Conversation Starters: God’s Love
Posted by Karah
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: For many people, love means whatever they want it to mean. They can express a deep and profound love for someone or something, but later that love has disappeared. Too often our examples of love disappoint or fail us. We see in God a whole different example of love. He is the very embodiment of love. The Bible shows us that we can know and experience that love through Jesus Christ.
Concept: God’s Love
2 Kings 5:1-17
LIFE POINT: Naaman was a military commander. He had a skin disease. A servant girl of
Naaman’s wife said, “The prophet Elisha can help Naaman.” Naaman traveled to Elisha. Elisha sent a messenger who said to wash in the river seven times. Naaman was angry. “Why didn’t the prophet come out and help me? Don’t we have better rivers in our country?” Naaman’s helpers said, “If Elisha told you to do something hard, you would do it. Why won’t you wash yourself in the river?” Naaman went to the river. On the seventh wash, he was healed. Naaman returned to Elisha. “Thank you. Now I know that God is the
only God.”
LIVE IT OUT: Tell your child that God loves everyone. Help your preschooler think of some friends he likes. Make small treat bags to give to his friends. Pray with him for these friends.
2 Kings 5:1-17
LIFE POINT: Naaman was a soldier. He had a terrible skin disease. A servant girl of Naaman’s wife said, “The prophet Elisha can help Naaman.” Naaman went to Elisha, but
Elisha sent a servant with a message, “Wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River.” Naaman was angry. “Why didn’t the prophet come out and help me? Don’t we have better rivers in our country?” Naaman’s servants said, “If Elisha told you to do something hard, you would do it. Why won’t you go to the Jordan River?” Naaman washed in the water seven times. On the seventh wash, the skin disease was gone! Naaman returned to
Elisha. “There is no God except the God of Israel,” Naaman exclaimed to Elisha.
LIVE IT OUT: Talk to your child and help him think of a friend or relative who is ill.
Pray together for that person. Emphasize that, even though God is able to heal
everyone, sometimes He does not. Thank God for His love for all people.
1 John 4:7-12
THE POINT: God’s love empowers me to love. Discuss the way your family shows
love and how, empowered by Christ, it might improve. Pray as a family to be more loving.
Have a conversation around this quote:
“Define yourself radically as one beloved by God. This is the true self. Every other
identity is illusion.”1 —Brennan Manning
LIVE IT OUT: Your student has been encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities.
If your student chooses to do Show Love:
• Encourage your student as he or she determines to whom he or she might extend God’s love this week.
• Pray that your student will grow in love for God and others.
If your student chooses to do Love Grid:
• Ask your student if he or she would like help determining areas in which to be more loving.
• Encourage your student as he or she discovers ways to experience and show God’s love.
1. Brennan Manning, Abba’s Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging, (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2002).
Posted in Just For Parents | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Conversation Starters, Ridgecrest Summer Camps