glorify Him.

Concept: Our Need for Peace


Luke 24:13-35

LIFE POINT: Two men walked on the road to a town called Emmaus. The men talked and argued about the events of the past week. As they walked, Jesus joined them, but the men did not recognize Him. Jesus asked the men why they were arguing. The men began to tell Jesus what happened: “Jesus died on a cross. Three days later some women went to the tomb. The tomb was empty. An angel said that He was alive!” Jesus taught the men as they walked. Near Emmaus, the men asked Jesus to stay with them. He did. As they sat at the table, Jesus took bread, thanked God, and shared it with the men. Then the men understood that it was Jesus sitting at their table! The men returned to Jerusalem that night to find Jesus’ disciples. The helpers had seen Jesus. They knew He was alive!

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child say the Life Verse for this week, “God sent Jesus.” (1 John 4:14). Remind your child that Jesus lives in heaven with God. Pray, thanking God for Jesus.


Luke 24:13-35

LIFE POINT: Two men walked along the road. Another man joined them. “What are you talking about?” the man asked. The men did not recognize Jesus. They were surprised he did not know what had happened. Cleopas said, “We hoped that Jesus was the Messiah. Some of the women went to the tomb today. They didn’t find His body! An angel told them Jesus was alive.” Jesus taught the two men as they walked. The men asked Jesus to stay with them. They sat down to eat. Jesus blessed the bread, tore it into pieces, gave the bread to the men. They knew the man was Jesus! Then Jesus disappeared! The men hurried back to Jerusalem and found the disciples. The disciples said, “It is true! Jesus is risen! Peter has seen Him.” Then the two men told how Jesus had been with them.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child review the Bible story about the men on the road to Emmaus. Find other examples in the Gospels of Jesus appearing to His disciples. Help think of ways Jesus shows today that He is alive.


Luke 24:13-35; John 14:1-7

THE POINT: We can live in peace because Jesus is the way to the Father. What is the craziest thing you
worry about every week? How do you determine if someone is trustworthy? Discuss the following quote:

We cannot enjoy peace in this world unless we are ready to yield to the will of God in respect of death. Our times are in His hand, at His sovereign disposal. We must accept that as best.”1 —John Owen

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Trust Exercise:
• Help your student understand that trouble is unavoidable, but we can have peace by trusting Christ
in the middle of a trial.
• Pray out loud with your student about their struggles. Pray that the Lord would be their peace as they walk through trials.

If he or she plans to complete Daily Reading:
• Take time to discuss the Scripture readings listed above.

1.”19 Beautiful Quotes about God’s Peace,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 16 July 2015]. Available from the

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Conversation Starters: Saved by God’s Son

Posted by Karah

dsc_5266THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: It’s not always easy to determine the purpose of some things. Maybe you’ve even questioned your own purpose. One person who never questioned His purpose was Jesus. The gospels of John and Luke begin their account of Jesus’ life by making sure their readers had a clear understanding of Jesus’ purpose. Simply put, Jesus’ purpose was to rescue us.

Concept: Saved by God’s Son


Luke 2:1-20

LIFE POINT: The king ordered all people to be counted. Joseph and Mary traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be counted. While in Bethlehem, the couple had to stay in a place with animals. Mary had Baby Jesus. She wrapped Him in cloths and laid Him in a manger (feeding box for animals). In the fields, shepherds watched their sheep. An angel appeared. The shepherds were afraid. The angel told the
shepherds to not be afraid. The angel told the shepherds about the baby. More angels appeared and praised God. The shepherds left for Bethlehem and found the baby, just as the angels said. When the shepherds left, they told everyone about the baby. The shepherds returned to the fields, praising God for what they had seen and heard.

LIVE IT OUT: Use time driving in the car or waiting in line to sing simple Christmas songs. Enjoy the tunes and words that make the Christmas season special. Tell your child that God sent Jesus because He loves us.


