Crafts With Teeny: Earring Holder
Posted by TeenyThis one’s for the girls!
This month’s craft is a homemade earring and jewelry holder. It is very easy to make and a lot cheaper than most earring holders!
– Old frame ($3 Goodwill)
– Paint (optional)
– Burlap
– Glue
– Fabric Rosettes
1. Paint the frame whatever color and design you want. Make sure to let it dry completely (overnight is best).
2. Paint a design or letter on the burlap to add extra decorations! You can also use screen or chicken wire to hang the earrings. Let it dry completely.
3. While everything is drying you can make your fabric rosettes by cutting extra fabric into strips (2” wide) and then rolling and twisting them into a rose or flower shape. You can add a little glue each time you go around to hold it in place. It’s easiest if you tie a knot at the end of the fabric strip and then start twisting from there. Make sure to keep some extra fabric at the end to fold it over the back and glue it.
4. I used a glue gun to attach the burlap to the back of the picture frame. You’ll want to make it as tight as you can so that the burlap will hold the earrings.
5. Finish off the earring holder by gluing your fabric rosettes to the frame and then hang your earrings!
Enjoy making your new earring holder! Send us a picture if you make one with your campers!
Posted in Just For Parents | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Crafts with Teeny, parenting girls, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Trials and Truths for Today’s Teen Girls
Posted by Phil
Posted in Just For Parents | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, parent resourses, parenting girls, Parenting Teenagers, parents, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Remind daughters, ‘Don’t marry a Bozo’
Posted by Phil
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Jackie Kendall is a straight talker. She tells moms straight out, “Don’t let your daughter marry a Bozo!”
Kendall was one of the breakout conference leaders during the .Mom (pronounced Dot Mom) event, held Sept. 23-24 in Birmingham, Ala.
Speaking to a room full of women, Kendall didn’t hold back from telling them they have a great responsibility for keeping their girls safe from predatory guys.
“The greatest abuse is letting your [daughter] grow up thinking the world revolves around her,” she said. “The easiest way to make sure a girl is a Bozo-magnet is to teach her that everything is all about her.
“Is your girl growing in her love for Jesus?” Kendall asked. “Does she see that you are? Does she have a pattern of doing for others at home and at church?”
She cautioned that girls who aren’t helping other people are usually self-focused and will attract guys who are aware of this vulnerability.
“Do you know why older guys date younger girls?” she asked. “It’s because they are easier to seduce.”
She cautioned moms to step in if they see their freshman daughter dating a senior boy (in high school or college). “These guys see these younger girls as easy fruit. A girl will be all swooning and flattered that the older guy is interested in her, but you need to stop that relationship. He isn’t interested in her, just interested in using her.”
Kendall warned the women that in their roles as moms, Sunday school teachers, or any other where they are around girls regularly, they need to watch for signs of abuse in girls who are in relationships with guys.
“Remind them that sex will ruin a good relationship and sustain a bad one,” she said. “If you see a girl in a really bad, abusive (verbal, emotional or physical) relationship, there is sex involved. These precious girls get involved with these Bozo guys and get led around like dogs.”
She said girls need to be reminded that they need to require guys treat them with respect. “No sexual control before marriage means no sexual control after marriage. Fornication will lead to adultery.”
Kendall is author of several books, including Lady in Waiting: Becoming God’s Best While Waiting for Mr. Right; The Young Lady in Waiting: Developing the Heart of a Princess; and A Man Worth Waiting For: How to Avoid a Bozo.
“These girls have to know that waiting for Mr. Right is important,” she said. “What is worse than waiting? Wishing you had!”
Posted in Just For Parents | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, LifeWay Christian Resources, parent resourses, parenting girls, Parenting Teenagers, parents, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply