Conversation Starters: He is Risen

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: Jesus is alive!

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We are bombarded with information—often touted as news—that too often is unsubstantiated. When you begin to research the information, it often turns up that facts are skewed and opinions are presented as fact. Many people view Jesus Christ in the same way. What they hear presented as truth gets written off as opinion or simply what someone wants to believe. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, however, is solidly grounded in fact.

Concept: He is Risen


Matthew 26:36-28:10

LIFE POINT: Jesus died on a cross. Then Jesus was buried in a tomb. Three days later, Mary and Mary Magdalene went to the place where Jesus was buried. As they got near the tomb, the ground began to shake. An angel came from heaven and rolled away the stone that was in front of the tomb. “Do not be afraid,” the angel told Mary and Mary Magdalene. “I have good news for you. Jesus is not here. He is alive!” The angel told the women to go and tell the disciples that Jesus is alive. Mary and Mary Magdalene were happy. They ran to tell the disciples what they had learned. Suddenly they saw Jesus. They ran to Him and worshiped Him. Jesus told them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell My disciples to go to Galilee. They will see Me there.” Mary and Mary Magdalene ran to tell the disciples the good news.

LIVE IT OUT: Part of today’s Bible story involved a stone that was rolled away from the tomb. Provide a smooth stone. Give your child paint or permanent markers to decorate her stone. Tell your child she can remember that Jesus is alive when she sees the rock.


Matthew 26:36-28:10

LIFE POINT: Jesus prayed in the garden. He was very sad. He knew He was about to be killed. Then, Judas came to the garden. He brought men with swords and clubs. Judas kissed Jesus. The men grabbed Jesus and took Him away. Jesus was put on trial before the high priest and the Roman governor, Pilate. Pilate did not want to kill Jesus, but the crowd kept yelling, “Crucify Him!” Pilate sent Jesus to be killed on a cross. The soldiers put Jesus on a cross where he died. A man named Joseph buried Jesus. A stone sealed the grave. The disciples were so very sad. Three days later, women went to the grave. An angel rolled the stone away. The grave was empty! The angel said that Jesus was gone. He was risen! The angel told the women to go tell the disciples the good news.

LIVE IT OUT: Has your child made the decision to follow Jesus? God sent Jesus to provide salvation for the world. There are many resources available to help lead a child to Christ and to help children deepen their relationships with Him.


Luke 24:1-8, 36-40

THE POINT: Jesus is alive and present with those who trust in Him.
• What’s the most surprising thing that’s ever happened to you?
• When did you first understand that Jesus is God’s Son?
• Why is it significant that Jesus knew in advance what would happen to Him?
• What makes the resurrection so important for believers today?
Discuss the following quote:

“The key to our lives as Christians today is how clearly we ‘see’ by faith the resurrected Christ.”¹ —Dave Hunt

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Pray with your student this week for peace in difficult circumstances, strength over temptations, and faith amid doubts.
• COMMUNITY: Spend time with your student reviewing his or her talents and how those talents could better be used to serve the church.
• CULTURE: With your student, consider the ways you can live in light of the resurrection every day.

¹Dave Hunt, “They Knew Him Not,” The Berean Call, 1 January 2001, [accessed 13 September 2016]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Life in the Church

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: The Holy Spirit helps people serve Jesus.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: American culture focuses on the individual. Businesses seek to cater to our individuality and give us what we want. The Christian life, on the other hand, is not about the individual. When a person comes to Christ, that person also comes to Christ’s body: the church. Therefore, to serve Christ, we serve His body. Serving the church and the needs of fellow believers is serving Christ.

Concept: Life in the Church


John 21:1-19

LIFE POINT: One night Peter, John, and some of the other disciples were fishing in the Sea of Galilee. They fished all night but had not caught any fish. A man standing on the shore asked the fishermen, “Don’t you have any fish?” The men told Him they did not. The man told the men to put their net over the right side of the boat. After they did what the man said, their net was filled with fish. It was heavy and they could not lift it into the boat. They had caught 153 fish. John realized the man was Jesus. Peter jumped into the water and swam to shore. The other men followed in the boat, pulling the net full of fish. Jesus told them to bring Him some of the fish. Jesus was cooking fish and bread. He invited His friends to eat breakfast with Him. After breakfast, Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him. Peter told Jesus he did love Him. Jesus told Peter to love others and tell them about Jesus.

