Conversation Starters: Jesus Provides

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: The Bible tells about Jesus’s care for people.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Many people relegate Jesus to solely the spiritual realm—as though the spiritual life is separate from all other areas of life. Jesus saves the whole person. He seeks to help us and sustain us in every area of every life—and we can trust Him to do so. As Jesus meets our every need, we can be a conduit of His care in the lives of others.

Concept: Jesus Provides


LIFE POINT: Josiah was 8 years old when he became king. He loved God and wanted to obey Him. Josiah became a man and wanted to obey God. The temple (church) needed to be cleaned and repaired. King Josiah told one of his helpers, “Give money to carpenters, builders, and stone masons to repair the temple.” The workers found a Bible scroll. The worker gave the scroll to the king’s helper. The helper read words from the Bible scroll. When Josiah heard the words, he was upset. “The words of this Bible scroll tell what God wants us to do,” Josiah said. “We have not been doing these things.” King Josiah called the people to the temple. The people listened to the words from the Bible scroll. Josiah promised he would do the things God said. The people promised God they would do what God said, too.

LIFE POINT: As Thanksgiving approaches, use this time to talk to your child about ways Jesus has provided for him or her. Use resources like the Jesus Storybook Bible to help guide your conversations while using Bible verses.


LIFE POINT: Josiah became king when he was eight years old. When Josiah was older, he told his helper, “Tell the priest give the money the people have given for the temple. Give money to the builders. Buy wood and stone for the repairs.” When the helper met the priest, the priest said, “I found the book of the law here in the temple!” He gave the it to the helper. King Josiah listened to what was written in the book. He was sad and tore his clothes! Josiah realized that he and the people had not obeyed God. King Josiah tore down the altars where people prayed to other gods. The law said the people must celebrate the Passover. This feast had not been done for many years! King Josiah led the Passover feast. He turned to God more than any other king before him.

LIVE IT OUT: Provide several different translations of the Bible and use them to read the verse, Psalm 136:1. Help your child memorize his favorite translation of the verse. Ask your child to list one thing each day this week that he or she is thankful for.


Mark 6:34-44

THE POINT: Jesus cares and meets the needs in our lives.
• What was something provided for you as a child that you didn’t appreciate at the time?
• Where do you see evidence of God’s compassion in the world today?
• How do we balance the importance of meeting physical needs and spiritual needs?
• Where do we have opportunities to participate in God’s provision for others? Discuss the following quote:

“Hope is the poor man’s bread.”(1)—George Herbert

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Pray with your student thanking God for the good things and the blessings He has provided.
• COMMUNITY: Begin by talking about ways God has used someone recently in your life to meet a need. Then consider ways you and your family can meet the needs of others in your community leading up to Thanksgiving.
• CULTURE: Discuss ways you may be trusting in others or even yourself above trusting in God to provide for your needs.

(1) George Herbert, “Entire Quotes Database,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 23 May 2017]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Jesus Calls

Posted by Karah

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Social media gives us the opportunity to follow individuals and groups. By following them, we can see into their lives or know what they’re promoting—but we can do so only from a distance. Jesus invites us to follow Him in a far more intimate way. Following Jesus will require us to change directions, but the journey we take with Him leads us to abundant and eternal life.

Concept: Jesus Calls


Isaiah 6-7; Micah 5:2-4

LIFE POINT: Long before Jesus was born, God had a plan. God planned to send His Son to be born. God told prophets to tell the people about His plan to send a special baby. Prophets were men who told others what God wanted them to know. Isaiah was a prophet. God chose Isaiah to tell people the wonderful news. Isaiah wrote that God promised to send a very special child to be born. The special baby would be God’s Son. Another prophet who lived a long time ago was named Micah. Micah also wrote about Jesus. He wrote that God’s Son would be born in Bethlehem. People heard or read the words that the prophets wrote. They knew that God was planning to send His Son. They waited for the day that God would keep His promise.

LIVE IT OUT: The Christmas season is coming up, so research ways you can celebrate waiting for Christmas with your family. Find an Advent devotional book to use each day or week of the Advent season, which begins December 1st. Kids Read Truth is a great resource.


Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 11:1-5; Micah 5:2

LIFE POINT: When Isaiah was in the temple worshiping, he saw God on a throne. His robe filled the temple! Angels stood around God. They worshiped Him. Isaiah heard God ask, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for Me.” Isaiah answered, “Here I am. Send me!” Then God gave Isaiah a message for the people. Isaiah was to tell the message to everyone. Isaiah went to the king with God’s message. The king and the people were very afraid. An enemy army was coming. They did not believe they could win the battle. Isaiah said, “The enemy will not win. God is with you. God will give you a sign. A virgin will have a son. He will be Immanuel.” Another time, God gave a different message to the prophet Micah. Micah told the message to others. He said that the Savior would be born in Bethlehem.

LIVE IT OUT: The Christmas season is coming up, so research ways you can celebrate waiting for Christmas with your family. Find an Advent devotional book to use each day or week of the Advent season, which begins December 1st. Kids Read Truth is a great resource.


Mark 1:14-20

THE POINT: Following Jesus is a life-changing adventure and you are invited.
• What great adventure is on your bucket list?
• Why is it essential to believe and also repent to enter the kingdom of God?
• What are some of the ways Jesus calls people today?
• What does Jesus’ phrase “Follow Me’’ suggest about the way we’re to relate to Him?
Discuss the following quote:

“Sin gets its power by persuading me to believe that I will be happier if I follow it. The power of all temptation is the prospect that it will make me happier.”(1) —John Piper

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Discuss with your student ways that he or she has been an example of following Jesus. Then determine how you can each grow in following Jesus this week
• COMMUNITY: Encourage your student to develop relationships with friends that will help them to become better followers of Jesus.
• CULTURE: Pray with your student this week for the strength and courage to be an example of devotion to Christ in a worldly culture.

(1)John Piper, “50 John Piper Quotes,” Christian Quotes, [accessed 15 May 2017]. Available from the Internet: by-author/john-piper-quotes/#axzz4hYC7eseG.

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Conversation Starters: Battle Plan

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: Trusting Jesus as Lord and Savior is God’s plan for people.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Everybody encounters temptation, but what may be a strong temptation for one person may not tempt another person. Satan knows us well enough to know what he can use in his attempts to get us to sin. We might assume that, because a certain temptation feels unique to us, no one knows what we’re going through. However, Jesus knows. He faced the same types of temptation we face. We can stand against temptation in the same way He did.

Concept: Battle Plan


1 Samuel 16

LIFE POINT: Jesse had eight sons. His youngest son, David, was a shepherd. David helped his father by taking care of the sheep. Sometimes, while watching the sheep, David would play music on his harp. Saul was the king of the country where Jesse and his sons lived. King Saul was not happy. His helpers said, “Let’s look for someone to play the harp. The music will help you feel better.” King Saul thought this was a good idea. One servant told King Saul about the shepherd who played the harp. King Saul sent his helpers to Jesse. The king’s helpers said to Jesse, “King Saul needs your son David. David can help the king.” Jesse packed bread and other food on a donkey for David to take to the king. David began to help King Saul. When the king felt upset, David played his harp. The music helped King Saul feel better.

LIVE IT OUT: Tell your child that God made him special and he can help others. Help him think of a neighbor or friend who needs help. Decide on a way to help that person; then follow through.


1 Samuel 16

LIFE POINT: God spoke to Samuel. “Get the oil. I have chosen a king from Jesse’s sons. I am sending you to Bethlehem. ” Samuel went to Jesse in Bethlehem. He saw Jesse’s oldest son. “This must be the one God has chosen,” Samuel said. “No,” God said. “Do not think about how he looks. You cannot see what I see. I can see what he thinks and feels.” After Samuel had seen seven sons, he still had not found the new king. Jesse sent for David, youngest, a shepherd. Samuel poured oil on his head. From that day on, God’s spirit was with David. Soon after, David came to play the harp for King Saul when he did not feel well. The music made the king feel better. The king liked David. Saul kept David stay with him to play the harp.

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your child by telling her that God has a plan for each person’s life. God’s plan for every person is to trust Jesus as Savior.


THE POINT: We can follow Jesus’ example in defeating spiritual attacks.
• Where do you turn when you need a foolproof plan?
• What have you found helpful in preparing to face physical temptations?
• Why is it dangerous to test God?
• What can we learn from Jesus’ example about overcoming temptation Discuss the following quote:

“Many deceptions only appeal to us because there is something inside us that ‘wants’ to believe them. They are seductive because of darkness and wrong motives in our own lives. We must search our hearts and root these out.”(1) —Andrew Strom

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Pray with your student over any difficult trials he or she is facing. Pray for the strength to live in obedience to God.
• COMMUNITY: Jesus faced the cross alone, but we have the church and other Christ-followers as support during trials. Discuss with your student any friends that he or she has that may be in need of support and encouragement.
• CULTURE: The desire to have things now often clashes with God’s standards. How can you and your family live this week in a way that demonstrates that your satisfaction comes not through worldly things, but through God’s plan for your life?

