Conversation Starters: Our Need for Contentment

Posted by Karah

img_4252THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: God the Father has chosen us, and He desires to adopt us into His family. We don’t need to remain as orphans, crying and hoping for the love and acceptance of a Father. Instead, we are loved by God and can receive from Him an immeasurable gift: adoption into His family.

Concept: Our Need for Contentment


Matthew 4:18-22; 9:35-10:10

LIFE POINT: Jesus walked beside a big lake called the Sea of Galilee. He saw two brothers, Simon Peter and Andrew, fishing. “Come, follow Me,” Jesus said. “I want you to be My helpers (disciples).” Simon Peter and Andrew at once stopped fishing and went with Jesus. Jesus saw two different brothers, James and John, working in their father’s boat. Jesus said, “Come, follow Me.” James and John stopped working and went with Jesus. Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John became Jesus’ first helpers. They traveled with Jesus to help Him. All together, Jesus chose 12 men to be His helpers. These 12 men included Peter and his brother Andrew, James and his brother John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, another man named James, Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas.

LIVE IT OUT: Play a counting game with your preschooler. Set out twelve objects—small blocks, bottle caps, counting chips. Help your child count to twelve. Comment that Jesus chose twelve helpers. They helped people know about God and Jesus.


Matthew 17:1-9

LIFE POINT: One day, Jesus took Peter, James, and John up a mountain. Suddenly, Jesus looked different. His face shone like the sun and His clothes were bright! Two men stood beside Jesus. They were Moses and Elijah. These two men had died long ago. Peter offered to build a tent for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. A voice came from heaven. “This is My Son. I am pleased with Him. Listen to what He says.”
Peter, James, and John heard God! They bowed with their faces to the ground. Jesus touched them. “Don’t be afraid,” He said. When the men looked up, they saw only Jesus standing with them. They went down the mountain. Jesus said, “Don’t tell people about this until I have risen from the dead.”

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child memorize Matthew 16:16. These words of Peter confirm that he knew Jesus was the Son of God.


John 6:26, 35-40

THE POINT: Jesus is the only thing that brings true satisfaction. When is the last time you had too much of a good thing? Why do people seek satisfaction in things that don’t last? Discuss the following quote:

“It is easy to want things from the Lord and yet not want the Lord Himself, as though the gift could ever be preferable to the Giver.”1 —Augustine

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Back to the Future:
• Help your student evaluate how they are living now and if their lifestyles will satisfy them later in life. This is a great opportunity to draw upon your life experience and relationship with Christ to disciple your student’s life practically.

If he or she plans to complete Daily Reading:
• Encourage your student to read Scripture about Jesus’ disciples this week. Discuss with your student how the disciples lived after they encountered Jesus.

1. “Is the gift preferable to the Giver?.” Great Quotes for Quoting [online], [cited 16 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:

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