Conversation Starters: God is Real
Posted by KarahUse these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.
We live in an age when belief in God is no longer assumed or even valued. Many believe we no longer need a god and that our scientific knowledge has disproved the reality of God. Others see that same scientific knowledge as pointing to the existence of an intelligent designer. The Bible assumes the existence of God, and it points us to those things that affirm the reality of an intelligent, personal Creator.
Concept: God is Real
Exodus 12:31-40; 13:3,14; 14:10,13-16,21-22
LIFE POINT: God loves people.
What did Moses tell the people to do to get ready to leave?
How did God protect the people?
LIVE IT OUT: Talk to your child about a time when your family traveled somewhere. Remind her of the trip that the Israelites took. Help your preschooler know that just as God took care of the Israelites, He will always take care of your family.
Exodus 3:1–4:7
LIFE POINT: God is the only true God.
How did God speak to Moses?
What did God tell Moses to do?
What did God say His name was?
LIVE IT OUT: Remind your child that God told Moses His name, I Am who I Am. Together, decorate a small poster board with God’s name, I Am, on it to hang as a reminder that God is the only true God.
Psalm 19:1-14
THE POINT: God has given us ways to know Him.
Tell your student why you believe God is real.
What helps you overcome doubt?
Have a conversation around this quote:
“If you’re sincerely seeking God, God will make His existence evident to you.”1 —William Lane Craig
LIVE IT OUT: Plan to memorize Psalm 19:1 with your student.
Check back with your student in a couple of weeks about the verse he or she has memorized.
Encourage your student to locate some pictures online or at the library that were taken from the Hubble telescope.
Talk with your student about how awesome God’s creation is and how it declares His glory.
1. William Lane Craig, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, God?: A Debate between a Christian and an Atheist (Oxford: Oxford University Press, Inc., 2004), 28.
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Conversation Starters: Sanctity of Life
Posted by KarahUse these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.
Are some lives more important than others? Our culture talks about valuing life, but the way the unborn, disabled, and elderly are treated by society sends a different message. Our worth is in Christ and every life is sacred. Psalm 139 points us to an all-knowing, all-loving God who values each one of us.
Concept: Sanctity of life
Mark 10:46-52
LIFE POINT: God sent Jesus to help people.
How did Jesus help Bartimaeus?
What can you do to help people who are sick?
LIVE IT OUT: Pray with your child for friends and others who are sick. Help him know that Jesus loves all people.
Matthew 9:18-31
LIFE POINT: Jesus can heal people.
How did Jesus help the woman who was sick?
How did Jesus help the young girl?
What should you do to help people who are sick?
LIVE IT OUT: Share with your child that while God might not choose to heal all illnesses, He could. We can know that Jesus can heal people. Help your child create a list of people you know who are ill. Choose one or two to encourage with a visit, card, or phone call.
Psalm 139:1-6,13-18
THE POINT: God values life and so should we.
How have you been impacted by sanctity of life issues?
Why are these issues so difficult to discuss sometimes?
Have a conversation around this quote:
“Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils; they differ enormously about what evils they will call excusable.”1 —G. K. Chesterton
LIVE IT OUT: Help your student identify an elderly person in your church or family with whom he or she can have a conversation.
Go with your student and spend time with the person they have selected.
Pray for your student as he or she learns about difficult issues like abortion and the sanctity of life.
1. Gilbert Keith Chesterson, The Collected Works of G.K. Chesterton (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1987), 413.
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Conversation Starters: Faith
Posted by KarahUse these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.
Just as we cannot save ourselves, we cannot live the Christian life by ourselves. Left alone, we would face continual defeat. But we are not alone. Jesus Christ comes to live in us through the presence and power of His Holy Spirit. He is the One who empowers us to stand against sin, to walk righteously, and to live every aspect of life for His glory.
Concept: Faith
1 and 2 Peter
LIFE POINT: What we do shows we love Jesus.
In his letter, what did Peter tell people they should do if they love Jesus?
How can you show you love Jesus?
LIVE IT OUT: Prepare your child by role-playing situations that might occur during the day. Help him know how to act and react in ways that would show he loves Jesus.
1 and 2 Peter
LIFE POINT: The Holy Spirit helps Christians know how to live.
What are some things Peter told people they should do?
Do you think Peter’s letters should apply to people today?