LIVE IT OUT: Help teach your child that showing love for Jesus means showing love to others. Encourage your child to think of a family friend or neighbor and plan a kindness for that person. You could gift some food or give a card drawn by your child. Be sure to share with the person that Jesus loves him or her.


Acts 1:4-11

LIFE POINT: Jesus taught His disciples many things after He rose from the dead. He told them to stay in Jerusalem to wait for the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “When you have power from the Holy Spirit you must tell others about Me everywhere. You must tell about Me in Jerusalem. You must tell about Me in Judea. You must tell about Me in Samaria. You must tell about Me all over the world!” Jesus stopped talking. While the people watched, Jesus was lifted up into the sky. He disappeared into a cloud. The people stood looking at the sky. Two men dressed in white robes said, “Why are you looking into heaven? This Jesus, whom you saw taken into heaven, will come back in the same way.” Then the disciples went to Jerusalem to wait for the Holy Spirit as Jesus had commanded.

LIVE IT OUT: Does your child understand who the Holy Spirit is? If your child is a Christian, the Holy Spirit lives in her. Look at an online Bible (ex. Blue Letter Bible) and search for verses that tell about the Holy Spirit and how He ministers to people.


1 Peter 4:7-11

THE POINT: We love Christ by serving His church.

• What has been your most memorable church experience?
• When have you seen prayer impact someone’s life?
• What are the challenges and benefits of maintaining love for one another over time?
• How can we ensure that our service results in glorifying God rather than ourselves?
Discuss the following quote:

“Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork [pitch] are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord…”¹—A. W. Tozer

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:

• CHRIST: Discuss the gifts and talents of your student and determine how he or she can use them for God’s glory.
• COMMUNITY: Combine your own spiritual gifts with those of your student to prayerfully impact your community and the kingdom.
• CULTURE: Combine your prayers with your student’s for three specific people that are lost to the gospel and need His love and grace in their lives.


¹. A. W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God (New York: Ichthus, 2014) 64.

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Conversation Starters: Life in Christ

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: People live for Christ because He is alive.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: People find different ways to define their lives. Family gives my life meaning; work gives my life purpose; life is whatever I make it to be. The truth is that we only have real meaning and lasting purpose when our lives are grounded in Christ. “All things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and by Him all things hold together” (Col. 1:16-17). All of life is wrapped up in Jesus.

Concept: Life in Christ


Matthew 19:13-15

LIFE POINT: People followed Jesus wherever He went. They wanted to hear Him teach about God’s love. One day when Jesus was teaching, some parents brought their children to see Jesus. They wanted Him to put His hands on the boys and girls and pray. Jesus’ disciples saw the parents and told them to go away. The disciples thought Jesus was too busy to see the children. This did not please Jesus. He told His helpers to let the children come to Him. Jesus loves children. They are important in God’s plan. He told the people that everyone should love God just like the children love God. Jesus held the children and showed them how much He loved them. The people learned that everyone is important to Jesus. Jesus loves children just as He loves all people.

LIVE IT OUT: Print Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me” onto index cards, one word per card. On the edges of two cards that are consecutive, draw a matching symbol. Help your child put the verse in order, matching the symbols. Say the verse together. Thank Jesus for loving children.


John 20:19-31

LIFE POINT: On the day Jesus rose from the dead, the disciples met together in a locked room. Suddenly, Jesus was in the room! He greeted His friends. He showed them His hands and His side. The people knew it was really Jesus! They were so happy! Thomas was not with the other disciples when they saw Jesus. The disciples told him they had seen Jesus, Thomas said he would not believe unless he could see Jesus’ hands and touch Jesus’ side Later, the disciples were together again. The doors were locked again,and Thomas was there too. Suddenly, Jesus was in the room again. Jesus spoke to Thomas, “Touch My hands. Touch My side. Believe in Me.” “My Lord and My God!” Thomas answered. Jesus said, “You believed because you saw Me. Blessed are people who believe in Me even if they have not seen Me.”