(1)“28 Quotes About Deception,” Christian Quotes, [accessed 22 February 2017]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Jesus Cares

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: The worship of God brings healing to the wounded.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: When we experience pain or hurt, we turn to doctors and pharmacists. After all, they have remedies for much of what ails us. But we all experience pain and hurt—physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual—that are beyond the scope of science. We need Jesus. In all things, we are to come to Jesus, because He brings healing we can’t imagine. We can trust Jesus to take care of us.

Conversation Starters: Jesus Cares


Matthew 2:1-12

LIFE POINT: Wise men watched the stars. They saw a new star shining brightly. This new star meant that God’s Son had been born. They wanted to see the special child and give Him gifts. The wise men followed the star to Jerusalem. They asked about the special baby. King Herod was not happy to hear about Jesus. The prophets wrote a long time ago that a special baby would be born in Bethlehem. King Herod told the wise men to go to Bethlehem. He told them to tell him where they found the baby, because he wanted to see Jesus, too. The wise men followed the star to the house where Jesus and His family lived. They bowed down and thanked God for sending Jesus. The wise men gave Jesus gifts—gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The wise men returned home a different way.

LIVE IT OUT: Remind your preschooler that the wise men knew that Jesus was a special child. With your child, talk about what makes Jesus special. Say the Bible Verse: “Thank You, God, for Jesus. Luke 2:38.”


Matthew 2:1-12

LIFE POINT: After Jesus was born, wise men came to Jerusalem. They asked,
“Where is the new King of the Jews? We saw His star. We want to worship Him.” King Herod called the priests and asked them where the Messiah would be born. The priests reported that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. King Herod sent the wise men to Bethlehem. He said, “When you find the child, tell me. I want to worship Him.” The wise men followed the star until it stopped over the house where the child was. They were filled with joy! The wise men went in the house. They saw Mary and Jesus. They dropped to their knees in worship. Then the wise men gave Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Later, the wise men took a different way back to their country.

LIVE IT OUT: Does your family worship Jesus at home? The wise men worshiped Jesus by bowing down to Him and presenting Him gifts. Discuss with your child what gifts they could give to Jesus.


Mark 5:22-24, 35-43

THE POINT: Jesus brings healing to our lives.
• What are some home remedies you rely on when you’re sick?
• What are some alternatives we typically pursue before turning to Jesus with our needs?
• How can we express trust in God even when problems get worse instead of better?
• What situation in your life is requiring you to trust in God and wait on His timing? Discuss the following quote:

“Health is a good thing; but sickness is far better, if it leads us to God.”(1)
—J. C. Ryle

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Discuss with your student ways that he or she can cultivate a closer relationship with Jesus. How is he or she demonstrating trust in Him?
• COMMUNITY: Meet with a student leader in your church to discover how your student can become more involved and ways he or she can meet the needs of others.
• CULTURE: Following Jesus takes courage and for our students standing against a worldly culture may come with costs. Pray with your student for the strength to stand in the face of criticism and doubts.

(1)“20 Quotes About Illness,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 23 May 2017]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Fear Not

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: Jesus loves and helps people.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: When we read the headlines, we can easily get the impression that evil is winning. Evil is rampant, and unfortunately, evil will even present itself as good. We can still recognize evil for what it is because the truth will always line up with Jesus Christ. Evil can be deceptive, but we can avoid deception by knowing the truth—and we know the truth when we know Jesus.

Conversation Starters: Fear Not


Genesis 13

LIFE POINT: Abram had a large family and many animals. He had helpers to take care of his animals. Lot, Abram’s nephew, had many animals, too. One day Lot’s helpers began arguing with Abram’s helpers. There was not enough grass and water for all the animals. Abram heard the helpers fighting. He knew it was wrong for his helpers and Lot’s helpers to be arguing. Abram knew that God wants families to get along and work together. Abram told Lot to choose the land where he wanted to live. Abram said that he would take the other land. This way they would both have plenty of grass for their animals. Lot chose the grassy land by the river. He moved his family, helpers, and animals to the land next to the river. Abram took his family, helpers, and animals and moved to another part of the land. God promised the land to Abram’s family forever.

LIVE IT OUT: Look at a family photo album with your child. Take time to help your child remember family members they do not see often. Remind your child that God loves families. Thank God for your family and for God’s love.


Genesis 13

LIFE POINT: Abram, his wife Sarai, and his relative Lot left Egypt. Abram took his family to a place where he had worshiped God. The land did not have enough food and water for all the people and all the animals. Lot’s servants and Abram’s servants argued with each other. Abram said to Lot, “Our servants should not argue. We are a family! We have the whole land before us. If you go to the right, I will go to the left. If you go to the left, I will go to the right.” Lot saw the Jordan Valley. It was green and beautiful. Lot chose the valley and moved there. God spoke to Abram. “Look around you. Look in every direction. I will give you a big family. I will give the land to your family. Walk from one end of your land to the other!” So Abram moved and built an altar to worship God.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child deal with problems with other family members. Discuss the problem and help your child think of solutions. Encourage your child by reminding her that God made her able to think and solve problems.


1 John 4:1-6

THE POINT: We don’t need to fear evil forces when we’re in Christ.
• What are some of the most unusual phobias or fears you’ve heard about?
• Why is simply being aware of existing dangers so important?
• What practical steps can you take to discern between false teaching and God’s truth?
• How would you describe the two opposing spirits in the world today Discuss the following quote:

“Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.” (1)—John Henry Newman

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Take time to study some verses this week with your student in which we see God as a powerful, conquering King. (See Psalm 95:3, Psalm 147:5, Joshua 22:22, and Nehemiah 9:32 to start)
• COMMUNITY: Your student is facing many fears and challenges that are different from the ones you faced in school. Pray with him or her for the power to overcome these fears and experience the power of the gospel.
• CULTURE: There are two sides fighting for power in our world. Jesus has already overcome the world, so how can He use you and your student to gain victory?

(1)“John Henry Newman > Quotes > Quotable Quote,” Goodreads, [accessed 22 February 2017]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: The Great Dragon

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: Jesus was present at creation.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Satan is real. We cannot blame our sin and problems on him, but he is ever at work to keep evil strong in the world and to encourage our involvement with sin. Christians are wise to stay alert to the devil’s work, since he is ever scheming to pull us down. The Bible presents a clear picture that Satan will not prevail in his evil. He is defeated by Christ, and he is defeated in our lives as we walk with Christ.


Genesis 1:1 – 2:3

LIFE POINT: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. He named the light day and the darkness night. That was the first day. On the second day, God separated the water and the sky. Then God gathered the water into one place so that land would appear. He called the land earth and the water seas. God made plants and trees to grow on land. That was the third day. On the fourth day, God made the sun, moon, and stars. Then God filled the water with many kinds of living things, and He filled the air with birds. That was the fifth day. On the sixth day, God said, “Let the earth have all kinds of animals,” and it was done. Finally, God made a man and a woman. God looked at everything He made and saw that it was good. On the seventh day, God rested.

LIVE IT OUT: Young children have a hard time distinguishing the things God made from things that are man-made. Take time to point out plants, animals, rocks, and other things God made. Thank God for His beautiful world.


Genesis 1:1 – 2:3

LIFE POINT: In the beginning, God made the heavens and the earth. At first, the earth had no shape. God said, “Let there be light.” God called the light day. He called the dark night. God said, “Let there be sky between the waters.” And it was so. God said, “Let the water under the sky gather. Let dry land appear.” God called the water seas. He called the land earth. God said, “Let there be plants with seed.” And plants appeared! Then God spoke and the sun, moon, and stars appeared! God spoke and there were living animals in the water and sky.” God said, “Let living animals of all kinds be on the earth.” And it happened! God saw that all He had made was good. Then God made people. God made men. God made women. God saw all He had made. It was very good! God rested on the seventh day.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child praise God for His creation. Read together Psalm 104, David’s psalm of praise to God for His creation. Help your child write his own praise for God’s creation.


THE POINT: Satan fights against us, but we can stand in Christ.
• What monster or fictional villain best represents evil to you?
• Where do you see evidence of Satan’s deceptive work in the world today?
• What accusations does Satan bring against us?
• What does the gospel have to say about Satan’s accusations? Discuss the following quote:

“The more useful we are to God, the more we will be attacked by the enemy.”(1) —Zac Poonen

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Create a list with your student of things he or she can do to pursue Christ and grow closer to Jesus by overcoming sin in his or her life.
• COMMUNITY: Darkness isn’t overcome alone. Help your student to overcome any battles he or she is currently facing with encouragement and prayer.
• CULTURE: Discuss with your student ways you see darkness affecting the world and even their friends. How can you help your student to see the light of Christ and share it with the world?

(1) Zac Poonen, “33 Zac Poonen Quotes,” Christian Quotes, [accessed 21 February 2017]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: God is Faithful

Posted by Karah

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: People break promises. Even when they have the best intentions, people aren’t always able to do what they said they’d do. If we experience that enough, the unfaithfulness of others can cause us to lose hope. The early disciples experienced a loss of hope when Jesus was crucified. God remained faithful to what He said He’d do, and He proved His faithfulness when He raised Jesus from the dead. We have a sure hope because God is faithful.

Concept: God is Faithful


Matthew 28:1-10

LIFE POINT: On Sunday morning, Mary and Mary Magdalene walked to the tomb. Jesus died on a cross and was buried there. Suddenly, an earthquake shook the ground. An angel rolled back the stone that was in front of the tomb. The angel said, “Do not be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus. He is not here. He is alive!” The angel told the women to look in the tomb and see that it was empty. Then the angel told the women to go and tell the disciples that Jesus is alive! The women left to find the disciples and tell them. Then they saw Jesus! The two women ran to Jesus and worshiped Him. Jesus said, “Go and tell My disciples to go to Galilee. They will see Me there.”

LIVE IT OUT: Print in the center of a sheet of paper: JESUS IS ALIVE! Give your child crayons or markers to trace around the letters and decorate the paper. Talk about the Bible story as your child is drawing.


Matthew 26:36-28:10

LIFE POINT: Soldiers arrested Jesus. They took Jesus to be crucified. They nailed Jesus on a cross. After a time, Jesus died on the cross. Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea, wrapped Jesus in white cloths and put the body in his own tomb. He rolled a big stone over the opening. After three days, as some women went to the tomb, there was an earthquake. An angel rolled back the stone. The angel said, “You are looking for Jesus who was crucified, but He is not here! He has risen from the dead, just like He told you.” The angel invited the women to see the tomb. He told them to tell the disciples the good news. As the women left, Jesus met them! They fell down and worshiped Jesus. “Do not be afraid,” Jesus said. “Tell My followers to meet Me in Galilee.”

LIVE IT OUT: As you celebrate Easter with your family, help your child understand that Jesus is alive, though He died on the cross and was buried. Help your child memorize Matthew 28:6. The women came to anoint Jesus’ body for death, but He was not there!


Luke 24:1-12

THE POINT: The empty tomb points to the faithfulness of God.
• What surprise ending in any movie or book has left you wondering, “How did that happen?”
• What did the women expect to find at the tomb?
• Why do we sometimes doubt or forget what God has promised?
• Why is the resurrection so important for Christianity?
Discuss the following quote:

“If Jesus rose from the dead, then you have to accept all that he said; if he didn’t rise from the dead, then why worry about any of what he said? The issue on which everything hangs is not whether or not you like his teaching but whether or not he rose from the dead.”(1)—Tim Keller

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Discuss with your student how he or she can create a deeper relationship with Christ.
• COMMUNITY: The news of Jesus’ life and resurrection is the most encouraging thing we can hear and share. Ask your student how this affects the way he or she is living, and how it can be an encouragement.
• CULTURE: Read the story of Christ’s resurrection with your student. Create a list of friends you can share the story of Christ with this week.

(1)“16 Glorious Quotes About the Resurrection,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 27 August 2017]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Our Righteousness

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: People should follow the commands of Jesus because God is righteous.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Life is just not fair. People with poor character, questionable ethics, and skewed morals seem to get ahead in life, while those who seek to do right seem to be passed by. In fact, people are often treated badly because of their right actions and character. We might be tempted to think God is also unfair since He allows this to happen. But God is a righteous God. He is the Lord our Righteousness, and He will ultimately bring justice to bear on all things.

