Posted by Karah
CONNECTION POINT: People experience joy through praying.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Too often prayer is limited to asking God to intervene in a crisis or fix a problem. To be sure, the Bible is full of invitations for us to call on Him to work, but our prayers should also reflect the fact that God has already been at work and continues to work in our lives. When we reflect on His work in our lives and the lives of others, it should cause us to rejoice and motivate us to continue praying joyfully for God’s work.
Concept: Pray with Joy
Ruth 1:1-22; 2:1-23; 4:13-17
LIFE POINT: After her husband and sons died, Naomi decided to go where she lived before. She told her son’s wife, Ruth, to go home to her own family. But Ruth wanted to stay with Naomi. Naomi and Ruth returned to Bethlehem. The people were excited to see Naomi again. She told them why she was so sad. Ruth went into the fields and gathered barley for their food. Ruth was in a field that belonged to Boaz. Boaz made sure she had plenty of barley. He knew she cared for Naomi. Ruth continued to gather barley with Boaz’s servants. Naomi and Ruth were thankful for the food and for Boaz caring about them. Then, Boaz took Ruth as his wife. Ruth had a baby boy. Naomi loved the new baby. They named the baby Obed. Ruth, Boaz, Obed, and Naomi were a happy family!
LIVE IT OUT: Explain to your child how important her family is to God. Families are an important part of God’s plan for people, and God loves families. Help your child name ways God shows His love to your family. Pray, thanking God for His love.
Ruth 1:1-22; 2:1-23; 4:13-17
LIFE POINT: Bethlehem had very little food. Naomi and her husband moved away. Later, Naomi’s husband and sons died. Only Naomi’s daughters-in-law were left. Naomi went back to Bethlehem. Ruth went to Bethlehem with Naomi. Ruth worked in the fields. She picked up grain the workers left. Ruth worked in a field owned by Boaz. Boaz asked about the woman he saw working. “She is Ruth who came back with Naomi. She has worked hard.” Naomi saw the grain Ruth brought her. Naomi said, “Boaz is part of our family. Keep working in his fields.” Later, Boaz married Ruth. They had a baby. Naomi took care of him. The baby was Obed. Obed grew up to be the grandfather of King David.
LIVE IT OUT: Does your child know that God has a plan for her family? Help your child learn that God wants families to love and honor Him. Just as God planned for Ruth’s family to be in the lineage of Jesus, God has a special plan for your family.
Philippians 1:3-11
THE POINT: Prayer is an opportunity to experience joy. When has someone’s recognition meant a great deal to you? What are some examples of temporary happiness versus true joy? What obstacles hinder us from building deeper relationships? How can you build the kind of relationships Paul described in these verses? Why are both knowledge and discernment necessary for loving others like Christ? Discuss the following quote:
“[Prayer is] a constant fellowship, an unbroken audience with the King.”1—E. M. Bounds
LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Discuss with your student the gifts that God has given to him or her. Be sure to include their salvation, hope, and the purpose that God has provided.
• COMMUNITY: Encourage your student to memorize Philippians 1:6 and pray for the work that Christ has planned for their future.
• CULTURE: Help your student to orient his or her life placing Jesus as the focus of each and every day.
1. E. M. Bounds, Purpose in Prayer (New York: F. H. Revell, 1920), 66.
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Posted by Karah
CONNECTION POINT: Honor God by obeying and thanking Him.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Every November, we are reminded to be thankful for all the blessings and good things in our lives. It’s easy to be thankful when the blessings are obvious or right in front of us. Thankfulness is harder when the road before us is uncertain and we feel like we’re facing more challenges than blessings. We can truly give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18), because God is always at work on our behalf.
Concept: Give Thanks – Anyway!
Exodus 20; 31:18
LIFE POINT: God’s people were traveling to the land God had promised them. They camped in a desert near a mountain until God told them to move. Moses would go up the mountain and talk to God. One time God gave Moses and the people ten special rules or Commandments to follow. These are some of the rules God wanted His people to follow: Love God. Love your mother and father and do what they tell you to do. Do not take anything that does not belong to you. Always tell the truth. After God was finished talking with Moses, the people heard thunder and saw lightning. A trumpet blew, and smoke filled the area. The people were afraid. Moses told them to not be afraid. “Love God and make right choices,” he said. God wrote these rules on two stone tablets so the people would remember them.
