Conversation Starters: Transformed in My Prayer

Posted by Karah

img_6510THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Perhaps the most well-known prayer is the one commonly called The Lord’s Prayer. Even people with nominal faith will recite this prayer in times of distress or as an act of piety. As “common” as this prayer is, it may also be the most misunderstood prayer. People typically go to God simply because they need something, but the model prayer Jesus gave us does not begin with us and our needs; it begins with a focus on God and His glory.

Concept: Transformed in My Prayer


1 Kings 8

LIFE POINT: The temple in Jerusalem was finished. King Solomon, who was in charge of having the temple built, planned a time of celebration and invited all of Israel. People came from far and wide to see this new building where the Israelite people could worship God. The celebration lasted for seven days. To begin this happy time, all of the church helpers carried the ark into a very special place in the temple. The ark was a large box that held the Ten Commandments. Everyone was excited. King Solomon prayed to God and thanked Him for keeping His promises. He asked God to help them obey God and keep God’s
rules. King Solomon told God that they were sorry for the times when they made wrong choices. After 14 days of celebration, all of the Israelites went home.

LIVE IT OUT: Ask your child to name things he does at church. Give him paper and crayons, and guide him to draw a picture of his favorite things to do at church. Pray and thank God for your church.


1 Kings 8

LIFE POINT: King Solomon gathered the people. The priests carried the ark and the other worship articles to the new temple. When the priests came out, a cloud filled the temple. King Solomon said, “I built this temple for You, God.” Then the king turned to the people. He told them that his father David
wanted to build the temple. God’s plan instead was for David’s son, Solomon, to build it. Now King Solomon had built temple. The king prayed. “There is no God like You anywhere. Please hear my prayer. Please hear the prayers of Your people.” The king praised God for keeping His promises. He told God that he wanted to keep God’s commands and wanted the people to keep them, too. The people gave offerings to God. Solomon and all the people held a festival for 14 days. Then they went home full of joy.

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child plan a family worship time. Discuss songs you might sing and Bible verses you might read. If your church allows children to participate in leading worship or has a children’s choir, encourage your child to take part.


Matthew 6:9-15

THE POINT: Prayer is grounded in a desire to honor God. What do you find most difficult about praying? How would you explain Jesus’ prayer to someone who has never heard it? Discuss the following quote:

“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” 1 —Oswald Chambers

LIVE IT OUT: Encourage your student to do one or both Live It Out activities. Here are some suggested ways to help your student:

If he or she plans to complete Prayer in the Real World:
• Talk with your student about how to pray this week. Begin each prayer session with a thankful heart that desires to complete God’s work.

If he or she plans to complete the Daily Reading:
• Take time to discuss your student’s scripture readings from this week.


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