LIVE IT OUT: Does your child understand that Jesus is alive today? Jesus lives in heaven with God. Jesus left us evidence that He is still alive. Talk about this with your child. Assure him that the Bible gives us plenty of evidence that Jesus is alive


Luke 9:18-26

THE POINT: My identity is found in Christ.
• What word or phrase do people use to describe you?
• What are some words or phrases people use to describe Jesus today?
• What would your reaction have been to hearing Jesus’ instructions as one of His disciples?
• What does it look like on a practical level to daily take up a cross and deny ourselves?
Discuss the following quote:

“The Christian life is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ lived two thousand years ago, lived now by Him in you!” ¹—W. Ian Thomas

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Alongside your student, consider some of the sacrifices Jesus has made for you and the sacrifices He is calling you to make.
• COMMUNITY: Make a commitment with your student this week to die to your self and live for Jesus. Encourage one another as you live out this challenge.
• CULTURE: Chose someone in your community that you and your student can be a witness to and sacrifice for the gospel.


¹ W. Ian Thomas, “At His Disposal,”Christ in You Ministries, [accessed 13 September 2016]. Available from the Internet:

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How to Offer Help and Counsel After a Mass Shooting

Posted by Phil

Parents, consider this article, packed with resources, that was published by our parent company.  We hope it can help as you navigate communicating with your child about current events and future events. We are thinking of our Camp Family during hard times when tragedy strikes around us.
-The Ridgecrest Summer Camps Team

Unsure how to respond or minister to people after a mass shooting? These resources can help.

Sin has broken everything. When tragedy strikes in the form of a school shooting, it reminds us of this harsh reality and wrenches our hearts no matter how close or far we may be from the people and communities affected by the violence and grief. Because of the world we live in today and the speed and unfiltered nature of our access to news around the world, school shootings and other tragedies require us to be ready to counsel and lead our churches and loved ones through these situations at a moment’s notice.

Whether you are counseling a family member of a school shooting victim, having a conversation with a child about a news report he or she saw on television, or taking preventative measures to protect your church from a similar tragedy, we want to help. Following is a collection of articles, Bible study discussion guides, video training, and podcasts to help you, your churches, and your families.

(Article adapted from –


How To Talk With Your Kids And Teenagers About School Shootings

The Lord is Close to the Brokenhearted

Grief in Times of Crisis

Helping Children Cope with Grief

Guiding Children During Crisis

Bible Study Discussion Guides

God’s Embrace in Our Grief: Psalm 116

Suffering Well with Others: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7


Helping Hurting Kids and Their Families

Church Security with Ron Aguilar

Video Training

For the next two weeks, the Church Safety and Security training on Ministry Grid is available for FREE. Select a training below and log in with your LifeWay ID or register for a free account. Then click the “Add To My Tasks” button in the description to get started.

The training includes:

Church Safety and Security

Church Security Team

Emergency Response Planning

Lockdown Procedures

Responding to an Active Shooting

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Conversation Starters: God’s Word is Relevant

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: God’s power helps people.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We look to doctors with our health needs. We look to the courts to give us justice. We look to family members to step in and help us with various needs. We need each other, but there is only so much any of us can do. Not so with God. He is the perfect, all-powerful Creator who gives us life. We see these very attributes in Scripture. Because the Bible is His Word, it has always reflected His character and power.

Concept: God’s Word is Relevant


Deuteronomy 34:9-12; Joshua 1:1-9

LIFE POINT: God had a plan for Joshua and the Israelites. God spoke to Joshua and said, “Get ready to cross over the Jordan River to the land I am giving you and the Israelites. I will be with you as long as you live.” God said, “Joshua, be strong and brave. Carefully follow the plan I gave Moses. Remember the rules that were written down so you can obey them. If you obey my rules and follow my plan, you will do well in whatever you do. Do not be afraid; I am with you wherever you go.” Joshua listened to God, like Moses did. The Israelites obeyed the commands Joshua gave them. They showed that they loved God by following His rules. Since they obeyed, God took good care of them.

LIVE IT OUT: Read aloud to your child Joshua 1:9. Explain that God is with us all the time. Help your child decorate a cardboard or plastic tag to hang from your car’s mirror as a reminder that God is with you wherever you go.


Deuteronomy 34:9-12; Joshua 1:1-9

LIFE POINT: Joshua was Moses’ helper for more than 40 years. Before Moses died, he placed his hands on Joshua to show the people that Joshua was filled with God’s Spirit. After Moses died, God spoke to Joshua. “It is time for you and the people to get ready. You will cross over the Jordan River. Then you will be in the land I have given you. I promised Moses that you would have the land.” He promised that no one would be able to keep His people out. Then God gave another important promise: He would never leave Joshua! Three times God told Joshua and the people, “Be strong and brave.” He told Joshua to give the land to the people. God told Joshua to do everything Moses had told them. God wanted Joshua and the people to practice repeating those instructions so they could remember them.