LIVE IT OUT: Help your child recall a time when she was helped by someone who remained anonymous. Encourage her to do something nice for someone without telling him who did it. Remind her that one may not be able to see the Holy Spirit but that she can know He is there to help her live as a follower of Jesus.
Romans 8:8-17,26-27
THE POINT: The Holy Spirit lives in you and empowers you.
When was the last time you really needed someone’s help?
Why is it difficult to ask others for help?
Have a conversation around this quote:
“If we function according to our ability alone, we get the glory; if we function according to the power of the Spirit within us, God gets the glory.”1 —Henry Blackaby
LIVE IT OUT: Help your student schedule a time that he or she can be alone to seek and hear from God.
Share how time alone with God has impacted your life.
Discuss the Holy Spirit with your student. Be honest about misunderstandings and things you’ve learned.
Pray that your student will trust and rely on the work of the Holy Spirit in his or her life.
1. Henry Blackaby, Mel Blackaby, Experiencing the Spirit: The Power of Pentecost Every Day (New York: Random House Digital, 2009).
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Conversation Starters: Renewal
Posted by KarahUse these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Let’s be honest. We all struggle with sin. Regardless of how mature we are in Christ, our struggle with sin can frustrate and discourage us. But if Christ has set us free from the power of sin, why do we still struggle with it? For Christians, our sin nature may be powerless, but it doesn’t want to admit defeat. We do not face this struggle alone; Jesus Christ is with us to give us victory.
Concept: Renewal
Acts 9:36-43
LIFE POINT: People who love Jesus help others.
How did Dorcas help the people in her town?
How did Peter help Dorcas?
Name a person you could help.
LIVE IT OUT: Talk with your child about people who minister in your church. Do something special for that person or persons such as making a card, baking cookies, or some other act of kindness.
Galatians 2:11-21
LIFE POINT: God offers a new life in Christ.
Why did Paul confront Peter?
What did Peter learn from Paul about how people become Christians?
LIVE IT OUT: Help your child make a list of things that are different about him now from when he was younger. Include physical, emotional, and mental differences. Explain that although he is still the same person, he is very different. Share that when a person becomes a Christian, he is the same person but very different because Jesus becomes his Lord and Savior. Discuss the differences between a Christian and a non-Christian.
Romans 7:14-8:2
LIFE POINT: Jesus is with us in our battle against sin.
How do you deal with the ongoing struggle with sin?
How have you found victory over sin as Jesus has worked in your life?
Have a conversation around this quote:
“You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.”1 —Margaret Thatcher
LIVE IT OUT: Ask your student if he or she feels comfortable talking to you about sins he or she may struggle with.
Pray for your students as he or she battles sin daily.
Develop your own plan to fight sin and discuss it with your student.
Encourage your student to develop a plan of his or her own.
1. “Margaret Thatcher Quotes,” Available from the Internet:
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Conversation Starters: Change
Posted by KarahUse these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.
Grace is a wonderful thing. We like it when others extend grace to us. We especially love the grace God has shown us. But the freedom we have by the grace of God doesn’t mean we have no responsibility. Any freedom carries with it responsibility, and we are to live out our faith in the freedom of Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Concept: Change
Acts 12:5-19
LIFE POINT: People who love Jesus pray for one another.
Why were the people praying for Peter?
Who is someone you can pray for?
LIVE IT OUT: Talk with your child about special people who tell others about Jesus (such as your pastor or missionaries). Make a list of names of people for whom you and your child can pray daily.
Acts 12:5-19
LIFE POINT: Prayer is necessary and powerful for believers.
Why did Peter need prayer?
How was the power of prayer successful for Peter?
Whom do you know who needs prayer?
LIVE IT OUT: Help your child identify people in ministry for whom your family can pray. Make the list personal by including people your family knows. Pray with your child daily for at least one of the identified people and for the person’s ministry.
Romans 6:8-18
THE POINT: You don’t have to be a slave to sin.
How have you struggled to embrace your identity? Share this information with your student.
Have a conversation around this quote:
“Our identity is not in our joy, and our identity is not in our suffering. Our identity is in Christ, whether we have joy or are suffering.”1 —Mark Driscoll
LIVE IT OUT: Plan to read Ephesians this week with your student.
Discuss the different areas of life in which we try to find our identity.
Pray that your student will overcome areas he or she may be finding identity in other than Christ.