Conversation Starters: Our Righteousness


John 21:1-19

LIFE POINT: Peter, John, and some of their friends fished all night. They did not catch any fish. When the sun rose, they saw a man standing on the shore. He said, “Did you catch any fish?” They told him no. He told them to put their net down on the right side of the boat. The fishermen threw the net into the water on the right side. When they tried to lift the net, it was full of fish! There were 153 fish in the net. John said, “That man is Jesus!” Peter jumped into the water and swam to shore. The other men brought the boat to shore. When the men reached land, Jesus said, “Come and have breakfast with Me.” He gave the men bread and fish. The men were happy to see Jesus. Jesus told them to love and care for other people.

LIVE IT OUT: Teach your child to show love to others. Say the verse: “Jesus said, ‘Love other people.’ ” Think of a neighbor and plan a kindness for that person. You could gift some food or give a card drawn by your child. Be sure to share with the person that Jesus loves him.


John 21:1-19

LIFE POINT: Peter and other disciples fished all night. They didn’t catch a thing! As the sun began to come up, the men could see someone standing on the shore. The man called out, “Did you catch any fish?” “No,” the men answered. “Throw your net on the other side,” called the man. The fishermen threw the net and caught so many fish they couldn’t lift the net into the boat! Peter jumped into the water and came to shore. The other men brought the boat, pulling the net behind them. Jesus gave the men bread and fish to eat. Jesus spoke with Peter. He asked three times if Peter loved Him. Three times Peter said, “Yes.” Jesus told Peter to serve others as a way to follow Him.

LIVE IT OUT: Guide your child to read this week’s Bible verse, 2 John 1:6. Talk about what commands of Jesus we should follow. Help your child understand that showing the love of Jesus to the world is one of His commands. Discuss ways your child can do that task.


Jeremiah 33:3-8, 14-16

THE POINT: Because God is righteous, He will ultimately make all things right.
• When can you remember saying, “That’s not fair!”?
• When have you seen a negative turn into a positive over time?
• How have you experienced God’s restoration?
• How do the promises in these verses point forward to Jesus? Discuss the following quote:

“No one will ever go to Hell who has put his trust in Jesus Christ, but many will end up in torment who have trusted their own righteousness and reformation.(1) —Curtis Hutson

LIVE IT OUT:Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Ensure that your student is cultivating a close relationship with God by continually confessing, repenting, and pursuing Christ.
• COMMUNITY: Ask your student who God has used to help him or her grow in their faith and pursuit of Christ. Pray for those who are committed to helping your student grow.
• CULTURE: We present a picture of the gospel to a worldly culture. Talk with your student about being prepared for the criticism that may come from a culture with worldly values.

(1)“15 Curtis Hutson Quotes,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 27 August 2017]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Our Shepherd

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: Because Jesus saved us, we can walk with God.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: The Bible often depicts us as sheep. Left to ourselves, we wander off and place ourselves in harm’s way. We can’t find our way back. The Bible also depicts God as the Shepherd over us. He is the One who gently guides us, protects us, and comforts us. Psalm 23 is one of the most beloved psalms in Scripture, and it succinctly captures this picture of God as our loving Shepherd.

Concept: Our Shepherd


Matthew 19:13-15; Psalm 23

LIFE POINT: One day Jesus was teaching the people. Parents brought their children to see Jesus. They wanted Jesus to put His hands on the children and pray for them. Jesus’ disciples told the people to go away. They didn’t want the parents and children to bother Jesus. Jesus told His helpers, “Let the children come to Me.” Jesus touched the children; He held them and prayed for them. He told the people that everyone should love God just like the children love God. The disciples and other people saw that Jesus loves all people, including children.

LIVE IT OUT: Print the verse words of Psalm 23:1 on individual cards with matching symbols one each edge. Help your child put the verse in order, either using the words or matching the symbols. Say the verse together. Thank God that Jesus, our Shepherd, loves children.


John 20:19-31; Psalm 23

LIFE POINT: The disciples were afraid that the men who killed Jesus would find them. They locked the door where they met. Jesus appeared with the disciples! The disciples knew the man was Jesus. They were so happy! Thomas was not there when Jesus appeared, but the other disciples told him all about it. Thomas said, “I must see the scars from the nails.” Later, Thomas was with the other disciples in a room. Jesus appeared beside them again! Jesus spoke to Thomas. “Look at My hands. Touch My side. Don’t be someone who does not believe. Be someone who believes.” Thomas said, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said that Thomas believed because He could see. He said that people who believe without seeing are blessed.

