Conversation Starters: Overcoming Prejudice

Posted by Teeny

Use these discussion starters to help foster a spiritual conversation with your family.

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE: Our culture tends to value people based on ethnicity, gender, wealth, or ability. But God wants us to see people as He sees them—created in His image to glorify Him. We should treat others as Jesus did—with impartiality and fairness.

Concept: Overcoming Prejudice


JOHN 4:1-30

LIFE POINT: Jesus loves all people, and so should we.

  • How did Jesus show love for the woman?
  • What is a way you can show love to another person?

LIVE IT OUT: Look around your neighborhood or school. Is there a new person who needs a friend? Help your child think of some ways to make friends with this new person.


JOHN 4:1-30

LIFE POINT: Show love and care to all people.

  • How did Jesus show love to the woman at the well?
  • Why were the disciples surprised to find Jesus talking to the woman?
  • How does the Life Verse apply to this story?

LIVE IT OUT: Challenge your child to think about the person who is most like him, maybe his best friend. Next he can think about someone he knows and interacts with who is very different from him. This week challenge him to treat both people the same.


JAMES 2:1-13

THE POINT: God wants me to see people as He sees them.

  • What is a challenge you face regarding how you treat people?
  • Is there ever a reason to treat one person better than another?

Have a conversation around this quote: “By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are.”1 —Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Have a discussion about your student’s circle of friends.
Encourage your student to treat others fairly regardless of their social or financial background.

If you have had any experience with favoritism, racism, or prejudice in your life, share about it with your student.

1. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship (New York, NY: SCM Press Ltd., 1959), 185.

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