1. Matt Smethurst, “Driscoll, Who Do You Think I Am?” The Gospel Coalition. Available from the Internet:
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Conversation Starters: Love
Posted by KarahUse these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.
When we seek to get right with God or grow closer to Him, our human tendency is to do something to gain God’s attention or favor. The uniqueness of Christianity—its very foundation—is that because of the love of God, Jesus has already provided everything necessary for us to be right with God.
Concept: Love
John 21:1-19
LIFE POINT: Jesus showed His love to people.
How did Jesus show His love for His friends?
How does Jesus show love for you?
LIVE IT OUT: Talk about how Jesus showed His love for His disciples. Remind your child that Jesus wants him to show love to others. Make a list of people you know who have needs that your child could help you meet. Involve your child in planning to do a loving action for at least one person.
John 21:1-19
LIFE POINT: God loves His children unconditionally.
How did Jesus show His love for His disciples?
What did Jesus tell Peter to do to show his love for Jesus?
How can you show love for Jesus?
LIVE IT OUT: Help your child recall a time when his actions required that he be removed from a situation or restricted from playing a game. Talk with him about how it felt when the privilege was restored. Remind your child that Jesus’ love for him is unconditional and that while we can disappoint Jesus, He will never stop loving us.
Romans 5:6-11,18-21
THE POINT: Even at our worst, God loves us.
How often do you tell your student you love him?
How has God’s love for you impacted your faith?
Have a conversation around this quote:
“God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’”1 —Billy Graham
LIVE IT OUT: Share with your student an area of your life in which you have struggled to obey God.
Ask your student how you can pray for him or her this week.
Ask if you can help your student do something for your neighbors.
Encourage your student with the plan he has to reach out to your neighbors.
1. Michael J. Akers, Enriching Christian Doctrine and Character (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2009), 39.
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Conversation Starters: Forgiveness
Posted by KarahUse these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.
Despite our desire to sin, people want to do good. Most religions promote this as the way to salvation. When we keep the rules that are set before us, we feel good about ourselves. But none of us can perfectly keep a set of rules, much less God’s perfect law. Fortunately, Christ lived the perfect life and stood in as a substitute for us! Through His death, we are forgiven and able to have a relationship with God.
Concept: Forgiveness
Matthew 18:21-35
LIFE POINT: We forgive others because God forgives us.
How did Jesus teach Peter about forgiveness?
Do you know someone you can forgive?
LIVE IT OUT: Help your child think of people she knows. Talk about how she treats those people and how they treat her. Emphasize that Jesus taught people how to treat one another. Jesus wants us to love other people.
Matthew 18:21-35
LIFE POINT: We forgive others because God forgives us.
How did Jesus teach Peter about forgiveness?
Is it easy to forgive someone?
Who is someone you can forgive?
LIVE IT OUT: Ask your child to name a few things she has done that required forgiveness. Remind her how good she felt once she was forgiven. Encourage your child to remember Jesus’ teachings and to forgive others.
Romans 3:21-28
THE POINT: Jesus offers you His gift of a right relationship with God.
Discuss with your student when you began to follow Christ.
Have a conversation around this quote:
“Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God’s grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God’s grace.”1 —Jerry Bridges
LIVE IT OUT: Read and discuss Romans 8:37-39 with your student.
Ask your student to help you find a way to remind yourself of the truth in Romans 8:37-39.
1. Jerry Bridges, The Discipline of Grace (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2006), 19.
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Conversation Starters: Hope
Posted by KarahUse these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.
Find the right person to compare yourself to, and you can come off looking really good. Set your standards low enough, and you’ll come out on top. But how do you fare when God sets the standard? God’s standard of perfect righteousness is the only one that matters. Regardless of how good we might think we are, we fall far short of His standard. The Bible makes this clear, but it also makes the solution clear.
Concept: Hope
Matthew 14:22-33
LIFE POINT: People need Jesus.
How did Jesus help Peter?
What are some ways Jesus helps you?
LIVE IT OUT: Ask your child to think of something he wants to do by himself but must have help to accomplish (for example, driving a car). Help him know that some things are ones we cannot do on our own and that we need Jesus to help us.
LIFE POINT: Jesus offers hope for the hopeless.
What hope did Jesus offer to Peter?
What hope does Jesus offer to you?
How can you help others know that Jesus offers hope?
LIVE IT OUT: Talk with your child about some situations that seem hopeless. Share that to the world many things might seem hopeless but that because of Jesus, we can have hope!