Luke 2:1-20

LIFE POINT: The king ordered that all the people be counted in the home town of their families. Joseph was from the family of David. He and Mary traveled to Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph discovered that there was no place for them to stay. Mary gave birth to Baby Jesus. She wrapped Him in soft cloths. She laid the baby in a manger. Nearby shepherds watched over the sheep. An angel appeared and told the shepherds about the baby. More angels appeared and praised God. The shepherds hurried to Bethlehem. They found Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus, just as the angel said. The shepherds left, telling everyone they saw about the baby.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child memorize Isaiah 9:6. Focus on the names of Jesus used in this prophecy. Talk about how your child thinks these names apply to Jesus.


John 1:1-5, 9-14

THE POINT: Jesus came to earth to rescue us. What’s your favorite movie about a rescue mission? Why What’s the difference between following Jesus and believing in God? Discuss the following quote:

“Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”1 —John Newton

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Rescued:
• Discuss with your student the relief that comes with being rescued.
• Talk about different times that he or she has felt rescued. Then, discuss how he or she has been rescued by God.

If he or she plans to do Rescue Plan:
• Guide him or her to walk you through a “rescue plan” of sharing with their friends and peers who need to be rescued by Jesus.
• Encourage and pray for your student while he or she is trying to show Jesus’ love to friends and peers.

1. “John Newton > Quotes,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 11 June 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Freed by God’s Forgiveness

Posted by Karah

img_1116THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: God is holy. Therefore, He must punish sin. From the beginning, God has set a standard of righteousness, and failure to live by that standard brought death and separation from Him. In the end, no one gets by with their sin. As Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death.” But Jesus offers all people forgiveness and grace. No matter what we’ve done, we can know the freedom of God’s forgiveness.

Concept: Freed by God’s Forgiveness


Luke 1:39-56

LIFE POINT: After the angel told Mary she would have a special child, she quickly went to visit a relative named Elizabeth, who was also going to have a baby. When Mary spoke to Elizabeth, the baby in Elizabeth jumped. Elizabeth knew something special was going to happen to Mary. Elizabeth told Mary she was special among women because of the baby she was to have. Mary sang a praise song to God. Mary thanked God for the promises God had given Abraham and his family members for years to come. Mary knew the promises God told her would come true. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months, and then she returned to her home.

LIVE IT OUT: Print the name Jesus in the center of a sheet of paper. Give your child markers, crayons, or stickers to decorate the name. Remind your child that Jesus is God’s Son.


Luke 1:39-56

LIFE POINT: Mary traveled a long way to visit Elizabeth. When Mary arrived at Elizabeth and Zechariah’s house, she called out a greeting to Elizabeth. As soon as Mary called out, Elizabeth felt the baby inside her jump for joy. Right away Elizabeth said, “Mary, you are the most blessed of women. Your child will also be blessed!” Immediately, Mary began to praise God. She said, “I will tell of the greatness of God. God, my Savior, has looked on me with favor. All people will call me blessed because of what God has done for me.” For three months, Mary visited Elizabeth. Then she went back to Nazareth.

LIVE IT OUT: Discuss with your child the meaning of the word Savior. Tell your child to print the word Savior vertically down the left side of a paper. Help him think of words that describe a savior that begin with each letter.


John 8:2-11

THE POINT: We deserve punishment, but God forgives. When was the funniest time you were caught red-handed? Are we responsible for exposing the sin of those around us? Explain. Discuss the following quote:

“Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.”1 —Corrie ten Boom

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Don’t Forget:
• Ask your student to read Matthew 18:21-35. Guide your student to summarize what he or she learned in the passage.
• Lead them to explain what this parable taught them about God.

If he or she plans to do Priority Prayer:
• Help students understand the importance of praying for those with whom we have conflict.