LIVE IT OUT: Give your child ten items to count. Use the opportunity to talk about the Ten Commandments God gave to the people.
Exodus 20; 31:18
LIFE POINT: God commanded Moses to tell the people what He wanted them to do. God reminded Moses of all He had done for the people. Then God told Moses His special commandments.
Worship only God. Do not make idols. Honor God’s name. Remember the Sabbath is God’s special day. Respect your parents. Do not murder. Keep your marriage promises to your husband or wife. Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not want the things that belong to other people. When the people heard the thunder and trumpet, and saw the lightning and smoke, they shook with fear. Moses said, Don’t be afraid.” God spoke again. “Do not make idols to me. Instead make an altar from the earth. Use it to offer your sacrifices to Me. I will bless you in every place you go.”
LIVE IT OUT: Talk about the Ten Commandments with your child. Help him think of different ways to express the commandments that convey the same meaning. Discuss modern applications of the commandments.
2 Chronicles 20:10-30
THE POINT: Our circumstances don’t define our thankfulness. How do you normally respond to a situation you cannot fix? What are the benefits of being a thankful person? How does being a thankful person bring recognition to Christ? Discuss the following quote:
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”1—G. K. Chesterton
LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out this Thanksgiving. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Begin family prayers this week by thanking God. List the small things God is doing for your family in the battles you are facing.
• COMMUNITY: Pray with your student about any battles he or she may be walking through. Check in each day to see how God is working in the situation.
• CULTURE: Help your student to prepare for future battles. This can be through Scripture memorization, prayer, etc. Remember that even in tough situations, God is working in us to make us more like Him.
1. “G.K. Chesterton > Quotes > Quotable Quotes,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 1 February 2016]. Available from the Internet: thanks-are-the-highest-form-of.
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Posted by Karah
CONNECTION POINT: God can use people even if they make mistakes.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Our culture often determines a person’s value by how that person can contribute to society or not be a burden to others. Unfortunately, a lot of people—including the unborn, the elderly, or those with special needs—must depend on others. Some people question the value of a person who cannot “stand on their own two feet,” but God never does. Every person has value and purpose.
Concept: Created with Great Value
Judges 6:11-23
LIFE POINT: The Midianites had attacked the people of Israel. The Israelites called to God to help them. God chose a new leader to defeat the Midianites. God chose Gideon. An angel came to Gideon and said, “God has chosen you to help, Gideon. God is sending you. You will free your people.” Gideon said he was not strong or powerful, but the angel told Gideon that God would be with him. Gideon cooked a meal for his visitor. He brought meat and broth and bread to the angel. “Put the meat and bread on this stone,” the angel said. “Pour the broth on it.” The angel touched the food with his staff. Fire burned up the meat and bread. Then the angel disappeared. Gideon knew that God had sent the angel to talk to him. He knew that God would help him to help the Israelites.
LIVE IT OUT: Ask your child to name ways God helps him. Be ready to supply a few answers. Help your
child learn the verse “God helps me. I will not be afraid.” Lead him to say the verse like a cheer.
Judges 13-16
LIFE POINT: “You will have a son,” the angel told the husband and wife.“ Be sure he never cuts his hair. Promise him to God.” Samson grew to be very strong. Samson killed a lion using just his hands. Once Samson was tied up and given to the enemy. When they attacked him, he broke the ropes and killed them with a bone. Delilah kept asking Samson where his strength came from until he answered her. Finally, Samson told Delilah the truth. While he slept, she cut his hair. His strength left him, and he was
taken prisoner. The enemy made Samson blind. They put chains on him. But, Samson’s hair began to grow again. One day in the temple of Dagon, people made fun of Samson. Samson prayed for strength and God gave it to him. Samson pushed against the stone columns. The whole temple fell down!
