Conversation Starters: Talking About Jesus
Posted by Phil
Talking with your kids isn’t always the easiest thing. Especially the older they get. That’s one reason we at Ridgecrest Summer Camps love these Conversation Starters. This month, as you do your best to hang out and talk with your kids, talk to them about talking about Jesus. But before you do, think about why it might be hard for them, in their situation, to talk about Him.
For Preschoolers
Who do you know that tells people about Jesus? Who tells you about Jesus?
Who can you tell about Jesus?
For Children
Do your friends at school ever talk about God? What do they say about Him?
Do you ever talk to your friends about what you believe? Why or why not?
For Students
Talk to your teenager about their friends. Ask, “Who would be on your list of people you would like to meet Jesus?”
Do you think people learn better if they are told something or if they are shown something? How do you apply this to “telling” people about Jesus?
Posted in Just For Parents | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, Conversation Starters, parent resourses, Ridgecrest Summer Camps