1.”Corrie ten Boom >Quotes >Quotable Quote,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 11 June 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Adopted into God’s Family

Posted by Karah

img_1157THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: God the Father has chosen us, and He desires to adopt us into His family. We don’t need to remain as orphans, crying and hoping for the love and acceptance of a Father. Instead, we are loved by God and can receive from Him an immeasurable gift: adoption into His family.

Concept: Adopted into God’s Family


Isaiah 1:1; 6:1,8; 7:14; 9:6-7; 11:1-5

LIFE POINT: The prophet Isaiah had a vision (dream). A prophet told people what God wanted them to know. In his vision, Isaiah saw God. God asked whom He could send to tell people God’s messages. Isaiah told God to send him; he would go. Isaiah told the people that God would give them a sign. A sign is “an action or event that points to something special.” This sign would be a woman giving birth to a son whom she would name Immanuel (another name for Jesus). Isaiah told that the child would be born for the people. The child would be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace. The child would bring peace and rule over the people with love.

LIVE IT OUT: Provide a simple advent calendar that your child will enjoy. Take time each day before
Christmas to read the Bible and do an activity to make the coming of Christmas focus on Jesus.


Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 11:1-5; Micah 5:2

LIFE POINT: Isaiah was God’s prophet. He told of God’s promise to send the Savior. God told Isaiah what to tell people about the Savior. Isaiah said God would give the people a sign: a virgin would have a son and call Him Immanuel. Isaiah told other names for the Savior: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace. Isaiah explained that the Savior would come from the family of Jesse, King David’s father. The Savior would be wise, understanding, strong, and a good judge. Micah was another prophet who spoke God’s message. Micah told the people where the Savior would be born. God promised that the Savior would be born in Bethlehem.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child search the Scriptures to read more about God’s plan to send Jesus to
be the Savior. Many prophets in the Bible wrote down these prophecies. God planned for Jesus from the
beginning of time.


1 John 3:1-10

THE POINT: God, our perfect Father, loves us. When have you felt a strong sense of belonging? Do you find it hard or easy to love unconditionally? Explain. Discuss the following quote:

“The Gospel is not a picture of adoption, adoption is a picture of the Gospel.”1 —John Piper

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Don’t Hide It:
• Share your story of meeting Jesus with your student, and then guide him or her to do the same.

If he or she plans to do Who’s Who:
• Ask your student to intentionally pray for their friends who don’t know Christ. Set aside time each day to pray with your student.

1. Chelsea Patterson, “Delighting in the Greater Adoption,” The Gospel Coalition [online], 11 March 2014 [accessed 11 June 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Our Need for Hope

Posted by Karah

img_9953THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: What is power? Ask that of anyone on the street, and they’ll probably give you a definition in terms of either energy or influence. However, we need a different kind of power in order to live the way God designed us to live. We can’t live the Christian life in our own strength. The good news is that God, who is rich in glory, is also rich in power and strength, and He gives believers the Holy Spirit to access His power.

Concept: Our Need for Hope


Matthew 27:15- 28:10

LIFE POINT: Three days after Jesus died on the cross, Mary and another Mary went to the place where Jesus was buried. An earthquake shook the ground as an angel from God came to the tomb. He rolled back the stone and sat on it. The angel spoke to the two women, “Don’t be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus. He is not here! He is alive, just as He said. Come see where He was laying. Then go and tell His
disciples, ‘He is alive!’ ” The women left quickly and ran to tell the helpers. Jesus met and greeted the women. The women went up to Jesus and touched His feet. Jesus told them to not be afraid and to tell the disciples to go to Galilee where they would see Him.

LIVE IT OUT: Talk to your child about the Bible story. Remind her that the women went to a garden to find Jesus. Give your child paper and crayons. Tell her to draw some flowers on the paper. At the top of
the paper, print Jesus Is Alive!