LIVE IT OUT: As you review the Bible story about Samuel, help your child think of other people that God
used who made mistakes and were disobedient to God. Help your child understand that God loves him and is ready to forgive sin.
Jeremiah 1:4-10
THE POINT: Before you were born, God designed you with great value. What’s the most valuable thing you’ve ever seen? How does the truth that God knows you personally change how we relate to Him? What are some things all Christians are called to do? How does God equip His followers to fulfill their purpose? Discuss the following quote:
“God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”1—Saint Augustine
LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out.
Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Encourage your student to memorize Proverbs 3:5-6 this week while actively listening for God’s calling.
• COMMUNITY: Help your student to understand that each of us has a calling that is as unique as we are. Spend time in prayer with your student seeking God’s calling in his or her life.
• CULTURE: The world defines value differently from how God defines value. Help your student understand the value that God has placed on our lives.
1. “Saint Augustine Quotes,” BrainyQuotes [online], [accessed 1 May 2016]. Available from the Internet:
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Posted by Phil

I find myself asking my kids the same questions each day. I don’t want to be predictable. I don’t want my kids to know what I’m going to ask, before I ask it…that’s when they stop paying attention and thinking they know everything that I know.
We take this philosophy at Ridgecrest Summer Camps too by the way, trying not to be predictable. We like surprise because it keeps campers on their toes, and to be honest, its just more fun for everyone. This is also true when talking to kids about Jesus. If you look at Jesus, you will quickly see that He was anything but predictable. His actions and questions consistently took people by surprise. I want kids to know that. I want them to keep listening to people when they talk about Jesus. I want them to know that there is still so much more to be learned about this Jesus… I think Camp Ridgecrest and Camp Crestridge do a great job at this.
Back to my kids. Do I do a great job at this back home? Yikes. I want to. I came across this article and while skimming it, I jumped straight to the list of questions. I want to ask better questions. I don’t want to be predictable or boring. I can’t afford to be as a dad.
What if you tried to ask your kids questions like these, rather than simply asking, “How was your day?”
- What made you smile today?
- Can you tell me an example of kindness you saw/showed?
- Was there an example of unkindness? How did you respond?
- Does everyone have a friend at recess?
- What was the book about that your teacher read?
- What’s the word of the week?
- Did anyone do anything silly to make you laugh?
- Did anyone cry?
- What did you do that was creative?
- What is the most popular game at recess?
- What was the best thing that happened today?
- Did you help anyone today?
- Did you tell anyone “thank you?”
- Who did you sit with at lunch?
- What made you laugh?
- Did you learn something you didn’t understand?
- Who inspired you today?
- What was the peak and the pit?
- What was your least favorite part of the day?
- Was anyone in your class gone today?
- Did you ever feel unsafe?
- What is something you heard that surprised you?
- What is something you saw that made you think?
- Who did you play with today?
- Tell me something you know today that you didn’t know yesterday.
- What is something that challenged you?
- How did someone fill your bucket today? Whose bucket did you fill?
- Did you like your lunch?
- Rate your day on a scale from 1-10.
- Did anyone get in trouble today?
- How were you brave today?
- What questions did you ask at school today?
- Tell us your top two things from the day (before you can be excused from the dinner table!).
- What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
- What are you reading?
- What was the hardest rule to follow today?
- Teach me something I don’t know.
- If you could change one thing about your day, what would it be?
- (For older kids): Do you feel prepared for your history test?” or, “Is there anything on your mind that you’d like to talk about?” (In my opinion, the key is not only the way a question is phrased, but responding in a supportive way.)
- Who did you share your snacks with at lunch?
- What made your teacher smile? What made her frown?
- What kind of person were you today?
- What made you feel happy?
- What made you feel proud?
- What made you feel loved?
- Did you learn any new words today?
- What do you hope to do before school is out for the year?
- If you could switch seats with anyone in class, who would it be? And why?
- What is your least favorite part of the school building? And favorite?
- If you switched places with your teacher tomorrow, what would you teach the class?
Thanks for being great parents. Thanks for challenging your kids to grow into young men and young women who love Jesus and love others well. And thanks of course, for letting Ridgecrest Summer Camps partner with you as you do the most important job in the world…raising your kids.
