Conversation Starters: Choose to Change

Posted by Phil

Malachi 3:13–4:6

make the decision to follow God’s ways

Conversation Starters

How can you keep this conversation going at home? Try bouncing some of these questions around at the dinner table, as you’re driving your kids to school or an activity, or even while you’re shopping together:

For Preschoolers
Show me things in this room that are the most special to you. Why do you love that toy/book/person so much? Can you guess what is most special to me in this room? Guess what’s most special to God in this room. (Use this discussion to emphasize that your child is God’s special possession.)

For School-Age
Does it seem like kids who misbehave get most of the attention in school? How does that make you feel? Is it worth it to keep behaving and doing your work even when you don’t always get noticed and rewarded? Why? (Point out from Malachi 3:16 that God takes notice when they do the right thing.)

For Students
How much contact do you have with other Christians during the week? When do you get a chance to talk about God?  How do you and your Christian friends support one another to keep living for God?

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Conversation Starters: Recognize God’s Gift

Posted by Phil

John 1:1-4,10-18
[Jesus is completely God, completely man, and completely necessary]

How can you keep this conversation going at home? Try bouncing some of these questions
around at the dinner table, as you’re driving your kids to school or an activity, or even
while you’re shopping together:

For Preschoolers
• Give each family member an opportunity to discuss their all-time favorite Christmas gift.
What made that gift special? Who gave you that gift?

For School-Age
• Your school-aged child may have a hard time realizing that the baby Jesus we emphasize
so much at Christmas grew up just like we do. Use the Scripture references from the feature
on page 9 to talk with your child about the humanity of Jesus.
• When you picture Jesus, do you picture Him as a baby in the manger, teaching and doing
miracles, or on the cross?

For Students
• When you look at a lot of other religions, they don’t believe that Jesus is truly God. Why do
you think it matters?

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Conversation Starter: Objection – Frustrating the Father

Posted by Phil

Malachi 2:17–3:12

Considering How We Treat God

Conversation Starters

How can you keep this conversation going at home? Try bouncing some of these questions around at the dinner table, as you’re driving your kids to school or an activity, or even while you’re shopping together:

For Preschoolers
How big is God? How can we show a big, big God that we love Him?

You may want to tell about Jesus feeding a big crowd with the lunch that the little boy gave Him. Emphasize that God likes to use gifts from little children to help people. Helping other people and giving money to our church are two ways we can show God we love Him.

For School-Age
Do you ever see kids mistreating their teachers or parents?

How do you feel about that?

Do you think we ever treat God badly like that?

What are ways we can treat God with respect and show Him we love Him?

For Students
If you can catch them in the car without their earbuds in, play Waiting for the World to Change by John Mayer. Draw attention to a phrase such as “It’s hard to beat the system when we’re standing at a distance. So we keep waiting, waiting on the world to change.” Discuss questions such as: Should we wait on the world to change or go do something about it? If you could change one thing in this world, what would you? What can we as a family do to change our corner of the world and make life better for someone else?

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Conversation Starter: Objection – Casual Commitment

Posted by Phil

Malachi 2:1-16

Honoring Your Commitments

Conversation Starters

How can you keep this conversation going at home? Try bouncing some of these questions around at the dinner table, as you’re driving your kids to school or an activity, or even while you’re shopping together:

For Preschoolers
Help a child glue two pieces of paper together. Ask what makes the paper stick together. Say that love makes people stick together. Give her a big hug and say, “I love you; I stick like glue.” Make a game of it this week – every time you pick him up from daycare, the nursery, school – hug one another and say together, “I love you; I stick like glue.”

For School-Age
Who are your best friends? What is it you really like about those friends? Do your friends ever hurt your feelings? What do they do that hurts your feelings? What do you think you need to do to keep from hurting your friends’ feelings?

For Students
What qualities do you most value in a friend? A boyfriend/girlfriend? As you think about getting married one of these days, which of those qualities will still be important to you? Which qualities do you think matter most to God? What do you think is the best way to find people who possess the qualities you think are really important?

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Conversation Starter: I Call on You

Posted by Phil

Psalm 86:1-13,15-16

because of God’s character, He will hear and respond to our prayers

Conversation Starters

How can you keep this conversation going at home? Try bouncing some of these questions around at the dinner table, as you’re driving your kids to school or an activity, or even while you’re shopping together:

For Preschoolers

• When you talk to God, how do you know He listens?

• Do you have any questions about God?

• What should our family pray for?

For School-Age

• Do you believe God hears our prayers?

• Why do you think you don’t always get everything you ask for in prayer?