Matthew 26:26- 28:10

LIFE POINT: Jesus and the disciples met together for the Passover feast. Jesus told the disciples to remember Him whenever they ate the Passover meal. As Jesus was praying, soldiers came to arrest Him!
Jesus was put on trial. The people shouted, “Crucify Him!” Pilate ordered the soldiers to crucify Jesus. Jesus was put on a cross between two criminals. Later that afternoon, Jesus died. Jesus’ body was buried in a tomb. Three days later, women went to the tomb. On their way, the earth shook! An angel rolled the stone away from the tomb! The tomb was empty! The angel said, “Jesus is not here! He has been resurrected!” The women were so happy! As they hurried to tell others, they met Jesus. Right away, they worshiped Him.

LIVE IT OUT: Ask your child if he knows why Jesus had to die. Use the Internet to research the Old
Testament for passages about sin. Talk about how this applies to Jesus’ crucifixion.


John 11:17-24

THE POINT: Jesus is responsible for our lives, now and forever. What do you look forward to
when life is hard? What do our responses to tragedy reveal about our expectations of God? Discuss the following quote:

“What gives me the most hope every day is God’s grace; knowing that His grace is going to give me the strength for whatever I face, knowing that nothing is a surprise to God.”1 —Rick Warren

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Reality Check:
• Talk with your student about things they put their hope in when life gets tough.
• Help them understand that Jesus is our only hope in life.

If he or she plans to complete Daily Reading:
• Have your student read Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection in each of the gospels as their daily reading this week.

1. “Hope Quotes,” Brainy Quote [online], [accessed 16 July 2015]. Available from the

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Conversation Starters: Our Need for Direction

Posted by Karah

img_1270THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: God is holy. Therefore, He must punish sin. From the beginning, God has set a standard of righteousness, and failure to live by that standard brought death and separation from Him. In the end, no one gets by with their sin. As Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death.” But Jesus offers all people forgiveness and grace. No matter what we’ve done, we can know the freedom of God’s forgiveness.

Concept: Our Need for Direction


Matthew 26:17-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

LIFE POINT: Jesus told two of His disciples to get everything ready for a special supper. Jesus said, “Go into the city. You will meet a man. Tell him that I want to eat a special supper with My helpers at his
house.” Jesus’ helpers did what Jesus told them to do. They got everything ready. When it was time to eat, Jesus and His helpers sat at the table. Jesus took some bread. He thanked God for it. Jesus tore the
bread into pieces. He gave some bread to each helper. Then Jesus took a cup and said thank You to God. Jesus shared a drink from the cup with each helper. Jesus wanted His helpers to always remember this special supper they had together. He told His helpers to always remember the things He did for them.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child remember Jesus and the things He did. Turn through the pages of a Bible with pictures, such as the Jesus Story Book Bible. Talk about Jesus and the Bible stories represented by the pictures.


John 11:1-44

LIFE POINT: Lazarus was very sick. His sisters sent a message to Jesus. When Jesus came, Lazarus was dead. He was buried in a tomb. Jesus asked Martha if she believed in Him. Martha said, “I believe You are the Messiah. You are God’s Son.” Then Jesus went to Mary. She was very sad. Jesus asked where
Lazarus was buried. Mary took Jesus to the tomb. “Take away the stone,” Jesus said. Martha said, “My brother has been buried for four days.” Jesus told Martha she would see God’s glory. The men removed the stone door. Jesus prayed aloud to God. Then with a loud voice, He said, “Lazarus, come out!” Lazarus came out of the tomb. He was covered with linen strips. His face was covered with a cloth. Jesus told the people to remove the strips and let Lazarus go.

LIVE IT OUT: Has your child ever experienced the death of a friend or loved one? Talk to your child about what happens to Christians when they die. Find verses in the Bible that affirm that Jesus conquered death.


John 8:12-19

THE POINT: Jesus is the true Light who reveals where we should go. What’s the darkest, scariest place
you’ve ever visited? Where do you see evidence of darkness in today’s world? Discuss the following quote:

“Men come and go; … He abides. They die, but He lives. They are lights kindled, and… sooner or later quenched; but He is the true light from which they draw all their brightness, and He shines for evermore.”1 —Alexander MacLaren

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Influence:
• Help your student understand that what we are influenced by will determine our direction in life.

If he or she plans to complete Daily Reading:
• Give your student verses to read this week about Jesus being the light of the world. Take time to discuss these daily Scripture readings with your student.

1.“Christ our Everlasting Light,” Great Quotes for Quoting [online], [cited 16 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Our Need for Contentment

Posted by Karah

img_4252THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: God the Father has chosen us, and He desires to adopt us into His family. We don’t need to remain as orphans, crying and hoping for the love and acceptance of a Father. Instead, we are loved by God and can receive from Him an immeasurable gift: adoption into His family.

Concept: Our Need for Contentment


Matthew 4:18-22; 9:35-10:10

LIFE POINT: Jesus walked beside a big lake called the Sea of Galilee. He saw two brothers, Simon Peter and Andrew, fishing. “Come, follow Me,” Jesus said. “I want you to be My helpers (disciples).” Simon Peter and Andrew at once stopped fishing and went with Jesus. Jesus saw two different brothers, James and John, working in their father’s boat. Jesus said, “Come, follow Me.” James and John stopped working and went with Jesus. Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John became Jesus’ first helpers. They traveled with Jesus to help Him. All together, Jesus chose 12 men to be His helpers. These 12 men included Peter and his brother Andrew, James and his brother John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, another man named James, Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas.

LIVE IT OUT: Play a counting game with your preschooler. Set out twelve objects—small blocks, bottle caps, counting chips. Help your child count to twelve. Comment that Jesus chose twelve helpers. They helped people know about God and Jesus.


Matthew 17:1-9

LIFE POINT: One day, Jesus took Peter, James, and John up a mountain. Suddenly, Jesus looked different. His face shone like the sun and His clothes were bright! Two men stood beside Jesus. They were Moses and Elijah. These two men had died long ago. Peter offered to build a tent for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. A voice came from heaven. “This is My Son. I am pleased with Him. Listen to what He says.”
Peter, James, and John heard God! They bowed with their faces to the ground. Jesus touched them. “Don’t be afraid,” He said. When the men looked up, they saw only Jesus standing with them. They went down the mountain. Jesus said, “Don’t tell people about this until I have risen from the dead.”

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child memorize Matthew 16:16. These words of Peter confirm that he knew Jesus was the Son of God.


John 6:26, 35-40

THE POINT: Jesus is the only thing that brings true satisfaction. When is the last time you had too much of a good thing? Why do people seek satisfaction in things that don’t last? Discuss the following quote:

“It is easy to want things from the Lord and yet not want the Lord Himself, as though the gift could ever be preferable to the Giver.”1 —Augustine

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Back to the Future:
• Help your student evaluate how they are living now and if their lifestyles will satisfy them later in life. This is a great opportunity to draw upon your life experience and relationship with Christ to disciple your student’s life practically.

If he or she plans to complete Daily Reading:
• Encourage your student to read Scripture about Jesus’ disciples this week. Discuss with your student how the disciples lived after they encountered Jesus.

1. “Is the gift preferable to the Giver?.” Great Quotes for Quoting [online], [cited 16 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Share God’s Love

Posted by Karah

b04b06d9-48d1-41df-9a51-df6343dd172cTHE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We love … everything. Think about all the things we use this four-letter word about during a given week. We love burgers, puppies, ice cream, fall days, vacations, action movies, and lots of other things. But Jesus is calling us to something more. As Jesus’ followers, we are called to love in the way He does—unconditionally.

