Conversation Starters: Trust in God

Posted by Karah

IMG_1208THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: We love our rights and we want to exercise those rights. But do our rights ever become secondary? And what do we do when those rights are trampled on? Submission is not a popular word in a culture focused on entitlement, but regardless of our circumstances our attitude should be one of submission and trust in God. Christ empowers us to make God first in our lives and experience enduring faith.

Concept: Trust in God


Acts 14

LIFE POINT: Paul and Barnabas were missionaries. They traveled and told people about Jesus. Many of the Jews and also Greeks believed that Jesus is the Son of God. Some Jews did not believe in Jesus and wanted to hurt Paul and Barnabas. They found out and left the city. They went to Lystra and healed a man who could not walk. Some of the people thought Paul was God. Paul said, “I am only a man. God, who made heaven and earth, healed this man.” Then more people tried to hurt Paul and Barnabas. So they left Lystra. They traveled many more places. Many people believed. After a while, they returned to the church in Antioch.

LIVE IT OUT: With your child, name ways that God cares for you. Make a list of two or three things and encourage your child to draw a picture for each one. Pray daily and thank God for His care.


Acts 14

LIFE POINT: Paul and Barnabas were missionaries. They traveled and told people about Jesus. Many of the Jews and also Greeks believed that Jesus is the Son of God. Some Jews did not believe in Jesus and wanted to hurt Paul and Barnabas. They found out and left the city. They went to Lystra and healed a man who could not walk. Some of the people thought Paul was God. Paul said, “I am only a man. God, who made heaven and earth, healed this man.” Then more people tried to hurt Paul and Barnabas. So they left Lystra. They traveled many more places. Many people believed. After a while, they returned to the church in Antioch.

LIVE IT OUT: Discuss the word trust and what it means to your child. Explain that trusting God means always believing that God will help you. Help your child list some issues where he might need to trust God to help. Pray with him for these issues.


1 Peter 2:13-23

THE POINT: Trust God in every circumstance. What are some difficult situations Christians face in regard to faith? How can you help each other trust God in all circumstances? Have a conversation around this quote:

“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.”1 —Thomas Aquinas

LIVE IT OUT: Your student has been encouraged to do one or both Live It Out activities.

If your student chooses to do Trust Factor:
•Help your student develop his or her list of things in life that are hard to entrust to God.
•Encourage your student to trust God in all circumstances this week.

If your student chooses to do Prayer Focus:
•Help your student identify a persecuted group to pray for.
•Join your student in praying for the group they choose

1. “Thomas Aquinas Quotes,” Brainy Quote [cited 8 November 2013]. Available from the Internet:

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