Conversation Starters: Compassion

Posted by Karah

DSC_4357THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: If this world were all we knew, it would be easy to sink into disappointment and bitterness. What hope do we have if our circumstances always seem against us? If we could see our situations from God’s perspective, we wouldn’t feel hopeless by the way life may have turned out. Like Joseph, we can recognize God’s hand in all that we face.

Concept: Compassion 


Genesis 50

LIFE POINT: Joseph’s father, Jacob, grew old. After many years, he died. Joseph and his family were sad. Even the Egyptians were sad that Joseph’s father had died. Joseph said to Pharaoh, “I promised my father I would take him to Canaan, his homeland, after he died. Let me go there.” All of Joseph’s family and his brothers went with him to Canaan. Many Egyptians went with Joseph. Then Joseph returned to Egypt. Joseph’s brothers were afraid of him because of the wrong thing they had done many years before. They were afraid that Joseph would be unkind to them after their father died. Joseph told his brothers, “Do not be afraid. I will not be unkind to you. Even though you were unkind to me, God had a plan for me. He placed me here for a reason.” Joseph was always kind to his brothers and their families.

LIVE IT OUT: Lead your child to think of someone in your family who needs kindness. Help your child make a gift for that person. Note that God wants us to show kindness.


Genesis 50

LIFE POINT: Joseph’s father, Jacob, grew old. After many years, he died. Joseph and his family were sad. Even the Egyptians were sad that Joseph’s father had died. Joseph said to Pharaoh, “I promised my father I would take him to Canaan, his homeland, after he died. Let me go there.” All of Joseph’s family and his brothers went with him to Canaan. Many Egyptians went with Joseph. Then Joseph returned to Egypt. Joseph’s brothers were afraid of him because of the wrong thing they had done many years before. They were afraid that Joseph would be unkind to them after their father died. Joseph told his brothers, “Do not be afraid. I will not be unkind to you. Even though you were unkind to me, God had a plan for me. He placed me here for a reason.” Joseph was always kind to his brothers and their families.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child think of a neighbor, friend, or family member who needs kindness. Help your child make a hand-made gift to give to that person.


Genesis 50:15-21

THE POINT: We can trust God is at work on our behalf. What’s something you appreciate now that you didn’t appreciate as a student? Discuss the following quote:

Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.”1 —Abraham Lincoln

LIVE IT OUT: Your student has been encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he plans to complete Fear Not:
•Share a fear of yours with your student.
•Encourage your student to memorize Scripture that helps him or her through times of fear.

If he plans to do Trusting God:
•Challenge your student to journal his or her thoughts about trusting God.
•Discuss a time when trusting God brought you peace.

1. “Abraham Lincoln Quotes, “Brainy Quote, [cited March 22, 2014]. Available from the Internet:

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