Concept: Share God’s Love



LIFE POINT: The king of Persia chose Esther for his queen. Esther was a Jewish girl who lived with her cousin, Mordecai. Haman, one of the king’s helpers, did not like Mordecai or the Jewish people. Haman wanted to hurt Mordecai and all the Jews. “Go and ask the king to help us,” Mordecai told Esther. “Tell
him you are Jewish and that Haman wants to hurt us.” Esther asked the Jews to pray for her for three days. Then God helped Esther be brave enough to go and talk with the king. Esther went to see the king. The king was happy to see Esther and listened to what she wanted. He helped Esther and Mordecai. The king punished Haman for trying to hurt Mordecai and the Jews. God helped Esther and the Jewish people.

LIVE IT OUT: Print your child’s name in the center of a sheet of paper. Offer crayons and stickers to decorate the paper. Tell your child that she is special to God.



LIFE POINT: Esther was now the queen. Her people were in danger. Haman wanted to kill them! For three days, Esther and her maids prayed. Then Esther went to the king. He had not called for her. If he did not raise his scepter to her, Esther would be killed. Esther walked toward the king. He raised his scepter to her! “What do you want?” the king asked. “Come to a banquet feast. Bring Haman,” Esther said. The king came. Then Esther asked the king to bring Haman to another banquet feast! At the second feast the king asked, “What do you want? “Save my people,” Esther said. “Haman wants to kill them!”
The king gave orders for Haman to be taken away. He told Esther to save her people.

LIVE IT OUT: With your child, make a list of people special to your family. The people could be other family members or friends. Remind your child these people are special to God. Commit to pray for them every day.


Acts 8:26-35

THE POINT: It’s time to share the gospel with the world. When did a change in plans lead to something better? Who is God calling you to share His love with? Discuss the following quote:

“But then I realize there is never going to be a day when I stand before God and He looks at me and says, ‘I wish you would have kept more for yourself.’ I’m confident that God will take care of me.”1 —David Platt

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Mission:
• Help your student understand the urgency of the gospel, and then lead by example. Find a time sooner
than later to go “on mission” with your student, whether local or international. Discuss what short-term
missions and living “on mission” looks likes in the life of Christian.

If he or she plans to complete Daily Reading:
• Read Matthew 28 and Acts 1 together throughout the week. Spend time discussing how to live out Jesus’ call to make disciples among the nations.

1. “Radical Quotes,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet: www. dream.

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Conversation Starters: Redeemed from an Unbelieving Past

Posted by Karah

img_2205THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We can’t stop the interruptions or demands other people make, but how we react to them is totally in our hands. Jesus is concerned about our reactions. The ways we react in these situations will—or won’t—show us to be distinctly Christian. Jesus calls us to a standard that is consistent, honest, and grace-filled.

Concept: Redeemed from an Unbelieving Past


Acts 8:1-3; 9:1-31

LIFE POINT: Saul hurt people who loved Jesus. As he walked on the road to the town of Damascus, a light flashed around him. He heard a voice call his name. That voice was Jesus, who spoke and told Saul
to go into Damascus. Jesus told Ananias to go to Saul and help him. Even though Ananias was afraid, he found Saul and helped him. Ananias told Saul that Jesus had sent him to give Saul his sight. Saul was able to see again. He ate, and his strength returned. Saul began to tell people about Jesus. Many people were scared of Saul. Barnabas began to tell people how Jesus spoke to Saul on the Damascus road and now Saul spoke in love and peace for Jesus.

LIVE IT OUT: Ask your child how he would respond to certain situations, such as if a friend hits him, someone takes his toy, or someone cuts in line. Comment that God helps people know what to do.


Acts 8-9

LIFE POINT: One day a man named Saul was on his way to Damascus to have followers of Jesus arrested. A bright light shone down on him, and Saul fell to the ground. He heard a voice ask him, “Saul,
Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” Saul asked who the voice was coming from. The voice replied, “I am Jesus, the One you are persecuting.” Jesus told Saul to get up and go into the city. When Saul got up, he could not see. He was blind for three days. A man named Ananias went to the house where Saul was staying. Ananias placed his hands on Saul and told him to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes and he could see again. Saul began preaching the good news about Jesus to

LIVE IT OUT: Does your child regularly ask forgiveness? Ask your child to name some things for which she might need to be forgiven. Help your child understand that God loves her and will forgive her whenever she asks for forgiveness.


