Conversation Starters: God’s Justice

Posted by Karah

DSC_0104THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: When we are wronged by others, our typical response is to call for justice. However, when we are the ones who have committed the wrong, we want mercy. We demand fairness, but we define fairness based on what we want. God is fair, in that His justice holds everyone equally accountable for their actions. God is completely just, but He is also merciful, showing mercy to those who choose to turn to Him.

Concept:God’s Justice


Daniel 3

LIFE POINT: King Nebuchadnezzar made a statue. The people were told to worship the statue whenever music played or they would be thrown into a fire. Daniel’s friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were helpers of the king. They only worshiped God. Other helpers told the king about them. The king threatened to throw them into the fire. They said, “God can save us; even if He doesn’t, we will not worship the statue.” They were thrown in the fire. The king looked in the fire and saw the three friends and someone else. When the three friends came out, they were not burned! The king knew God had saved them.

LIVE IT OUT: Explain that God is fair and just. Ask your child to split a treat with you. Remind her to divide the treat fairly.


Daniel 3

LIFE POINT: King Nebuchadnezzar made a statue. The people were told to bow down and worship the statue whenever music played or they would be thrown into a fire. Daniel’s friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were helpers of the king. They only worshiped God. Other helpers told the king about them. The king threatened to throw them into the fire. They said, “God can save us; even if He doesn’t, we will not worship the statue.” They were thrown in the fire. The king looked in the fire and saw the three friends and someone else. When they came out, they were not burned! The king knew God had saved them.

LIVE IT OUT: Discuss the word righteous. Can people be righteous? Comment that only God is righteous. Make an acrostic using the word righteous. As a family think of words that describe God.


Ezekiel 18:21-24, 30-32

THE POINT: God is always just. How do you deal with guilt? Discuss with your student how people and God tend to view justice differently. Have a conversation around this quote:

“Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever.”1 —Thomas Jefferson

LIVE IT OUT: Your student has been encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities. If your student chooses to do Attack Guilt:

•Pray for your student to seek and accept God’s forgiveness and mercy.
•Remind your student that he or she is guiltless because of Christ’s sacrifice.

If your student chooses to do Struggle Together:
•Encourage your student to find a friend to help him or her face struggles.
•Let your student know you are also always available to help.

1. Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, Query XVIII: Manners, 1781.

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