Conversation Starters: God’s Big Plan

Posted by Karah

Use these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: In the story of Joseph we find one of the strongest examples of family conflict within the Bible. The story holds nothing back. It is messy. We get to see the dirt of a godly family. Favoritism, hatred, and envy defined them. Yet, even in the midst of that kind of family dysfunction, God had a plan. The story of Joseph is a reminder that families who are experiencing conflict can find comfort that God works even through the darkest moments to create an ultimate good.

Concept: God’s Big Plan


Genesis 37; 45; 50:15-21

LIFE POINT: God always has a plan.

Why were Joseph’s brothers mad at him?

What did they do to Joseph?

What did Joseph tell his brothers after their father died?

LIVE IT OUT: Help your preschooler remember a time when something bad happened to a family member. Talk about how you felt and when the feeling went away. Help them understand that God always has a plan for your family.


Genesis 37; 50:15-21

LIFE POINT: God is in control of all things to make His big plan happen.

Why were Joseph’s brothers angry? What did they do?

What were Joseph’s brothers later afraid that Joseph might do?

Why did Joseph tell his brothers not to worry?

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child think of a person with whom they have trouble getting along. Encourage them to draw a picture or write a journal entry describing what they thinks God taught them or wanted them to learn at the time.


Genesis 37:5-8,26-28; 50:15-21

THE POINT: God is at work even in the midst of conflict.

How do you react to a change in plans?

What kind of behavior tends to create conflict?

Have a conversation around this quote:

“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”1 —Charles Swindoll

LIVE IT OUT: Read Hebrews 11 with your student.

Pray for your student to understand how Jesus uses conflict to help them grow and build their faith.

Ask your student if they need help finding something to remind them of God’s work in their life.

Point out ways you see that God has been at work in their life.

1. Charles R. Swindoll, Bedside Blessings: 365 Days of Inspirational Thoughts (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2011), 148.

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