LIVE IT OUT: Review the Bible verses with your child. Remind your child that God promised to always be with Joshua. Discuss ways God shows that He is always with your family. Ask your child to pray and thank God for being with your family.


Psalm 119:89-96

THE POINT: God’s Word will always reflect His character and power.
• Why is it important to know that God’s Word will never change?
• What are some practical ways to engage the Scriptures in a way we won’t forget?
• How does belonging to God change how we face opposition?
Discuss the following quote:

“Do not try to make the Bible relevant. Its relevance is axiomatic¹. Do not defend God’s word, but testify to it. Trust to the Word. It is a ship loaded to the very limits of its capacity.”²—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can help your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Help your student determine how God’s Word can apply to his or her everyday life.
• COMMUNITY: Discuss ways you and your student can reveal God’s truth and take a stand for God’s Word. Areas to examine may include our speech, social media, or relationships.
• CULTURE: Standing for the gospel is about staying faithful to what God has called us. Take time with your student to consider what it means to live out God’s Word and where to seek help.

¹ axiomatic (adj)= self-evident or unquestionable

² Dargan Thompson, “12 Essential Bonhoeffer Quotes,” Relevant [online], [accessed 1 May 2016]. Available from the Internet: ttp://

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Conversation Starters: Give with Joy

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: Giving is a sign of obedience to God.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: For years, our national leaders have hotly debated how the government can help people—and how much to help. Blogs and news shows have joined the discussion, and people are often polarized into opposing camps. Within the body of Christ, though, believers are called to give and help others. Even as God provides for us, He calls us to be a conduit of His generosity and provision to others.

Concept: Give with Joy




Daniel 1:1-20

LIFE POINT: Daniel and his three friends lived in King Nebuchadnezzar’s palace. Daniel was strong, smart, and handsome. Daniel and his friends were learning to be special helpers to the king. The king’s helper brought Daniel rich foods and drinks. Daniel knew that God did not want him to eat those kinds of foods. Daniel asked the king’s helper, “Will you bring vegetables and water for my friends and me?” The king’s helper was afraid the boys would not be strong and healthy. Daniel said, “Please feed us vegetables and water for ten days. See if we are as strong and healthy as the other men.” After ten days, Daniel and his friends were stronger than the other young men. The king’s helper let them eat the good foods. Daniel and his friends were glad they had chosen to eat good food and obey God.

LIVE IT OUT: Emphasize to your child that Daniel chose to obey God’s laws about food. Tell your child she can obey what the Bible says; we can follow Jesus’ example in the Bible. She can be kind and loving to other people.


Daniel 1:1-20

LIFE POINT: The soldiers took young men back to the king. The men lived at the palace. They learned how to serve the king. The men were fed the same foods the king ate. Daniel knew the food was not made according to God’s laws. Daniel asked if he and his friends could eat vegetables and drink water. The officer was afraid that Daniel would become weak and make the king angry. Daniel spoke to the guard. “Please test us. Give us vegetables and water for 10 days. Then see at how we look. See how the others look. Then decide.” The guard agreed. He gave Daniel and his friends vegetables and water for 10 days. Daniel and his friends looked better than the others. They looked healthier than the others. The guard let Daniel and his friends keep eating vegetables and drinking water.

LIVE IT OUT: How does your family honor God? Today’s story told how Daniel honored God with his obedience. Read the following verses and talk about other ways to honor God: Psalm 86:2; Romans 14:6; Revelation 4:11.


Philippians 4:10-20

THE POINT: We are called to join God in giving for the good of others.
• When have you enjoyed giving something away?
• What does it mean to be content?
• Why do you think so many people misunderstand Philippians 4:13?
• When you have seen fruit come from being generous?
• How can we tell the difference between wants and needs?
Discuss the following quote:

“I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare.”1—C. S. Lewis

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: We have all been given different gifts and talents. Help your student to understand that his or her gifts will be different from the gifts of friends. Look up a Spiritual Gifts test online and take it together with your student.
• COMMUNITY: Look for opportunities where you and your student can use your gifts to help the community and bless others.
• CULTURE: Spend time with your student going over his or her gifts. Encourage your student to use these gifts to further God’s kingdom.

