Conversation Starters: See the Worth in Others

Posted by Karah

CONNECTION POINT: People at church should love others like Jesus loves them.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Culture places great emphasis on our personal happiness, but people often take advantage of others to achieve that personal happiness. When the mindset is solely on our own personal happiness, we fail to take into consideration the ones we are involving. These individuals— just like us—have great value in the eyes of God. They are people made in the image of God for whom Christ died, and we are to show them the same love Christ does.

Conversation Starters: See the Worth in Others


Acts 11:19-30

LIFE POINT: The people in the church in Jerusalem heard there was a new church in Antioch. They sent Barnabas to Antioch to see what the people were saying about Jesus. Barnabas was glad the people in Antioch were teaching other people about Jesus. Many people in Antioch believed in Jesus. Barnabas brought Saul to Antioch to teach the people more about Jesus. They stayed in Antioch for one year. Many more people in Antioch believed in Jesus. People who believed in Jesus were first called Christians at the Antioch church. A man named Agabus traveled from Jerusalem to Antioch. He told the people in Antioch about a famine in Jerusalem. The people in the Antioch church wanted to help. The people brought gifts for the Jerusalem church. Barnabas and Saul took their gifts to the people in the church in Jerusalem.

LIVE IT OUT: Talk with your child about community ministries in your church such as a food or clothing ministry. Choose a ministry and plan a time for you and your child to participate in this ministry. Your child will learn firsthand how the church helps others.


Acts 11:19-30

LIFE POINT: Believers came to a city called Antioch and began speaking to everyone about Jesus. God helped these believers tell the people of Antioch about Jesus, and many people believed in Jesus. The church in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to Antioch to see what was going on, to teach more about Jesus, and to encourage the new believers. Barnabas was happy with what he saw.
Barnabas brought Saul to Antioch. For a whole year, the two men taught people at the church in Antioch where believers were first called Christians. The people in Antioch learned about a great famine. The people of the church in Antioch worked together to collect things for those who had a need. The church sent all that they had collected with Barnabas and Saul to give to church leaders in Jerusalem to help the people there.

LIVE IT OUT: Talk with your child about ways your church supports the work of God, whether in your community, state, nation, or in the world. Help your child choose a ministry at church and decide how to support that ministry. For example, she could sponsor a food drive to support the church food bank.


2 Samuel 11:1-9, 14-17

THE POINT: When we see others as Christ sees them, we will treat them as He does.
• When has your opinion of someone changed in a good way?
• Why is it often difficult for us to see the value in others?
• What are some warning signs that we are viewing people as objects or obstacles?
Discuss the following quote:

“This book will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book.” ¹ —D. L. Moody

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to take practical steps to take his or her faith and Live It Out. Here are some ways you can encourage your students to live out their faith with Christ personally, in community, and in their culture:
• CHRIST: Talk with your student this week about the ways we can reflect Jesus’ love.
• COMMUNITY: Discuss with your student ways that he or she can be a better friend. List a few ways he or she can serve a specific friend this week.
• CULTURE: Broken relationships can harm our witness. Pray with your student over any broken relationships and encourage him or her to respond in a humble way.


¹. Hugh F. Pyle, The Good Ship Courtship (Murfreesboro, Tennessee: Sword of the Lord, 2000), 25.

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