LIVE IT OUT: Review the Bible story with your child. Emphasize that Thomas acknowledged Jesus as Savior when Jesus appeared before him. Read together Romans 10:9. If your child is not a Christian, share the plan of salvation with him or her.


Psalm 23:1-6

THE POINT: God guides us as He walks with us.
• When has a guide made an experience more memorable?
• Who or what do you look to for guidance on a regular basis?
• When has an awareness of God’s presence made you brave?
• How can our actions and attitudes demonstrate that we follow God as our shepherd? Discuss the following quote:

“A true shepherd leads the way. He does not merely point the way.”(1) —Leonard Ravenhill

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Discuss with your student ways that he or she is allowing sin to block his or her walk with God. Pray with your student confessing all of your sins and commit to turning away from them in a real way.
• COMMUNITY: Talk honestly with your student about any friends he or she has that are not Christians. Pray for your student and his or her friends.
• CULTURE: Determine some ways to gently approach the gospel in conversations with friends and how to communicate the value of following Jesus.

(1)“Leonard Ravenhill Quote-Leadership,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 27 August 2017]. Available from the Internet:

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Conversation Starters: Our Peace

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: Because of Jesus’ death and sacrifice we can have peace with God.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Who doesn’t long for peace? We’d love an absence of conflict in our lives, a time with no squabbling or obstacles. Even when we have those moments of “peace and quiet,” they are often short-lived. But God offers us a far greater and lasting peace, even while facing conflict with others or battling our circumstances. In Gideon’s encounter with God, he discovered he could trust God to give the Israelites peace because of who God is.

Concept: Our Peace


Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-19

LIFE POINT: Jesus and His disciples were walking to Jerusalem. Jesus told two disciples, “Go to the next town, and there you will find a young donkey. Bring it to me.” The disciples obeyed Jesus. They found the donkey like Jesus said they would. They brought the donkey to Jesus. The disciples spread their coats on the donkey. Jesus sat on the donkey’s back and rode into Jerusalem. Along the way, many people were waiting to see Jesus. When they saw Him coming, some people spread their coats on the road. Other people laid down palm branches. As Jesus passed by, the people shouted, “Hosanna.” The people shouted happy words to God. They were happy to see Jesus. They knew He was special and had done many miracles. They wanted to show their love for Him!

LIVE IT OUT: Review the Bible story with your child about the way people welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem. Give your child a simple instrument, such as two craft sticks or a coffee can drum. Lead a praise parade as you play the instruments to worship music.


Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-19

LIFE POINT: Jesus sent two disciples into a town to find a donkey. The disciples found the donkey and started untying it. “Why are you untying the donkey?” the owners asked. The disciples said, “The Lord needs it.” The disciples took the donkey to Jesus. They put their robes on the donkey. They helped Jesus get on the donkey. Jesus rode into town. The people were excited to see Jesus. People put their robes and branches on the road in front of Him. The crowd shouted joyfully in loud voices, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! ” Some temple leaders said, “Stop these people. They should not praise you!” Jesus answered, “If the people stop, the stones will cry out!”

LIVE IT OUT: Review today’s Bible story with your child. If you or your child have ever seen a celebrity in a parade, talk about how that felt. Compare with how your child thinks the people felt when seeing Jesus ride into Jerusalem.


Judges 6:11-24

THE POINT: God’s peace helps us rise above our circumstances.
• Where do you go when you need some peace and quiet?
• What causes us to sometimes doubt God’s presence in our lives?
• How do we recognize when God is calling us to a task?
• Where do you need peace in your life right now? Discuss the following quote:

“Because of the empty tomb, we have peace. Because of His resurrection, we can have peace during even the most troubling of times because we know He is in control of all that happens in the world.”(1) —Paul Chappell

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your students to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out in the Personal Study Guide. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: By trying to please the sinful world, we separate ourselves from wholeness and peace with God. Discuss with your student ways that he or she is trying to please the world instead of God.
• COMMUNITY: Create a list of people you know who need God’s peace in their lives. Make a plan to serve and help them to experience the peace of Christ.
• CULTURE: Help your student to discover ways he or she can share the gospel with lost friends at school.

(1)“16 Amazing Quotes About Peace,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 27 August 2017]. Available from the Internet:

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