• What should our family pray for?

• How often should we pray together?

For Students

• What kind of prayers do you think God listens to?

• Do you pray because you want to or because you have to? Do you think that makes a difference to God?

• How can I pray for you?

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Conversation Starters: Pray for Our Country

Posted by Phil

Tuesday is the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Monday, September 17, marks the 225th anniversary of the signing of the US Constitution. Each night this week, pray specifically for someone or something related to American freedoms, responsibilities, or challenges.

Sunday: Pray for your local fire and police departments, and any officers or firefighters you know personally.
Monday: Pray for American military personnel who are serving overseas and their families who are here.
Tuesday: Pray for missionaries who work in primarily Muslim countries. Check out IMB’s website for additional helps.
Wednesday: Pray for your District’s Congressional Representatives and your state’s senators. For a complete listing, go to and
Thursday: Pray for the President and Vice President.
Friday: Thank God for the freedom we have as American citizens. Ask God to help us make good decisions as a country.
Saturday: One of the freedoms the Constitution guarantees is freedom of religion. Pray for all pastors and church leaders (especially yours!) as they prepare for a full day of ministry tomorrow.

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Conversation Starter: Center of My Life

Posted by Phil

Colossians 3:5-10,14-15,17-21; 4:5-6

Christ-centered character, home, and witness

Conversation Starters

How can you keep this conversation going at home? Try bouncing some of these questions around at the dinner table, as you’re driving your kids to school or an activity, or even while you’re shopping together:

For Preschoolers

• How do you know Mommy and Daddy love you?

• How do you let Mommy and Daddy know you love them?

For Children

• What does it mean to obey your parents?

• When is it hardest for you to obey Mom or Dad?

• Why do you think God wants children to obey their parents?

• Who else should you obey besides Mom and Dad?

• Do you think parents are supposed to obey too? If so, whom?

For Students

• What do I do that exasperates you? (This question is only for the strong-hearted parent!)

• How can I be more encouraging to you?

• If you were a parent, how would you handle this specific situation that you and I have been dealing with?

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Conversation Starters: Center of My Belief

Posted by Phil

Colossians 2:8-23

fullness over emptiness; substance over shadows; relationship over rules

Conversation Starters

How can you keep this conversation going at home? Try bouncing some of these questions around at the dinner table, as you’re driving your kids to school or an activity, or even while you’re shopping together:

For Preschoolers

• Read a Bible story book together. Talk about the pictures. Point out words and letters. Why are you happy God gave us the Bible?

For School-Age

• What’s your favorite book? Why?

• Why is it important to know how to read?

• What is your favorite Bible story? Why is it important that we read the Bible?

For Students

• Why do you believe what you believe about Jesus?

• How would you respond to someone who thinks believing in Jesus Christ is wishful thinking? Where would you get your facts?

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Conversation Starter: Center of Everything

Posted by Phil

Colossians 1:9-23

why beliefs matter, who Christ is, what Christ has done

Family Connection


Invite your child to join you in drawing pictures to match the words “Big, Bigger, Biggest.” Make sure that your “biggest” picture is God. As you and your child continue drawing, discuss why God is biggest of everything.

Adapted from “My God Is the Biggest” by Susan Easterday, HomeLife (September 2010): 38.


Have a contest to see who can get to the center of their tootsie pop first. Ask if your child would be mad if she got to the center and found a Brussels sprout and why. Point out that what’s in the center matters. Explain the Bible teaches Jesus is the center of everything. Consider why that matters.


Evaluate how your teen resembles others in your family. Consider how something visible, such as parent/child look-alikes, proves the existence of something invisible, like DNA. Explore how the visible Jesus proved the existence of the invisible God

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Conversation Starters: Generosity vs. Greed

Posted by Phil

Deuteronomy 15:7-11; 24:10-15,17-18

share generously, treat with dignity, protect with mercy

Conversation Starters

How can you keep this conversation going at home? Try bouncing some of these questions around at the dinner table, as you’re driving your kids to school or an activity, or even while you’re shopping together:

For Preschoolers

• Teach your preschooler about giving by handing them a quarter or another sum of money to give in the offering plate. Explain that we give to God because He loves us and gives to us.

For School-Age

• Teach your elementary school child to give by helping her count out a tenth of her allowance and give it in an offering envelope. Tell her that God gives us 100% and only asks for 10% back in order to help others.

For Students

• With your teenager, establish a working budget based on allowance and any part-time job he has. Help him learn to contribute a tenth of all income. Be sure to lead by example, and be open to discussing your budget and your giving habits.

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