Phil Berry
Director, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys
Ridgecrest Summer Camps
Credits to Her View From Home for a great read…
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Posted by Karah
CONNECTION POINT: All people should have the opportunity to hear about Jesus.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: America is a very diverse country: cultures, ethnicities, worldviews, and preferences. It is our human nature to gravitate toward people who are more like ourselves, but the beauty of the gospel is that it is not only for people “just like me.” The gospel speaks to any culture, any time, and any place. In Acts 17, Paul gave us an example of communicating the gospel in a diverse culture.
Concept: Unstoppable Impact
Exodus 13:17- 15:21
LIFE POINT: God chose Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into a new land. God gave them a cloud to guide them during the day. At night, He led them with fire to give light. The people of Egypt now were sorry they had let the Israelites go, so they came after them. The Israelites were afraid when they
saw all the horses and men coming toward them. God told Moses to stretch his hand over the Red Sea. Moses did what God said. The water separated. There was dry land before them with water on both sides. The Israelites walked on dry land to the other side of the Red Sea. Once everyone was across, God told Moses to stretch his hand over the waters again. This time the sea flowed back. Moses and the people sang a song to God. They were amazed at what God had done for them!
LIVE IT OUT: If possible, go for a nature walk with your child. Talk about the changing of the seasons and remind your child that God said the seasons would change. Possibly walk near a lake, river, ocean, or pond. Tell the Bible story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.
Exodus 13:17- 15:21
LIFE POINT: God led the Israelites to camp at the Red Sea. He led them with a tall cloud during the day and with a column of fire at night. Then Pharaoh decided to chase them with his army and chariots. God told Moses to lift up his staff and to reach out over the water. When Moses raised his staff, God caused the waters to part and make a wall of water on each side with a dry path in the middle. All the Israelites walked across the sea on dry land! The Egyptians followed the Israelites into the sea, but Moses lowered his staff and the waters came together. The Egyptians did not survive. When the people saw the great power of God, they trusted Him and believed in Him. Moses led the people to sing a song of praise to God. He praised God for His power and for His care. He praised God for the miracle He had performed.
LIVE IT OUT: Read Proverbs 3:5 together. Talk about what trust means. Ask your child what it means in this verse. Help your child understand that God is present in every situation and we can trust Him to help us.
Acts 17:16-18, 22-23, 30-31
THE POINT: The gospel of Jesus Christ can impact any culture. What are some things that we worship like idols today? How can we use the things we have in common with others as an opportunity to share Jesus? Why are so many Christians comfortable with not sharing the gospel? Discuss the following quote:
“Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every lost person this side of hell. We owe Christ to the world—to the least person and to the greatest person, to the richest person and to the poorest person, to the best person and to the worst person. We are in debt to the nations.”1 —David Platt
LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Discuss with your student the needs that we all have in common. Pray that you will each become better at finding those connection points with others in order to share the gospel.
• COMMUNITY: Help your student create a list of people to reach out to this week and build connection points with. This can then lead to opportunities to share the gospel.
• CULTURE: Paul shared the story of Jesus by connecting with his audience. Help your student find places in the gospel that can create connection points with the people in his or her life.
1. David Platt, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream (Colorado Springs: Multnomah Books, 2010), 74.
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Posted by Karah
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We love stories about courage because deep within us, we know that we were meant to be courageous people. We know that the world is broken and we play a part in fixing it. Knowing Christ gives purpose to our desire to be courageous. It takes the good we desire and focuses our efforts on the greatest thing we could possibly do: Proclaim the way, truth, and light of Christ to a dying world in need. We can experience unstoppable courage.
Concept: Unstoppable Courage
Exodus 1:8-2:10
LIFE POINT: Miriam’s family had a new baby boy. Miriam helped her mother take care of the baby. The king did not want baby boys to live. So Miriam and her family kept the baby a secret. Miriam’s mother got a basket. She covered the basket with sticky tar. Miriam’s mother laid the baby in the basket. She placed the basket in tall grass near the edge of the river. Miriam stayed nearby to watch. The king’s daughter walked beside the river, she saw the baby in the basket. The baby was crying, and she felt sorry for him. Miriam went to the king’s daughter and asked, “Do you want me to get someone to take care of the baby for you?” She said yes. Miriam ran and got her mother. Miriam’s mother was glad to care for her own baby. When the baby was older, the king’s daughter named the boy Moses.