Acts 26:9-20

THE POINT: Christ can transform even hostile enemies into faithful believers. Why are some teams so fun to “hate”? What makes the gospel offensive to some people? Discuss the following quote:

“If you are renewed by grace, and were to meet your old self, I am sure you would be very anxious to get out of his company.”1 —Charles H. Spurgeon

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student.

If he or she plans to complete Open Source:
• Talk to your student about the heart of gospel. When we treasure the gospel of Christ, sharing it is a natural reaction. Develop a prayer list with your student of people they know who need to hear the truth of the gospel.

If he or she plans to complete Daily Reading:
• Give your student daily Scripture readings about the life of Paul this week.

1. “Quotes About Repentance,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the

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Conversation Starters: Redeemed from Crippling Doubt

Posted by Karah

img_1662THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: As Jesus continued to teach through His Sermon on the Mount, He came to the subject of anger. But anger isn’t just a surface issue. Like everything else in Jesus’ sermon, anger is a matter of the heart. When we fail to look at the heart behind the anger, we are treating deep, internal issues with surface-level band-aids. The way we handle anger and respond to conflict on our own is not always best—He has given us His Word and has set Jesus’ followers apart from the rest of the world. And God has not left us to figure this out on our own. He has given us the Holy Spirit to convict and teach us to respond in a manner that honors Him.

Concept: Redeemed from Crippling Doubt


Luke 1

LIFE POINT: A priest named Zechariah had a wife named Elizabeth. Both of them loved God very much and obeyed His commands. Zechariah was working in the temple. An angel appeared to Zechariah. The angel told Zechariah that his wife would give birth to a son whom they would name John. Zechariah could not believe this would happen because he and his wife were older. The angel, named Gabriel, then said that Zechariah would not be able to speak until after the baby was born because Zechariah did not believe the angel’s words. Zechariah left the temple and could not talk to the people. Even though Zechariah could not speak, Elizabeth was very happy and knew God was giving her a child to be born.

LIVE IT OUT: Wrap a baby doll in a blanket and ask your child to rock the doll. Comment that an angel
told Zechariah his wife would have a baby and the name of the baby would be John.


Luke 1

LIFE POINT: Zechariah was a priest. He and his wife followed all the commandments. While Zechariah was in the temple, an angel of the Lord appeared to him. The angel said, “Your wife will have a son. You are to name him John. He will prepare for the Messiah.” Zechariah did not know how he could have a son because his wife was very old. The angel told Zechariah that he would not be able to speak until the baby was born since he did not believe what the angel said. Elizabeth became pregnant and when the time came, she had a boy. They named him John just as the angel had told Zechariah to name him.
Zechariah could speak once again and praised God for what happened. The child grew up and lived in the wilderness until it was time to begin his ministry.

LIVE IT OUT: Has your child ever gone with his own plans instead of yours? How often do you go with
your own plans instead of God’s? Help your child understand that God wants us to follow His plans for
our lives.


Luke 1:11-20, 63-65

THE POINT: God’s Word can be fully trusted. Whose word do you always trust? When has your obedience to God led to joy? Discuss the following quote:

“Faith is born and sustained by the Word of God, and out of faith grows the flower of joy.”1 —John Piper

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Throwback:
• One of the most powerful things a student can hear is truth spoken into their doubt. Encourage your student to share their biggest doubts, no matter how big or small. Remind them of God’s faithfulness in their lives.

If he or she plans to complete Daily Reading:
• Help your student look up Scriptures about doubt in a concordance. Encourage them to read one verse each day this week.

1. “John Piper > Quotes > Quotable Quote,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from
the Internet:

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