Romans 1:16-17; 2:5-11; 3:9-12
THE POINT: You can’t meet God’s standard on your own.
Tell your student about the last time you wanted a “do-over”.
Ask your student how he feels about the standards you’ve set for him.
Have a conversation around this quote:
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”1 —Martin Luther King Jr.
LIVE IT OUT: Ask your student how you can be praying for him as he surrenders different areas of his life to Jesus.
Later in the week, remind your student that you are praying for him as he learns to trust God with everything.
Ask your student if he would like some suggestions about how you can reach out as a family to help others.
Help your students set a specific date to take action to impact your community or a group of people for Jesus.
1. Martin Luther King Jr., “Letter From a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.],” African Studies Center. Available from the Internet:
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Conversation Starters: God’s Big Plan
Posted by KarahUse these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: In the story of Joseph we find one of the strongest examples of family conflict within the Bible. The story holds nothing back. It is messy. We get to see the dirt of a godly family. Favoritism, hatred, and envy defined them. Yet, even in the midst of that kind of family dysfunction, God had a plan. The story of Joseph is a reminder that families who are experiencing conflict can find comfort that God works even through the darkest moments to create an ultimate good.
Concept: God’s Big Plan
Genesis 37; 45; 50:15-21
LIFE POINT: God always has a plan.
Why were Joseph’s brothers mad at him?
What did they do to Joseph?
What did Joseph tell his brothers after their father died?
LIVE IT OUT: Help your preschooler remember a time when something bad happened to a family member. Talk about how you felt and when the feeling went away. Help them understand that God always has a plan for your family.
Genesis 37; 50:15-21
LIFE POINT: God is in control of all things to make His big plan happen.
Why were Joseph’s brothers angry? What did they do?
What were Joseph’s brothers later afraid that Joseph might do?
Why did Joseph tell his brothers not to worry?
LIVE IT OUT: Help your child think of a person with whom they have trouble getting along. Encourage them to draw a picture or write a journal entry describing what they thinks God taught them or wanted them to learn at the time.
Genesis 37:5-8,26-28; 50:15-21
THE POINT: God is at work even in the midst of conflict.
How do you react to a change in plans?
What kind of behavior tends to create conflict?
Have a conversation around this quote:
“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”1 —Charles Swindoll
LIVE IT OUT: Read Hebrews 11 with your student.
Pray for your student to understand how Jesus uses conflict to help them grow and build their faith.
Ask your student if they need help finding something to remind them of God’s work in their life.
Point out ways you see that God has been at work in their life.
1. Charles R. Swindoll, Bedside Blessings: 365 Days of Inspirational Thoughts (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2011), 148.
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Conversation Starters: Step In
Posted by KarahUse these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Making bad decisions leads to consequences. No one is immune. But how do you respond to someone while he or she is making bad decisions? At what point is it right to get involved? God uses peacemakers to draw people to Christ. While many followers of Christ are known more for what they are against than what they are for, peacemakers choose their battles well.
Concept: Step In
1 Samuel 25
LIFE POINT: Sometimes we can help others get along.
What did David’s men ask Nabal to give them?
Why didn’t Nabal help David and his men?
What did Abigail do to help?
LIVE IT OUT: Equip your child to speak up for others. Give them an opportunity to practice speaking up. Talk about times when they might see a friend being unkind to another person. Role-play some ways they could speak up and remind a friend that Jesus loves us and wants us to love one another.
1 Samuel 25
LIFE POINT: Step in to help friends get along, just as Jesus stepped in for you.
Why did David think Nabal should help him and his men?
Why didn’t Nabal help David?
What did Abigail do?
LIVE IT OUT: Help your child learn to be a peacemaker. Encourage them, when they see friends in conflict, to step in with calm words and actions to try to resolve the situation.
1 Samuel 25:14-17,23-28,32-35
THE POINT: Step in to keep a bad situation from getting worse.
How do you respond when you hear “mind your own business”?
What prevents us from stopping a “train wreck” in someone’s life?
Have a conversation around this quote:
“When you confront a problem you begin to solve it.”1 —Rudy Giuliani
LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to really challenge how he or she thinks about helping to resolve conflict.
Pray for your student to be a peacemaker who draws others to Christ.
Share a time when you helped make peace with others.
1. “Rudy Giuliani Quotes,” ThinkExist (accessed 25 February 2013).
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