LIVE IT OUT: Print the Bible verse God loves me. Psalm 86:3 on a sheet of paper. Read the verse to your child and prompt her to repeat it. Let her decorate the verse with dot painters or markers. Pray with your child, thanking God for His love.
Genesis 42-46
LIFE POINT: Joseph had become an important man in Egypt. Because of his work, the people of Egypt had plenty of grain. Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to buy grain. They did not recognize Joseph! Joseph gave orders for their grain sacks to be filled, but he told his servants to put the money the brothers paid back into their sacks, too. Soon they returned to Egypt. Joseph was glad to see his brothers, but the brothers still did not recognize him. Joseph gave the men more grain. But Joseph decided to test them. Joseph knew his brothers had changed. He told them who he was. The brothers thought Joseph would punish them for what they had done. Joseph said, “God brought me to Egypt so I could provide food for my family. Go home. Get my father and your families. Come back quickly to live here!”
LIVE IT OUT: Help your child use a concordance to find verses about forgiveness. Write these down on
paper and discuss each verse. Help your child remember that we should forgive others because God first
forgave us.
Acts 4:1-3, 8-12, 19-20
THE POINT: God will give us courage to speak boldly for Christ. What are the risks we face when we proclaim the gospel? What is the difference between being intolerant of others and lovingly sharing the truth of the gospel with unbelievers? How can you demonstrate a greater level of courage and love
toward others in your life? Discuss the following quote:
“When we find a man [or woman] meditating on the words of God, my friends, that man is full of boldness and is successful.”1—Dwight L. Moody
LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Encourage your student to be a God-pleaser, not a people-pleaser. Spend time in prayer together seeking God first.
• COMMUNITY: Encourage your student throughout the week to courageously share the gospel. Pray together for the courage to share without fear.
• CULTURE: We communicate in many ways. Look at the ways your student communicates and help him or her to develop a plan to communicate the gospel.
1. D. L. Moody, The Gospel Awakening (Chicago: F.H. Revell, 1883), 589.
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Posted by Karah
CONNECTION POINT: God’s plan is for us to tell others about Jesus.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Whenever you drive any distance at all, you pass intersection after intersection. Many times we just pass through those intersections without noticing what’s around. These intersections are like our lives. Every day we intersect with people, but we should take the time to notice them without simply passing by. God put us on this pathway to impact and influence lives along our journey. Intersections become opportunities.
Concept: Unstoppable Opportunities
Genesis 37:1-4, 12-17
LIFE POINT: Joseph was 17 years old and had 10 older brothers. His father was Jacob. Joseph took care of the sheep with his brothers. His father loved Joseph very much, so Jacob made Joseph a coat with many colors. Joseph knew his father loved him. While his brothers were out taking care of the sheep, Joseph was home with his father. Jacob said to Joseph, “Your brothers are taking care of the sheep at a place called Shechem. I want you to go to them and see how they are doing and how the sheep are
doing. Then come back and tell me the news.” Joseph went to look for his brothers. A man saw him and asked who he was looking for. Joseph told him he was looking for his brothers. The man said his brothers and the sheep had moved to a place called Dothan. So Joseph went to Dothan and found his
brothers and the sheep there.
LIVE IT OUT: Play a clapping game with your child. Clap a rhythm, such as clap, clap, snap, clap. After clapping a few times, add a letter after the fourth clap to spell the word obey. After spelling the word talk about obeying parents and why obeying is important.
