Conversation Starters: One Great Purpose

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: Praise God for His creation!

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Where do I fit in? It’s easy to fill our lives with things and activities. Busyness can drown out the quiet, nagging question that asks: What’s the purpose of all I’m doing? What have I really accomplished? God created us for so much more than what we often settle for. He created us with purpose and for a purpose. Life becomes rich and full as we discover and live out God’s purpose for our lives.

Concept: One Great Purpose


Genesis 1:20-25, 30

LIFE POINT: On the fifth day, God said, “Let the waters be filled with living animals and let birds fly in the sky.” God made the very largest of sea animals and every other living animal that moves in the water. He filled the waters of the seas, oceans, and rivers with fish and creatures of all kinds. He made birds with wings to fly in the sky.
On the sixth day, God made all the wild animals, farm animals, and animals that crawl on the ground. He made everything that has life in it. He gave the animals food to eat from the plants He made. God had made all the different kinds of animals in two days. God looked at all the animals He had made and saw it was good.

LIVE IT OUT: Children love animals. If you have a pet, give your child some responsibility for helping care for that pet. Depending on your child’s age, he can give food and water, bathe, walk, and clean up after the pet. Remind your child that the pet is a creation of God.


Genesis 2:4-24

LIFE POINT: In just six days, God had created an amazing world from nothing. God spoke, and everything was created: light; the sky; the sun, moon, and stars; seas; dry land; every kind of animal; people. God had spoken everything into creation. But God formed man out of dust of the earth and breathed life into him. God planted a beautiful garden in Eden and placed the man in the garden. God provided every kind of tree that grew food. The garden had everything the man needed.
God knew that it was not good for the man to be alone. The man needed a helper. So God brought all the birds and animals to the man. The man gave a name to each one, but none of them was like the man. None could be the man’s helper. So God caused the man to sleep. God took one of the man’s ribs and used it to make a woman. They were the first family.

LIVE IT OUT: Discuss with your child what the term “in God’s image” means. What about the creation of people was different from all other things? List some special characteristics your child has that are special to her.


Isaiah 43:1-7

LIFE POINT: We were created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
• How has God used specific moments in your life to teach you more about Himself?
• What distracts us most from enjoying God’s love?
• What does it look like to glorify God in our everyday lives?

Discuss the following quote:

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.”1—John Piper

LIVE IT OUT: Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:

• CHRIST: Take time this week to sit down with your student and enjoy who God is by slowing down and intentionally spending time with Him.
• COMMUNITY: Identify places in your community with volunteer needs that you and your student can fulfill. Use the opportunity to serve with your student and display the character of God toward others.
• CULTURE: Encourage your student to reread the Scripture from this week looking specifically for how it describes our relationship with Christ, and then use the message to encourage others.

1. John Piper, “Christian Hedonism: Forgive the Label, But Don’t Miss the Truth,” desiringGod [online], 1 January 1995, [accessed 4 March 2016]. Available from the Internet:

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