Conversation Starters: Our Righteousness
Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: People should follow the commands of Jesus because God is righteous.
THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Life is just not fair. People with poor character, questionable ethics, and skewed morals seem to get ahead in life, while those who seek to do right seem to be passed by. In fact, people are often treated badly because of their right actions and character. We might be tempted to think God is also unfair since He allows this to happen. But God is a righteous God. He is the Lord our Righteousness, and He will ultimately bring justice to bear on all things.
Conversation Starters: Our Righteousness
John 21:1-19
LIFE POINT: Peter, John, and some of their friends fished all night. They did not catch any fish. When the sun rose, they saw a man standing on the shore. He said, “Did you catch any fish?” They told him no. He told them to put their net down on the right side of the boat. The fishermen threw the net into the water on the right side. When they tried to lift the net, it was full of fish! There were 153 fish in the net. John said, “That man is Jesus!” Peter jumped into the water and swam to shore. The other men brought the boat to shore. When the men reached land, Jesus said, “Come and have breakfast with Me.” He gave the men bread and fish. The men were happy to see Jesus. Jesus told them to love and care for other people.
LIVE IT OUT: Teach your child to show love to others. Say the verse: “Jesus said, ‘Love other people.’ ” Think of a neighbor and plan a kindness for that person. You could gift some food or give a card drawn by your child. Be sure to share with the person that Jesus loves him.
John 21:1-19
LIFE POINT: Peter and other disciples fished all night. They didn’t catch a thing! As the sun began to come up, the men could see someone standing on the shore. The man called out, “Did you catch any fish?” “No,” the men answered. “Throw your net on the other side,” called the man. The fishermen threw the net and caught so many fish they couldn’t lift the net into the boat! Peter jumped into the water and came to shore. The other men brought the boat, pulling the net behind them. Jesus gave the men bread and fish to eat. Jesus spoke with Peter. He asked three times if Peter loved Him. Three times Peter said, “Yes.” Jesus told Peter to serve others as a way to follow Him.
LIVE IT OUT: Guide your child to read this week’s Bible verse, 2 John 1:6. Talk about what commands of Jesus we should follow. Help your child understand that showing the love of Jesus to the world is one of His commands. Discuss ways your child can do that task.
Jeremiah 33:3-8, 14-16
THE POINT: Because God is righteous, He will ultimately make all things right.
• When can you remember saying, “That’s not fair!”?
• When have you seen a negative turn into a positive over time?
• How have you experienced God’s restoration?
• How do the promises in these verses point forward to Jesus? Discuss the following quote:
“No one will ever go to Hell who has put his trust in Jesus Christ, but many will end up in torment who have trusted their own righteousness and reformation.(1) —Curtis Hutson
LIVE IT OUT:Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Ensure that your student is cultivating a close relationship with God by continually confessing, repenting, and pursuing Christ.
• COMMUNITY: Ask your student who God has used to help him or her grow in their faith and pursuit of Christ. Pray for those who are committed to helping your student grow.
• CULTURE: We present a picture of the gospel to a worldly culture. Talk with your student about being prepared for the criticism that may come from a culture with worldly values.
(1)“15 Curtis Hutson Quotes,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 27 August 2017]. Available from the Internet:
Posted in Just For Parents | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Conversation Starters, Ridgecrest Summer Camps