1. C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (New York: HarperCollins, 2001) 86.

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Conversation Starters: Live Your Life with Joy

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: God wants people to experience the joy of Christ.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We’ve all experienced the negative impact of a bad attitude on our work, productivity, and relationships. Conversely, a good attitude makes us better workers and better people to be around. Something is missing, though, if we just try to convince ourselves to “think happy thoughts.” Christians are called to center their lives in Christ, fill their minds with the things of God, and continually go to Him in prayer. The result is far different: a cause to rejoice.

Concept: Live Your Life with Joy


Jeremiah 36

LIFE POINT: God told Jeremiah, “Take a scroll and write the words I tell you.” Jeremiah and his helper, Baruch, wrote the words. Baruch went to the temple (church) and read the scroll to help the people know how to live. A king’s helper heard the words on the scroll and told the king about them. The king wanted to hear the words himself. The king’s helper read the scroll to the king. The king did not like what he heard, so he cut the scroll into pieces and burned it. God told Jeremiah to get another scroll and write the words about how to live again. Baruch helped Jeremiah write the words from the first scroll again and write many more words. These words from God could not be destroyed.

LIVE IT OUT: Find the Book of Jeremiah in the Bible and point to Jeremiah’s name. Turn to other books named for the people who wrote them such as Daniel, Matthew, Luke, and John. Explain
that these people wrote God’s words in the Bible.


Jeremiah 36

LIFE POINT: God said to Jeremiah, “Write on a scroll what I tell you to write.” Jeremiah told Baruch God’s words. Baruch wrote them on the scroll. Baruch read the scroll at the temple. The king’s helper hurried to tell the king’s advisers. They listened to the message from the scroll. “The king must hear this,” they said. The men warned Baruch and Jeremiah to hide. They told the king about the scroll. The king listened to his helper read the scroll. After a few minutes, the king reached over and cut off part of the scroll! He threw it into the fire! The king kept cutting off pieces of the scroll and throwing them into the fire. He burned whole scroll. God told Jeremiah, “Write another scroll. Put the same words on this scroll. Add more words to it. Tell him I will punish him.”
Jeremiah told Baruch God’s words again. The king could not destroy God’s message.

LIVE IT OUT: Do you turn to the Bible to help answer important life questions? Read together 2 Timothy 3:16. Discuss with your child how the Bible fits each of the purposes listed. Find other verses that help with each of those categories.


Philippians 4:4-9

THE POINT: Focusing on Christ brings joy and peace into our lives. When has focusing on the wrong things affected a situation in your life? How does prayer help us move from worry to trust What tends to cause anxiety in our lives? Why is our life so important to Christ? How can we help one another practice the things Paul taught in this passage? Discuss the following quote:

“When our lives are filled with peace, faith and joy, people will want to know what we have.”1 —David Jeremiah

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Pray with your student for peace and discernment as he or she faces challenges. Remind your student to go to God first with problems, before trying to solve everything alone.
• COMMUNITY: Each night help your student to find the moments of joy in his or her day especially during difficult situations.
• CULTURE: Our minds are our most dangerous battlefields. Help your student to fight a strategic battle through prayer and time spent in God’s Word.

1. “18 Wonderful Quotes About Joy,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 1 May 2016]. Available from the Internet:


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Conversation Starters: Grow with Joy

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: People can take a stand for Jesus daily.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We like quick results. We can convert a cold meal into a hot dinner in a minute or less. Movies can be streamed quickly without the previously required trips to the video store. Infomercials invite us to try their quick-and-easy weight loss or muscle-building program. One area that offers no such claim to being quick and easy is spiritual growth. We can be saved in a moment, but growth in Christ is a life-long journey.

Concept: Grow with Joy


Esther 2:2-18; 4:5-17; 5:1-18; 7:10; 8:8-17

LIFE POINT: The king chose Esther, a Jewish girl who lived with her cousin, Mordecai, to be his new queen. Esther did not tell the king that she was a Jew. Haman, a king’s helper, hated Jews and wanted to hurt the Jewish people. Mordecai told Esther to ask the king to help their people. He said, “Tell him you are a Jew and that Haman wants to hurt us.” Esther was afraid to go to the king. She told Mordecai and the people to pray for three days. Esther and her servants prayed, too. After three days, God helped Esther to be brave and go to the king. Esther was brave and went to see the king. The king was happy to see her and listened to what she wanted. He protected the Jewish people and kept Haman from hurting Mordecai and the Jews. God helped Esther and the Jewish people to be safe.