Genesis 37; 39
LIFE POINT: Joseph’s father, Jacob, loved Joseph more than his other 11 sons! Jacob gave Joseph a beautiful robe. Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him. Jacob sent Joseph out to check on his brothers. When the brothers saw Joseph coming, they wanted to hurt him. Instead, the brothers sold Joseph as a slave to the men going to Egypt. The brothers decided to put blood on Joseph’s beautiful robe so their father would think Joseph was killed by an animal. Joseph had been sold to an important man. God was with him. He made Joseph successful in everything he did. The master’s wife told a lie and Joseph was put in prison. But God was still with Joseph. The prison guard liked Joseph. He put Joseph in charge of all the other prisoners. God made Joseph successful in all he did.
LIVE IT OUT: Read Romans 8:28 with your child. Help her understand that God acts in all situations, and He already knows what will happen. Discuss how knowing that God already knows what will happen makes a difference in how we experience trials.
Acts 3:1-10
THE POINT: We encounter people every day who need Christ. When have you been surprised by something you weren’t expecting? What’s your response when something unexpected interrupts your
day? How can we become better at noticing opportunities to serve and love others? When has someone else’s obedience to Christ affected you? Discuss the following quote:
“You are someone else’s miracle! God is setting up divine appointments and it is our job to keep them.”1—Mark Batterson
LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Pray with your student this week and help him or her to place Jesus as the motivation for obedience in his or her life.
• COMMUNITY: Discuss opportunities with your student to serve the communities where you live and help fulfill existing needs. Set a date to begin this service and stick to it. Consider serving alongside
your student.
• CULTURE: Remind your student to pray with an open mind and spend time quietly sitting in God’s presence listening for opportunities to serve and not be lost in the noise of the crowd.
1. “Mark Batterson,” AZ Quotes, [cited 26 January 2016]. Available from the Internet: quote/1218364 .
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Posted by Karah
CONNECTION POINT: Families can love Jesus together.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Companies spend millions of dollars each year creating experiences that leave people excited and wanting to come back. The early church was known for a culture that was far richer than anyone could create. They were known for their love—a love that reflected Jesus Christ. People experienced a culture within the church saturated in true community and love. Their example in Acts 2 is a challenge to continue that reputation and be a church immersed in a culture of love.
Concept: Unstoppable Community
Genesis 26:1-6, 12-33
LIFE POINT: God told Isaac to stay in the land, and Isaac did what God said. Isaac planted many plants in the land, and these plants provided the food he and his family needed. Not only did Isaac have lots of food, but he also had many animals. He had so much food and animals that some people did not like him. These people filled the wells with dirt so Isaac would not have water. Isaac needed the water for his family, plants, and animals. Isaac moved to another area and dug another well. Again, some people stopped up his well. Three times Isaac moved, but those who didn’t like him filled the well with dirt each time. Isaac moved again, and this time no one bothered him. Isaac met with the people who did not like him, and they agreed to be kind to each other. Now Isaac had water in the wells again.
LIVE IT OUT: Briefly tell your child about the story of Isaac being kind to his neighbors. Ask your child how your family could be kind to one of your neighbors. Use his ideas to perform a kind deed for a friend. Remind your child that God helps people be kind to others.
Genesis 25:27-34; 27:1-45; 32:1-23; 33
LIFE POINT: Isaac had twin sons named Jacob and Esau. One day Jacob was cooking some stew. Esau came in from hunting and was really hungry. He traded the birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew. Years later, Jacob and his mother tricked Isaac. Isaac gave a special blessing to Jacob! When Esau found what had happened, he was so angry that He wanted to kill Jacob. Jacob ran away to his uncle’s house in another land. After many years, Jacob wanted to go home. Jacob sent his brother a message that he was coming home. He told Esau that he wanted to be forgiven. Esau went to meet Jacob. Jacob thought his brother might harm his family. Jacob prayed, asking God to rescue him. When Esau saw Jacob, he hugged Jacob and kissed him. Esau accepted the gifts from Jacob. Jacob was forgiven!
LIVE IT OUT: God loves every member of your family. Help your child understand how much God loves
families. Help your child write about treating family members with respect. Use the first part of Ephesians 4:32 as every other line.
