Conversation Starters: I Am a Light
Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: Christians should forgive others to show the love of Jesus.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Sin and darkness abound in our world. It always has, but our culture has become more open and blatant about sin. Worse, our society is increasingly embracing and endorsing sin, no longer even calling it sin. But sin is still sin. When we come to Christ, the Light of the world, and live as light, we present a sharp and inviting contrast to the darkness of sin.
Concept: I Am a Light
Luke 15:11-24
LIFE POINT: Jesus told a story about a father and his two sons: The younger son told his father he wanted his part of the family money. The father gave the son what he asked for. The son moved far away and began to do many wrong things. He spent all of his money. He had no food to eat. So he went to work taking care of pigs. The son remembered that his father’s workers had food to eat. He decided to go home and work for his father. While the son was still far away, the father saw him. The father ran to him and hugged and kissed him. He called to his helpers to bring the best robe and sandals for his son. He told the helpers to cook a big dinner. The father wanted to celebrate because his son had come home.
LIVE IT OUT: Print in the center of a sheet of paper: God loves me. Give your child dot painters to decorate the paper. Read the words to him. Remind him that God loves him no matter what he does or what happens. Say a prayer together thanking God for His love.
Matthew 18:21-35
LIFE POINT: Peter came to Jesus one day and asked, “How many times should I forgive my brother, seven times?” Jesus answered that seven times would not be enough, but 70 times seven. Jesus told a story to explain. A king wanted his servants to pay back money they owed. One servant owed with no way to pay the king. The king told the servant to sell everything he owned. The servant fell to his knees and promised that he would pay the king everything. The king felt sorry for the servant. The king forgave the debt found a fellow servant that owed him money. The servant would not forgive his debt, but threw him in prison until he could pay what he owed. When the king heard, he was angry and sent the first servant to prison. When he finished the story, Jesus told Peter that everyone should forgive others the way God forgives them.
LIVE IT OUT: Remind your child that we should forgive others because God forgives us. Help your child memorize this week’s verse, Ephesians 4:32. Challenge her to recite the verse if she is in a situation requiring her to forgive someone.
Ephesians 5:8-14
THE POINT: Shine the light of Christ.
• According to Paul, what are the signs that we are living in the light?
• When have you seen someone really light up a room?
• What are some of the shameful and unfruitful works of darkness you see in the lives of nonbelievers?
• Where do you see opportunities to shine the light of Christ in your community? Discuss the following quote: “Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining—they just shine.”(1) —Dwight L. Moody
LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Discuss with your student ways that you can fill your entire life with light. How could this influence your relationship with Jesus?
• COMMUNITY: Share with your student the need for an accountability partner. If he or she does not already have a person to share with, help your student to create a list of potential people.
• CULTURE: Identify areas of darkness in your community. How can you and your student act as lights in those places of darkness? Commit to praying for those dark places this week.
(1)“16 Glorious Quotes About Living in the Light,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 31 May 2017]. Available from the Internet:
Posted in Just For Parents | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Conversation Starters, Ridgecrest Summer Camps