LIVE IT OUT: Talk with your child about what she would like to do when she grows up. Explain that God has a plan for her life. At this time in her life, God’s plan is for her to grow, obey her parents, and learn about God. Thank God for the plans He has for people.


Esther 2:2-18; 4:5-17; 5:1-18; 7:10; 8:8-17

LIFE POINT: Esther went from her home with Mordecai to the palace. Mordecai warned Esther, “Don’t tell anyone you are a Jew.” The king chose Esther as his queen. Mordecai sent Esther a message. Haman tricked the king into signing a law that all Jews would be killed. Mordecai asked Esther to beg the king for help. Esther knew she would be in danger if she went to the king without being called. Esther prayed for three days. Then she put on her royal robe. She went to the king on his throne. When the king saw Esther, he held out his scepter. Esther was safe! Esther told the king she was a Jew. She also told the king that Haman wanted to kill all her people. The king was quite angry! He ordered the soldiers to take Haman away. The king told the Jews to defend themselves. The people were happy!

LIVE IT OUT: Christian beliefs are under attack in our world today. Is your child able to defend her beliefs in difficult situations? Talk about and help develop some strategies for overcoming such difficulties.


Philippians 3:12-21

THE POINT: Each day is an opportunity to become more like Christ. What experiences has God used to help you grow spiritually? How can we intentionally position ourselves to benefit from the example of others? What are some of the effects of being a citizen of God’s kingdom in the world? Discuss the following quote:

“If I have observed anything by experience, it is this: a man may take the measure of his growth and decay in grace according to his thoughts and meditations upon the person of Christ, and the glory of Christ’s Kingdom, and of His love.”1—John Owen

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:

• CHRIST: Encourage your student to be a God-pleaser, not a people-pleaser. Spend time in prayer together seeking God first.

• COMMUNITY: Encourage your student throughout the week to courageously share the gospel. Pray together for the courage to share without fear.

• CULTURE: We communicate in many ways. Look at the ways your student communicates and help him or her to develop a plan to communicate the gospel.

1. “Entire Quotes Database,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 1 May 2016]. Available from the Internet: listpage=2&instance=2#participants-list-2.

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Conversation Starters: Follow with Joy

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: People can serve God together.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: The world equates joy and happiness with having our needs and desires met. Reality shows us, though, that having all our desires met does not necessarily bring us joy or make us any happier. Joy comes when we turn from pleasing ourselves and turn to living humbly before God, placing the needs of others before our own. When we follow the example of
Jesus in humility, we experience joy.

Concept: Follow with Joy



2 Chronicles 23:11, 13; 24:1-14

LIFE POINT: Joash became king when he was only seven years old. He was king for 40 years. Joash did what God told him to do. While he was king, Joash decided to repair the temple (church). He led the people to bring their money, gold, and silver to help repair the temple. The men made a chest and placed it outside the gate of the temple. The leaders and the people brought offerings and put them in the chest until it was full. The money was used to pay the stonecutters who repaired stone walls. The money paid the carpenters who sawed, hammered, and nailed. It was used to pay metal workers called blacksmiths and coppersmiths to repair the metal in the temple and to make new gold and silver items for the temple. The workmen worked hard. They rebuilt God’s temple.

LIVE IT OUT: Briefly review the story of Joash and the people giving offerings. If you have one, show your child an offering envelope for your church. Explain how the offerings are used at church to help people learn about God and Jesus. If your child attends worship, allow him to place money in the offering bin.


2 Chronicles 23:11, 13; 24:1-14

LIFE POINT: Joash became the king when he was seven years old. When Joash was older, he wanted to repair the temple. “Ask the people for money to fix the temple. They can give their
money just as Moses told them,” King Joash said. But the priests did not hurry to do what the king said. King Joash commanded a chest be placed beside the gate into the temple. He told people to bring money that belonged to God. The people happily brought their money and put it in the chest. The king’s helpers emptied the chest every day when it was full. They put it back beside the temple gate. The men in charge used the money to hire men to do the work. Finally, their work was done. Extra money was used to make things for the inside of the temple. The people worshiped God in the temple.