Acts 2:41-47
THE POINT: Christian community is a powerful reflection of God’s love. What aspects of church life have been meaningful to you? When have you seen the power of prayer in your life? How can being generous with those around us be a part of our lives and not something we keep separate? Discuss the following quote:
“The church is not a theological classroom. It is a conversion, confession, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctification center, where flawed people place their faith in Christ, gather to know and love him better, and learn to love others as he designed.”1— Paul David Tripp
LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Encourage your student to develop a prayer list for family, friends, and teachers and pray with them each day.
• COMMUNITY: Set aside time with your student to help develop godly community in your home that leads to serving one another, safety to be honest about struggles, and times to celebrate and value them the way Christ does.
• CULTURE: Discuss how your student can be intentional about living in community this week. How will your student live out his or her faith by intentionally living in community?
1. Paul David Trip, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2002).
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Posted by Karah

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Posted by Karah
CONNECTION POINT: You show God love when you love and respect each other.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: There are many good groups and organizations in our communities seeking to benefit society in some way. The Church, however, is unique. Many organizations today are short-lived or diminish as the need they seek to meet is realized. Or they change when the leadership changes. The Church is different. Christ gave His Church one unchanging message to proclaim: the message of salvation in Christ.
Concept: Unstoppable Message
Genesis 25:19-28
LIFE POINT: Abraham and Sarah’s son, Isaac, was now a man. He married a woman named Rebekah. Rebekah and Isaac could not have children, so Isaac prayed to God for a baby. God answered Isaac’s prayer and gave them two babies—twins! God told Rebekah the younger son would be stronger than his older brother. The time came for the boys to be born. The first twin was born, and his parents named him Esau. Right after him, the younger brother was born, and his parents named him Jacob. Even though the two brothers were twins, they were different. Esau loved to spend time outdoors hunting. Jacob was quiet and stayed around the tents and his family. Isaac and Rebekah took care of their boys
and loved them.
LIVE IT OUT: Help your child make a book. Fold two sheets of paper together to make a book shape. Print, or help him print, God Gave Me a Family on the front of the book. Give your child a picture of each family member to glue on the pages. Print the family member’s name under each picture.
Genesis 26:1-6, 12-33
LIFE POINT: Isaac moved to the land of the Philistines. God spoke to Isaac. God promised to be with Isaac and to bless him in this land. Because God blessed him, Isaac became rich. He had sheep, cattle, and servants. The Philistines around him were jealous that Isaac was rich. They began stopping up wells that Isaac’s father had dug. Abimelech asked Isaac to leave. Isaac moved away. He reopened other wells his father had dug. Then Isaac’s workers dug in the valley and found more water! Each time the Philistine herdsmen argued that the water was theirs. Isaac never argued. He moved and dug other wells. God told Isaac, “I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid because I am with you. I will bless you.” Isaac and Abimelech promised not to hurt each other. That day, Isaac’s workers dug another well and found water!
LIVE IT OUT: Give your child construction paper, markers, and other art materials. Guide him to write Romans 12:18 in the center of the paper. Talk about the verse and how it can be implemented each day.
Encourage him to decorate the page and display it in his room.
Acts 2:22-24, 32-33, 36-38
THE POINT: Jesus died for our sins, was resurrected, and reigns as Lord. What can we learn from Peter’s approach to sharing the gospel? When we recognize Jesus as Lord, how does that affect our daily life? How can we share the gospel with the goal of bringing conviction rather than condemnation? Discuss the following quote:
“Outside of the cross of Jesus Christ, there is no hope in this world. That cross and resurrection at the core of the gospel is the only hope for humanity. Wherever you go, ask God for wisdom on how to get that gospel in, even in the toughest situations of life.”1—Ravi Zacharias
LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Encourage your student to serve in your local church. Serving as a family is also an excellent opportunity to challenge your student to grow by setting godly priorities.
• COMMUNITY: Guide your student to make wise decisions in how he or she uses social media. It is one of the broadest platforms to reflect the gospel.
• CULTURE: Discuss how your student gave their life to Christ, and how he or she can share with others this week. Some starter questions include: How did Christ change your life?; Why is it important to others?
1. Ravi Zacharias, “Baccalaureate Address” (presentation, Liberty University 40th Commencement Ceremony, Lynchburg, VA, May 10, 2013).
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