Conversation Starters: Forgiveness

Posted by Karah

Use these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.

Despite our desire to sin, people want to do good. Most religions promote this as the way to salvation. When we keep the rules that are set before us, we feel good about ourselves. But none of us can perfectly keep a set of rules, much less God’s perfect law. Fortunately, Christ lived the perfect life and stood in as a substitute for us! Through His death, we are forgiven and able to have a relationship with God.

Concept: Forgiveness


Matthew 18:21-35

LIFE POINT: We forgive others because God forgives us.

How did Jesus teach Peter about forgiveness?

Do you know someone you can forgive?

LIVE IT OUT: Help your child think of people she knows. Talk about how she treats those people and how they treat her. Emphasize that Jesus taught people how to treat one another. Jesus wants us to love other people.


Matthew 18:21-35

LIFE POINT: We forgive others because God forgives us.

How did Jesus teach Peter about forgiveness?

Is it easy to forgive someone?

Who is someone you can forgive?

LIVE IT OUT: Ask your child to name a few things she has done that required forgiveness. Remind her how good she felt once she was forgiven. Encourage your child to remember Jesus’ teachings and to forgive others.


Romans 3:21-28

THE POINT: Jesus offers you His gift of a right relationship with God.

Discuss with your student when you began to follow Christ.

Have a conversation around this quote:

“Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God’s grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God’s grace.”1 —Jerry Bridges

LIVE IT OUT: Read and discuss Romans 8:37-39 with your student.

Ask your student to help you find a way to remind yourself of the truth in Romans 8:37-39.

1. Jerry Bridges, The Discipline of Grace (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2006), 19.

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