LIVE IT OUT: Does your child see you give to God? If your child has an allowance or part-time job, help him become a cheerful giver to the church. Talk about how money given to church is used to help people learn about God.


Philippians 2:1-11

THE POINT: We were made to live in love and humility like Christ.
• What annoys you the most?
• Why is unity so important for your group and the church?
• How would you describe the relationship between humility and unity?
• Who in your life best lives out this example of Jesus?
Discuss the following quote:

“Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion. It is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.”1—Billy Graham

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Pray with your student this week and help him or her to intentionally serve others.
• COMMUNITY: Help your student work on memorizing this week’s passage: Philippians 2:5-11. Keep the Scripture where you can see it throughout the week and quiz your student to
help with memorization.
• CULTURE: Spend time with your student talking about humility this week and how our lives should reflect the humility we see in Christ.


1. Billy Graham, “A Daily Process,” Billy Graham Evangelistic Association [online], 2 October 2015, [accessed 1 May 2016]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Share with Joy

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: People can have joy because of what God has done.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: The greatest joy anyone can experience is through a relationship with Christ. The presence of hardship and critics does not alter our relationship with Christ. No matter what, the follower of Christ belongs to Him for eternity. Consequently, hardships and critics should not alter our joy in Christ. In fact, joy in the midst of problems is a great testimony to Christ, the One who gives us His unsurpassed joy.

Concept: Share with Joy


1 Samuel 1

LIFE POINT: Hannah was very sad. She wanted a child very much. Hannah and her husband, Elkanah, had gone to the tabernacle at Shiloh. Hannah prayed and cried as she asked God for a son. She promised that if God gave her a son she would give him to God all his life. The priest, Eli, saw Hannah praying and asked why she was crying. She told Eli that she was praying to God for a child. Eli responded, “May God give you what you prayed for.” Hannah left, hoping and believing God had heard her. Later she gave birth to a son and named him Samuel. When Samuel was older, she took him to the tabernacle. She brought him to Eli and said, “Here is the son that I prayed for, and I am giving him to God.” Samuel lived at the tabernacle and helped Eli, the priest.

LIVE IT OUT: Involve your preschooler in a family prayer time. Ask him to contribute to prayer requests. Guide him to name people for whom he can pray. Lead your child to voice a prayer for those people.


1 Samuel 1:1 – 4:1

LIFE POINT: Hannah was very sad because she had no children. One day, she prayed in the tabernacle. Hannah asked God to give her a son. She promised she would give him to God for his whole life. Later, Hannah had a baby boy. She named him Samuel. When he was old enough, Hannah took him to Priest Eli. “This is what I prayed for,” she explained. Samuel served God at the tabernacle. One night he heard a voice calling him. He hurried to Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “I did not call you,” Eli said. Two more times Samuel heard his name called. Each time he hurried to Eli. Then Eli knew that God was the one calling Samuel. He told Samuel how to answer. When Samuel heard his name again, he said, “Speak. I am listening.” God gave Samuel a message for Eli. When Samuel was older, he became a prophet of God.

LIVE IT OUT:  Prayer is an important part of a Christian’s life. Be a model for praying for others to your child. Give her opportunities to pray for your family and for others. Be intentional in teaching your child to pray.


Philippians 1:12-21

THE POINT:  I can share Christ with joy no matter my circumstances. What’s the toughest thing for you to share with others? When have you been encouraged by the faith and perseverance of someone in your life? What do these verses teach us about sharing Christ? What feelings normally arise when you think about sharing the gospel? How can we help one another be bold in sharing the gospel? Discuss the following quote:

“To be a soul winner is the happiest thing in this world.”1—Charles Spurgeon

LIVE IT OUT:  Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:

• CHRIST: Pray with your student that God would make clear his or her goals and ways to share the gospel.

• Take time to serve in the community with your student. Consider serving in a ministry area in your church or volunteering at a local food bank.

• CULTURE: God uses us as instruments to serve others and make a difference in their lives. Discuss with your student ways to make Christ the center of our lives and find our purpose in Him.

1. “15 Amazing Quotes About Evangelism,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 1 May 2016]. Available from the Internet:

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